
(8 replies, posted in Installation)

Hi Rob,
Seems we have introduced a bug in beta release. I have already fixed it and uploaded changed save.php file to CVS. If you want to continue testing you can change all occurrences of set_error in file install/save.php with display_error. This way you will be able to find exact source of trouble which is error during sql file processing.
Or if you wish I can send fixed file to your email box.
Thanks for info.


(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes!!  You are absolutely right!!!

Thanks, Jenifer!!!

Bug fixed in CVS unstable...

Every user has assigned POS definiton in setup. If the user's POS has no allowance for delayed payment transactions there is no respective cash/delayed payment selector in Direct Invoice header, and the location and cash account displayed at the bottom is get from POS definition. Probably you have something broken in user/POS setup. You have to have at least one POS defined and assigned to user.


So I don't know. If you have in sales order #5 in your database all should work. If you are familiar with SQL you can copy-paste  the SQL displayed in message to phpmyadmin SQL tab and play with it to find why the query result is empty.


Have you at least one entity defined in  sales type, location, shipper and tax_group?



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

ISO  version needs less resources, also pdf result is much lighter, so it would be good choice. Anyway UTF8 should also work, as it is used in some another much more problematic setups than German.
I entirely work under linux, so I can test this configuration if you would send me the message file. You will contact you by email.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

The broken pdf file generation in utf-8 encoding can arise when you have too low memory limit set in php.ini file. Tcpdf is much more memory hungry when using unicode.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

What is the exact error message displayed?


(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

When using unicode you should upload dejavu font pack from download section on this site and unpack it into reporting/fonts directory.
Regarding cost display we do not want to overload  user interface, so only the necessary data are displayed during sales entry. This is for maximal speedup of repeatable operations like sales. This is rule of thumb, but if it is crucial in a specific case of your  business you can of course add this for your own use, together with automatic calculation of GP and whatever else you need.
Default prices are get from database (or calculated from base pricelist), but finally you can always change the price before sales document line entry.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Nobody has complained about the displayed first item so far,  but if this is too annoying you can fix this. The selector used in sales order is defined in ui_lists.php. Play with selector order defined about line 717 (v.2.1B source) then you should be satisfied.

Regarding the place for std cost display maybe you are right, but the cost is maintained automatically and is needed mainly for inventory valuation, so who cares?

Pdf report engine works perfectly for utf-8, although needs more memory than for other encodings. What is the exact error message?



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You can set item with '000' code, why not? In version 2.1 you can also edit item description after initial entry, to have something more appropriate for description of sold item than 'Enter item here' wink.

You can see the cost of item in two places: at [Items & Inventory/Standard Costs] editor, and you can browse/print all costs in Inventory Valuation Report.


There is no easy solution to this well known issue. In fact I'm not sure there is at all any real solution. The two instances in two browser tabs share the same session I'm afraid.


(19 replies, posted in Setup)

There is some misunderstanding here. The superadmin is admin of first company in $db_connections. It need not to be exactly the same as the company with table prefix '0_'.
The superadmin is the admin of first company registered in config_db.php

I know this solution is a hack, and the site admin should have separated login path. The choosen solution is transparent when only one company is used i.e. for  normal company use.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Sorry, the database was not updated. Fixed.


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

First try to play a little with go_debug and pdf_debug variables in config.php. When set to 1 this enables some error messages which are normally hidden. This way u\you can check if the problem is too long script execution or too high php memory usage. Then you can adjust  respective php_ini settings.


(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

And once again -  we are focused on accounting core functionality.  If somebody knows the OpenBravo (and FA)  internals, he/her can consider development of some API connector with soap or another protocol OB supports. Its not me - no knowledge and in fact no need.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

Could you explain me how you want e.g. to open cash drawer from www browser?
FA is www application where the browser is on client side. The browser has no direct access to PC hardware, so even for direct use of local printer on client computer you must have the printer to be available from the net (by lpr protocol -this is implemented in 2.1). I do not know any analogical standard for such hardware like cash drawer lock controls, or pole displays. The barcode scanners use kbd interface, so there is no problem, and we can use it with FA 2.1.

But if you have something more than ideas we can consider to implement API for cooperation with specialized POS hardware. The start point is original description of underlying protocol. I cannot work with only overall imagination of how it work.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

When your main business is made on B2B basis and only few income is from retail clients, what is the sense to fire up OpenBravo with all its requirements? Should I buy a gun to kill a fly?



(2 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hello Rasmus,
Editable item descriptions are implemented in forthcoming 2.1 version. Items are selectable via list as so far, but next user can edit the description using Edit button.


In 2.1 release you can also set one POS definition per shift. As every POS has its own cash account you can track the income easy.



(4 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

I cannot reproduce this error, so seems this is some problem with your exact db content. To get more info where exactly the error rise please comment out the line 136 errors.inc (if friendly_db_error()) . Then you should have exact sql displayed, and you can find source of the error.



(10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

The fix for bug in cash sales allocation have been uploaded to CVS unstable - sales_invoice_db.inc


I think I see a critical bug here.  FA has a mechanism that allows you to change an invoice, but the change isn't reflected in Accounts Receivable or GL.  It seems to me that FA either must prevent changes to invoices or FA must account for them correctly.  FA allows changes to invoicing but the accounting of the change is wrong.

I do  not see any bug here. After edition both GL and customer balances mirrors new invoice values. Where have you found the problem?

So I would like to propose (and we can do this) one of these:
1. that we make it an optional / admin feature to change an invoice and do all the correct accounting. (preferred)
2.  Maybe we just need a "VOID and reissue" button that voids the old transaction and creates a new order entry screen from the previous transaction. 

What do you think?

Not to be implemented in next 2.1 release, but we can think about it in the future.



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You can edit item quantities or shipment costs on previously issued invoice after selection form Customer Transaction Inquiry table, but you cannot delete once issued sales invoice.



(1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

We have currently implemented this feature partially. In Items&Inventory module you will find Purchasing Data option, where you can enter pricing data for all of your suppliers, and check who can supply which product. Then when you decide to order some product from selected customer, the pricing data is automatically retrieved from database.
