
(10 replies, posted in Installation)

I mean .htaccess file - it is bundled in both zip and tar.gz packages and is placed in FA root directory.
Keep in mind that under Linux (if this is your OS) this is hidden file unless you use
ls -A to list directory.

There is some misunderstanding here, so once again to clarify:

btsui wrote:

Yes, the search item list box is checked. After checking in details, I have found that the FA2.1RC works fine with the sample database but not the database upgraded from FA2.0. It seems something wrong with the db. I ran the alter2.1.sql and then forced upgrade on FA2.1RC to upgrade the db. Have I missed anything?

When Search Item List box in company setup is checked on, the item list has only one position on start. So I understand you have done the test with checkbox set to off, or after entry * in code box then going forth to list and back to code box. Now the list does not follow keys pressed in item code box.
I see only the following possible reasons:
. javascript routine which synchronize item list position with item code box content does not work, or
. for some reason there are inccorect values of options in item list selector.

The former possibility could be effect of some incorrect upgrade of database. You can check if the item codes are right in list selector after display page html source in browser (e.g. in FireFox  you can select part of the page containing the item list selector and select View Source Code from popup menu).

I cannot reproduce the problem, so I cannot fix it without your help.

Before the fix the search box have not performed search on item description, only the code. Now this is fixed and works right. Anyway search by item code fragment should work even without the fix.
If you have no reaction on changed item search box content you should check also if the company/X/js_cache directory is writable for www server. This is checked and displayed on install page, but if you simply unpacked 2.1 tarball in new place you could forgot to check the permissions. In this case javascript cache is not working and browser side searching also is disabled.


(6 replies, posted in Reporting)

Please check if the mentioned directory exists and is writable.

You are right btsui. There is a small bug in ui_lists.inc line 712 (should be "i.description"). CVS has been updated.

Check your Company Setup settings. If Search Item List checkbox is selected item selector on sales order page will not follow code entry. On start item selector has only one single option in this case.


Thanks for nice words. You are right the Purchasing module is the module which need a lot of improvements. I think this changes will be addressed in 2.2.


I'm not sure what do you mean talking about 'check item code function'.
After source upgrade from 2.0.x to 2.1 version you need to run db upgrade process. Please follow instructions in update.html file in main directory for details.



(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

If you want to add whole new extension module (like Sales,Purchases etc) please look into extensions.txt file in doc directory of 2.1RC. Here you will find some info on how the FA skeleton supports extension modules (this is new in 2.1).

If you plan to write some smaller extension installable inside any existing module (aka plugin) please look into structure of modules at download section on frontaccounting.com site.



(10 replies, posted in Installation)

I don't know what the problem can be here. This is  www server configuration error, not FrontAccounting issue. One thing which this error can be related to is new .httpaccess file in root directory of FA, which sets some php configuration directly via web server. Try to play with this file a little starting form removing it outside the FA tree.



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Hello lloydlloyd
Google is your friend.
According to discussion on mysql forum about this Ubuntu related issue you can try to set 'localhost' as mysql server address instead of IP or site name:



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I know the issue, and get_ecb_rate function has been slightly changed in version 2.1 to have shorter delay when ecb site is unreachable. I have not found better solution than setting shorter curl timeout. Also I have found that sometimes curl cannot find the page because of some issue in its name resolving approach, so the second try is done using  ECB server IP. Maximum delay time in FA related to first exrate retrieval is currently 6s and warning is displayed when ECB is not reachable.
AFAIK  ECB has no secondary page which could be used when main exchange rates page is down.



(1 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Sounds great, although I cannot find entry point to the fixed assets functionality nor the other one extension you have just announced. I see only the Organizer extension. Also reporting module seems to be blocked for some reason.


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

I haven't know this one, interesting thing. I was also thinking about integration of some lighter solution available on SF.net.


(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

Not to be done before final 2.1 release. Probably this will be addressed in 2.2 release, or even some next 2.1.x issues.

