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Well, I'm lost. I have checked procedure from post 19 together with manual setting described in post 21 using sql data file you've send me, and all works right now. I can entry Direct Invoices and read all sales orders without errors.
In post 19 point 3 is obsolete, as voided SO are also in inquiry result and without fixing from_stk_loc are read with errors. So change form post 21 is also necessary.
Sounds interesting. The rules you have described seem to be simple, but as always details are important. I have no info about using this data exchange system in other countries, so I guess it is Norway specific. Do you know some formal documents related to this standard available on the net?
Without detailed specification of requirements I can say nothing about cost of implementation.
Oh, you mean additional button with escape hotkey for canceling edition? Why not?
Well, really strange.
alvin wrote:In (Item Adjustments Note), proper Location, and proper Item, shows Quantity 0
You mean the status displayed via item code link after entry?
Well, in fact broken sales orders still can be not readable. I guess the records are also unusable, as they are simply artifacts of failed Direct Invoice entry. If you want get rid with them - do it in phpmyadmin. If you prefer to keep them for some reason change all empty from_stk_loc to some real location.loc_code value from your database.
alvin wrote:In Print Purchase Order, when you print the PO the (Item Description) is missing, should be (Item Description) from (Purchase Order Entry) and there needs to be a line between Quantity and Unit. But (Item Code) shows (Supplier's Code or Description:), and looks good.
The printed purchase order is meant to be sent to your supplier, so description should be as is. The missing line is part of layout concept - de gustibus non est disputandum
. You can find another layout with vertical lines in download section.
alvin wrote:In View Purchase Order, the (Item Description) shows (Supplier's Code or Description:) it should show (Item Description) from (Purchase Order Entry), much easer to identify Items, or the name changed to (Supplier's Code) and a new column added (Item Description)
Company item codes displayed on the view are known to the company staff using FA, so this should be no problem with identifying the item. Maybe the good compromise here (to have consistent view with printed version) would be to change item codes displayed into links to inventory status like in order entry?
To have detailed answer to billing address question you should wait some days until Joe is in office again (he is author of the new layout). I guess this is simply because real address we care about after SO receive is delivery address, and billing address will be printed on invoice anyway.
Regarding quotes I agree this is important for some type of businesses. I have added your wish to our TBD list. The concept is simple, but implementation can take some time, so be patient.
Well, I'm not sure what would be savings here. After item change/adding focus is set on top list, so 'New' position already is, or can be selected after single Home press.
1. update source to latest main CVS version - Default POS will be visible
2. enter all defined users, set right POS and update them
3. void broken sales orders
4. delete Default location and POS if you don't want to use them.
tom wrote:that mans when table changes are made each php file that uses that table needs to be updated... hopefully I am wrong...
This is not true.When you have closer look into FA source structure you will find that all respective database functions are placed in related files in respective xxx/includes/db folders. If db structure changes you always have to change related class, or - in our approach - supporting db functions. FrontAccounting has highly structured and reusable code, but in fact API documentation is not complete, I''m afraid. So, to effectively use FA framework people have to spent some (not especially long) time studying code structure.
Yes. In short: the VAT you have to pay as company is the VAT incoming from sales minus VAT you have paid to your suppliers in purchase prices. Thats all (in first approximation).
This is related to the way how VAT payable/refund is calculated. Some fiscal authorities require detailed reports on VAT flow with separated tax direction (incomeing/outgoing). If you are unsure you need two accounts on every tax consult your personal accountant. We are not US registered accountancy advisors
I'm not sure if it is a bug or a feature. In fact on check reports for selected location all items are printed for which there were at least one stock transaction (in or out). So if you sell all items you have received at given location, the status 0 _is_ reported. But if the item was not received at the location it will not appear on the report.
Regarding inactive stock items it will be introduced in 2.2.
In some scandinavian countries it is somewhat used for marking/categorization of tax accounts, but generally this field is not used in core FA source at all. So if you don't know how it can be used, you can ignore it safely.
I guess this is simply how it is usually done. You can change chart of acounts as you wish. In some charts both collected and paid taxes are posted to the same account. All this depends on local fiscal requirements and company accountant.
Yes the list of improvents which can be made here is long, e.g. we should also use supplier side item codes/descriptions and eventually supplier unit of measure on purchase orders. Evidently we should improve resource planning in 2.2.
Yes, branch defines delivery address and tax group among others.
Tax system in FA is somewhat complex, but flexible enough to accommodate nearly every tax rules. The main idea behind this is using intersection of tax sets for given customer and item sold. So first you should define all used tax rates on Taxes page. Then make Tax Groups which define which tax rates are applicable to customers in given group. Next define Item Tax Types grouping all various rates applicable to given category of items. As far as I understand your description, what you need here is something like:
- Rates 6% state tax, 0% Surcharge, ..., 1,5% Surcharge
- Groups based on location of customer e.g.:
a) 6% State + 0% surcharge
b) 6% State + 1.5% surcharge
z) 0% export
- At least one item tax type e.g.
Standard Tax: 6% State + 0% surcharge +... +1,5% Surcharge +0% export
Now when you issue customer invoice right taxes are selected for any item as intersection of Item Tax Group and customer Tax Group.
Hope it helps
You cannot delete fiscal year if there are GL transaction created using this period.
Currently Chart of Accounts display current balances of accounts, not related to fiscal year set in company preferences nor the active year displayed in header. Here you are right - It is at least misleading, so should be twice checked and somewhat fixed.
This ugly upgrade bug has been finally localized and fixed. Main CVS branch updated.
Thanks Alvin for your kindly help.
No, currently you can only void GL transaction and entry it again.
All scanners with keyboard wedge interface should fit. FA use browser as client side software, so there is no way to access bar scanners using e.g. RS232 interface.
What do you mean? If you want to use EAN/UPC barcodes during sales entry it is implemented in v.2.1. Every inventory item can have additional codes defined on Foreign Item Codes page.
FA is complex system using a lot of defaults, so it is difficult i not impossible to start from completely empty database. To be on safe side choose chart of accounts from download page mostly suitable for your needs and try removing all not needed accounts.
No. I mean setting locale system on your server. Your way may vary depending on linux distribution you are using. Try man locale-gen to know more. And as always google search is your friend.
Uncomment and set right path in line 35 of
Hope it helps.
Posts found: 2,101 to 2,125 of 2,419