Your query performance would be greatly affected if you used TEXT field types for VARCHAR.

Until you reach 50 posts attachments aren't permitted. Posting a link is your only alternative.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

The current demo company created is useless. I'm looking for something that looks like a real company.


(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

It would be great to have a demo company database that looks like a real company. This would help new users setup their own company database


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)


Thanks Joe.


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)

What I meant is enhancements since the last release also include in the FA repo or do I need to download the relase to get them? I've made changes to my copy of FA and I need to merge in this release.

Thanks Joe for all you do!


(9 replies, posted in Announcements)

I have been keeping my repo up to date with fixes pushed to the FA repo. Does this release include changes not pushed to the repo?


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I think the easiest 'fix' for me with transactions is to disable selecting the first customer / vendor in the table and populating the form with something I didn't select. I'm also not going to use a default inventory item for a customer. This prevents adding a sales order line with an item I didn't select.

I'm investigating enhancing lookups to be a popup dialog with search. I'll post something if I get it working.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I'm going to modify Sales Order to work like I described. Prepopulating the form with random data is time consuming and doesn't follow the FA framework. I hope I have better luck with other transaction entry screens.

Please look at how Customer Maintenance is done as a guide to how Sales Order should work.

It seems all the transaction entry is done it this way selecting the first customer / vendor and  a random item out of inventory.

Having to add an unwanted item line to complete the line you just entered sucks.

I'm going to have a peek to see how much work it will be to correct this practice an have it work the way it should. I have worked with ERP systems for 35 years so I think I know what I'm talking about.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)


That was the answer I was hoping for.



If the item is non-taxable why is the column title say price including tax?

I just tried to create a new sales order after changing Retail to not include tax and set the rate at 8.5%. No tax info on the sales order.

After entering a new item line the tax showed up in the sub-total area. Problem is it is 5% when I set in sales type maintenance 8.5%.

I figured out the tax rate issue.

Something is messed up in sales order entry. It doesn't start off with a clean order and after changing the info the sub-total is wrong as is the tax amount. I tried canceling the order and starting over but same problem.

It seems you have to add an item line you don't want or need for the order to produce correct amounts. The update button doesn't seem to help.

Is there any way to enter the sales order entry screen without it automatically picking the first customer and adding a line item you didn't chose?

The sales order screen should be consistent and work like other data entry screens. At the top you have the option of new or select from the drop down box. The form isn't pre-populated.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

I wanted to make sure there wasn't an option to show tax separately before proceeding with a modification to the core code. I will more than likely offer the option of show tax or not.

What does the Put alternative Tax Include on Docs company setup option do?

2.4.10 runs fine on a phone in landscape mode. I use the DropDown theme which allows the menu bar to remain visible with scrolling.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

How do I get the tax amount to display with the sub-total info and have the price shown before tax? In the US that is how Sales Orders and Invoices are expected to be presented. The only industry I know of that shows the price with tax included is the cannabis industry.

Perfect world would be to show the extended price and tax as a separate column. In the sub-total section total tax would be shown.

It would be great if a CPA chimed in on this and described the proper way to deal with this.


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

The $base_help can point to the FA wiki, an extension that is supposed to exist or null for no context help. Why the extension option if it doesn't exist?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

The FA configuration has an option to have the context help files local as an extension rather than online. Where can I find this context help extension?


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Where can I find FA's wiki context help as an extension?


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thanks for the help and advice!

I found an example of star/end_row that looks like what I was looking for.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I'm looking at cell function calls wrapped in my own hard coded <tr> row.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I'm reworking one of the FA screens and I would like to have more than one entry field in a row. Most of the code I have looked at use the text_row() function which looks like it only allows one input field. I would like to have something like this in one row.

City:  [                      ]   State:  [       ]    Zip:  [                 ]

Could someone be kind enough to post a PHP line of code to accomplish this using FA freamework standards?

It would be nice if a start/end_row_group functions existed that would allow a group of labels / controls to reside in one row.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Success !

$p = imageftbbox($size, 0, $this->fontfile, $string);

Adding the extra b got it to work once I enabled the GD extension. (disable in XAMPP by default)


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi Joe,

exception_handler((Error Object))

Unhandled exception [0]: Call to undefined function imageftbbox(). in file: C:\xampp\htdocs\fa\reporting\includes\ at line 1220

I thought I made the change from imagetftbbox to imagetftbox. I will have to look at the source and my repo.

I change it to imagetftbox and it's still returning the same error.

Unhandled exception [0]: Call to undefined function imagetftbox(). in file: C:\xampp\htdocs\fa\reporting\includes\ at line 1220

This comment was in the PHP docs.

This function is only available if PHP is compiled with freetype support (--with-freetype-dir=DIR)

My PHP Information

Where can I download a PHP 8.0.12 binary set that will work with FA? It seems XAMPP has dropped GD support in their latest release.

Love the debug option. Thanks for that tip!


I noticed in the php.ini the GD extension was remarked out. Enabled it and phpinfo now shows GD enabled. The graphics still aren't working in FA. sad



GD Support => enabled
GD Version => bundled (2.1.0 compatible)
FreeType Support => enabled
FreeType Linkage => with freetype
FreeType Version => 2.9.1
GIF Read Support => enabled
GIF Create Support => enabled
JPEG Support => enabled
libJPEG Version => 9 compatible
PNG Support => enabled
libPNG Version => 1.6.34
WBMP Support => enabled
XPM Support => enabled
libXpm Version => 30512
XBM Support => enabled
WebP Support => enabled
BMP Support => enabled
TGA Read Support => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning => 1 => 1


GetText Support => enabled

Here is my current go_debug=2 log.

Debug Error Log


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I have both PHP 7.3.31 and 8.0.13 version of FA installed on two laptops. So far I've only noticed the graphics not displaying while everything else seems to work.

Looking forward to seeing a fix for PHP 8.

I installed FA under Windows 10 Pro using the latest XAMPP 64 install. I don't seem to be getting dashboard graphics using the DropDown theme. It works fine on my Linux Ubuntu install.

What library or code am I missing under Windows that XAMPP isn't providing?


I had install virgin 2.4.10 on another Windows 10 laptop a short while ago. The graphics are working. The latest install is from my repo of FA that has all the current fixes. The new install is using PHP 8.0.12 while the older install in running PHP 7.3.31.

Update II

I installed the latest 2.4.10 from my repo onto the older laptop running PHP 7.3.31 and the graphics are working. It seems this is a PHP 8.0.12 issue.

Update III

I tried to copy the php directory from the working PHP7 laptop to the new install. XAMMP wouldn't start Apache using that version of PHP.  sad

XAMPP is currently distributing PHP 8.0.12 with their install.

FA is the only ERP I have found worth forking. The theme flexibility and clean design allows the package to morph into about anything you need it to be.

Hats off to the developers.