1 (edited by atip07 12/26/2008 08:25:40 am)

Topic: Taxes, Invoice & Allocation Issues.

Dear Support,

I have few issues i need to understand and to solve in using FA.
I'm using FA for services base accounting software, thanks to the support here, i have solve most of my problem.

I need to know & solve few issues arises.

1. I have create the Tax Group and Tax type, but may i know where does this will effect in my GL and invoices.
2. Where can i view the balance or whatever the Tax effect?
3. Which GL account the sale taxes balance goes to?

1. How do i assign which supplier is being paid?

Supplier allocation
1. How does this work? does it cater for services type GL account?

Appreciate the reply


Re: Taxes, Invoice & Allocation Issues.

Tax system works instantly, when properly configured.
1. Define all different tax rates in use in your country (e.g. VAT 5%, VAT22%,  Manufacturing tax 1% etc).
2. Define tax types grouping on invoice (Tax Groups). ( e.g. VAT 5% and VAT 22% should go to the same group VAT).
3. Define Item Tax Types for all items you want to buy/sell
4. Assign item tax types to any inventory item.

Tax is posted to GL on purchase/sales invoice issue, and accumulated on accounts selected in step 1.

Customer to invoice is selected from customer list during invoice entry. If you want to have  all customers populated in the list on start switch off respective check box in company setup. Otherwise you can select customer selection pattern after space tab press.

Supplier allocation is process of assigning selected bank/cash payments to related supplier invoices. It works for any type of items on invoice.