Hi Tim,
I know the list is not comprehensive, and maybe there is some inaccuracies, but I have done my best to point out main differences. I was not going to make exhaustive comparison with detailed description of implementation details, and all rings and whistles. Just a list of main differences at the time of writing. And yes, certainly this list will be even more out of date in some future, but all what we do is volatile,  just like all the outward things. This does not mean we shouldn't try to help the people if they ask for it. The final decision is always the software user's right.

More detailed lists of features for both applications can be found here for webERP  and here for Frontaccounting.

Best regards

Hello Ludo,
Yes, maybe you are right that it would be useful for potential FA/webERP users to have some list of unique features available in the applications.

I think the main functional differences are listed below.

* serial numbers/batch/lot control
* special (one time) orders
* automatic freight cost calculations
* SOAP API for easier integration with third party applications
* geocode support for customers/suppliers

* three stage sales chain: orders-deliveries-invoices
* simple POS functionality
* template invoices
* dimensions for easy project/cost center GL inquires
* bank account reconciliation
* quick GL posting definitions
* support for network printers
* VAT/GST payable/return inquires/reports
* scanned document attachments

Of course beside above there is a lot of other features supoorted by both applications. There is also a lot of differences from developers point of view and in overall look and feel. Which of the individual coding/ui solutions are more convenient is certainly in main part matter of habits.  I have compiled the lists just for those users who know at least one of the applications, and want to know what the other can additionally offer.

Tim, give me a note if I've missed something unique for webERP. Your project has changed a lot since I was somewhat involved in its development smile.

Hope it helps.


Hello Ludo,

My resources are not SPARED, I simply try to allocate them as effectively as possible, thats why a posted this question. You may basically answer it in 5-10 minutes in more details than me/my developer would after 10 hours of research.

I don't think so. The only man who know your requirements are you. The start constraints you have explained in first post are obviously fulfilled by both webERP and FA (comunion seems to be in alpha stage and seems not support multicurrency you need). I cannot advice which user interface philosophy is more suitable for you or which coding style is more compatible with your habits.
If you would ask me about features you want I could answer without problem. But seems you wanted me to make comparative study of the three projects. Sorry, I have not too much time to study other projects to give you satisfactory answer.

This forum is mainly for Front Accounting users, not developers, so feel free to ask us about any aspect of FrontAccounting usage, if you know what you want. You can also test the application on our demo site at http://fa2.iron.from.pl. Hope it will be helpful in your decision.

Best regards


(9 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Alias code is an alternative code (e.g. UPC/EAN barcode)  used for item identification. This can be used for item selection during invoice entry.

Yes, I think TIm has explained excellent that the question is bad addressed. Having so much spare resources you can use some small part of them for recognizing differences between the three projects yourself. We are developers not software retailers nor consultants. First of all none of us know your preferences, so the best answer is the one you can find yourself. All the projects differ in set of features, goals, development process and community spread. I think some 5-10hrs per project would be enough to clarify all your doubts.

FrontAccounting is open source project, and we are open also on new ideas and contributions. You are welcome ludoja.



(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Lines insert/order change on documents cannot be implemented wih current database structure. This is because of requirement of having line order exactly the same in all documents in chain (sales order, delivery note, invoice). This will not be changed at least before 2.2 release.
Regarding supplier/customer numbers there is in use plenty of methods for assigning identifiers, not only numeric. Every customer/supplier in FA has GST/VAT number assigned which is unique and can be used as company identifier, although in fact searching by the GST number would be useful in some places.


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

I have no idea why you have the problem. $_SESSION variable is always defined when session support is enabled in php (in turn it is always defualt on). I even have no idea how to switch the session off to have this effect.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Changing display encoding does not change the strings stored in database, so there is nothing weird that you have localized messages broken after language switch.



(8 replies, posted in Installation)

If there is no complain about _() call seems this is sufficient to use gettext.
You have found small bug in en_US-demo.sql file which is related to your exact MySQL version.
The easiest way to fix this locally is to change '' to '0' after the date in lines 116-118.


(8 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, seems you have no gettext installed on your site. Please get rid with _() call over the message string in line 240. This finally should uncover exact error message.