
(3 replies, posted in Installation)

It depends on server operating system. E.g. for most  Linux distros it is in /etc/php4/apache directory. Anyway you should have admin access to your server system, or ask your admin to change this setting.
Alternatively you can try comment out the 3 lines in gettext.php where are references to putenv() function and set $session_save_path in session.inc to directory allowed in safe mode, Nevertheless you have still no warranty that all will be working right in FA.


(3 replies, posted in Installation)

You should set safe_mode=Off in php.ini config file. Safe mode is depreciated and not supported in FA.

The logic behind this constraint is quite simple. The sales order is firm for both sides of transaction, so we cannot change the price in invoicing step, and therefore once issued invoice cannot have price changed. If you made a mistake in price during sales order receive you should void eventually issued invoices/deliveries, contact your customer , renegotiate the price andenter the delivery/invoice again.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello Dave,
Some good and some bad news as usually.
There are big chances that beta  release of 2.1 for testing purposes will be available on SF.net at the fall of January.
The bad news is that using www browser as a user interface we have nearly no access to hardware on client side. As you said barcode scanner is special case as it simply emulates keyboard interface. The other class of POS devices made available in FA 2.1 are network printers, including printers connected to client box. This requires some additional configuration of PC (the printer must be available i the net as lpr device), but it is not hard to do and all needed additional software is ready from the box both on Win and Linux . On the other hand I see no way to integrate other type of hardware like cash drawers, simply because no www browser has direct access to PC hardware nor there are standard network interfaces for this type of devices.

Payroll may be implemented in the future, but full time tracking features seems to be too complicated to locate inside FA. We want to focus on accounting functions of FA, but if we find some complementary software with open API we can consider adding connectors to integrate FA with them.



(15 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Well, seems the bank reconciliation is US specific procedure. I also have small business here in Poland and I have no need for it. We use www bank interface to send payments and track all deposits received on bank account. I have nothing to reconcile with bank statement because the data about payments/deposits/transfers/charges are entered daily from the same source (ie bank www listings) as the monthly bank statement. They are exactly the same.
I would like to know how it is made in your case, so you need to check the transactions one by one with weekly statement?



(15 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Hello hugerobot,

Your problem is that you try to display ShowReconcile with echo(), but you have set submit button to send request in asynchronous (ajax) mode. When you change the 5th argument of submit_cells to false you will see the result you wish. Or use display_error/notification() for debugging in ajax mode.

BTW. Could you explain us why is the reconciliation process so crucial for you, and why  one step process of entering bank deposit/payments is not enough?



(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Yes, of course. You must create at least one branch for any company via Customer Branches page in Sales module. First select customer in the list selector at the top, then fill the form and press Add button to process. Reply the the process for all your customer branches.



(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

I'm not sure what you mean. Dimensions can be considered as one or two set of labels which can be attached to FA transactions. You can also define default dimensions for  stock items, suppliers and customers (but not customer branch) which are used in respective transactions.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Demo at http:/fa2/iron.from.pl has been updated already.

Thanks for warm words.
You cannot change change transaction number directly, but if you have $print_invoice_no=0 (default) in  config.php, reference numbers are used instead of transaction numbers on all documents. Next reference number for all documents you can set in Setup/Forms Setup.

You will find manual for FA on documentation download section, although the version is not especially up to date, I'm afraid.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello Dave,

The core feature of POS functionality as I see it  is ability to skip all the standard sales flow steps i.e sales order, sales delivery, payment and payment allocation and replace them by one step of cash invoice sale. This core simplification is currently functional in version 2.1. Please look into Direct Invoice screen on fa2 demo site. Here you will find additional selector Cash sale/Delayed payment in invoice options. When you select Cash sale you will have simplier screen and after pressing Process button all needed database operations are done in one step.

FA admin has two additional configurations available (blocked for demouser): POS definitions and additional per user POS option. Points of Sales table stores all parameters of individual POS: related bank/cash account, inventory location and permissions for cash and/or delayed invoice issues.
In user settings you will find additional list for selecting related POS definition for this user.

For POS scanners (connected via kbd interface) we have implemented also Foreign Item Codes table which helps with selecting inventory items by EAN/UPC codes.

All those features you can test after uploading CVS code from unstable repository branch.

Currently we do not know 2.1 release time. The source is still under development, even not frozen. I think the real time would be rather in early summer than spring. But if you would like to test the development code we have established also separated branch for this in mantis bugtracker. On main mantis page page you will find some guidelines how to use it.

Best regards


(6 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

It is used for tax calculations during GL quick entry in payment/deposit registration if Use Tax option for given quick entry is set.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Tax system works instantly, when properly configured.
1. Define all different tax rates in use in your country (e.g. VAT 5%, VAT22%,  Manufacturing tax 1% etc).
2. Define tax types grouping on invoice (Tax Groups). ( e.g. VAT 5% and VAT 22% should go to the same group VAT).
3. Define Item Tax Types for all items you want to buy/sell
4. Assign item tax types to any inventory item.

Tax is posted to GL on purchase/sales invoice issue, and accumulated on accounts selected in step 1.

Customer to invoice is selected from customer list during invoice entry. If you want to have  all customers populated in the list on start switch off respective check box in company setup. Otherwise you can select customer selection pattern after space tab press.

Supplier allocation is process of assigning selected bank/cash payments to related supplier invoices. It works for any type of items on invoice.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You have to have something bad configured on your system, no idea what.
How it works normally you can test on the demo server on antipodes at http://fa2.iron.from.pl (login demouser/password).
Maybe when you set $go_debug=1 in config.php you will find some meaningful messages.



(3 replies, posted in Setup)


1. FrontAccounting does not have implemented month locking, just because most users prefer current flexibility. But we have implemented closing year periods, which can be used for this if you define subsequent periods on month basis.

2. VAT group for purchased items for reselling is defined in items catalog, so there is no need to entry it on every purchase. 

3. There is no such constraint in FA for reasons described in point 1. But of course user can issue credit notes both against any existing sales invoice or freehand one. Keep in mind that this is open source software using mysql as database, so there is no problem for any skilled user to omit such artificial edition restrictions.


Sometimes for bugtracking and profilling purposes I use xdebug together with kate , but personally I prefer old good console editors like mcedit. When code has good overall structure, there is no need for more complex tools I think.
I've created separated bugtracker section for unstable code on Mantis. This is really good tool, and cooperation with mantis seems work better. So if you will find something bad in the 2.1 code please report it there.

Thank you once again and Happy Christmas


Both the fixes just have been uploaded to unstable CVS.

Thanx  Pete


Hello Pete,

Yes, you are absolutely right. Both this bug and the one you have posted in the next thread have appeared here after item code table structure change (category added), this is my fault. I will update unstable CVS in a while.

Regarding the mantis there is no FrontAccount 2.1 branch because the new release is currently under development and have not achieved freeze state yet. Currently all bugs regarding the latest features included into future 2.1 release can be reported here on forum, but if you want make some extensive testing of  the unstable code, and you prefer to use the mantis we can of course create new branch in Mantis at any time.  Simply keep in mind that the unstable 2.1 code is subject to change at any time before freeze, so it is not recomended for production use, and also bug reports should be send with some delay after related code CVS commitment, to give us a chance to fix them ourself wink.

Anyway thank you very much for your kind effort. Very appreciated.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

You can also try to run FA with javascrpit disabled in browser. Although we have done our best to have all errors reported for $go_debug=1, there still can be some strange errors hidden in full ajax mode. After switching js off, all errors must be displayed in fallback mode. Have you encountered the problem on another pages, or only on the sales_order_entry.php page? What is the FA version you are testing? What is your browser vendor/version?



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The date of next release is not known yet, but it surely will be in next year, rather in summer than spring.

I do not fully understand your need to give the suppliers access to your company data. If it is your company who keep care on the physical warehouse I see no sense to adding the goods received by your supplier's salesman, not the person in your company who is responsible for inventory status. How do you want to ensure that the quantities of items entered is exactly as they were supplied in reality?

Regarding reporting quantities sold there is no specialized report for this, but there is Inventory Planning Report where you have summarized monthly sales of every item. So if items from different suppliers are stored in your inventory under different item codes this should work.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The serial numbers are not addressed to next release. But of course you can try to implement it yourself. In fact there was no interests regarding this feature from FA community so far.


You can entry as many lines as you wish in Bank Payment: one for purchase net value and one (or more if you need) for tax. Currently under development 2.1 release have already implemented quick entries which helps in this process. Check unstable CVS branch or test the feature on http://fa2.iron.from.pl demo page.

Regarding development process this is done entirely by our development team, but we are always open on suggestions and every valuable code contributions from users are included into FA source. The only requirement is that the proposed extension is usable for wider community and does not break overall FA consistency.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

But what you want to achieve? Every company has its own accounting, therefore every one should have their own instance of FA. The one problem I see is that FA does not have implemented serial numbers tracking.


The best for you would be leave them intact and simply not use GL features. The accounting is the heart of the application, so you have to set GL accounts for all operations in FA anyway and removing account groups is asking for troubles. But you can remove unused GL accounts from the master chart if you wish.


I don't think so. All available modules you will find in download section.