
(4 replies, posted in Installation)

This issue has been fixed with kind help from Mariusz. CVS main updated, to be released with 2.2.1.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Your problems have nothing to do with the thread subject. If you want help open new thread instead glue your posts to random threads. Plonk warning!
Rewrite it to new thread before it will be removed.

FrontAccounting. It it good, free and not expensive - base version costs just zero pounds wink. If you wish some special customization it can be done also as paid service but first you have to know the application features and compare them with your needs.


Sorry Alvin, I can't remember the problem,a nd description above is somewhat unclear for me. Could you explain in short words again what happened in 2.2 wand was right in 2.1?

The bug is fixed, and CVS main updated. This fix will go with currently prepared 2.2.1 release.

This is a way to generate new invoice/delivery on the base of another invoice already  entered in the past.

Unfortunately I cannot confirm this bug. I have tried multiply times with different setups, using def_coy  1 or 0, setting different passwords - always all works right.
Maybe this was fixed in stable CVS as today.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Hello Mariusz,

I have just found the reason of this strange behaviour. File install/save.php has been fixed and is available from CVS repository (main branch). If you don't know how to check it out, you can also fix your local copy inserting:


in file install/save.php at line 56, just before header() call.
This will fix display of error messages, which are currently hidden by above false message.

This fix will be also available in next FA 2.2.1, released ASAP.


Please check the connection data in config_db.php. Surely there is a mistake in it regarding database prefix. When first company is created by install then next one in Create/Update Companies all should be right in this file.



(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

So seems we have no developers/commercial users from food nor drugs industry wink.
Yes, of course we can start it, and I would like to help as much as I can. Currently I'm seriously involved in development of central repository for any themes/languages/extension packages for FrontAccounting. As soon as this implementation will be mature enough to be checked into CVS  I will have more time for other development ideas.

There is also list of future development directions on Wiki in development section. I have just upgraded your status to Senior Member, so if you wish you can edit wiki pages in Devel section as you wish smile. If you have already some thoughts about implementation of this feature,  please open new wiki page linked to wishlist and try to describe this to be discussed by other community members.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Well, seems you have application successfully installed. Now you should simply open


instead install/index.php. Do not forget removing install directory after successful install for security reasons.



(7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

What do you mean? If you mean serialized items etc, it can be implemented of course, but this is big task not started so far because of lack of big interest both on users and developers side.


avb3 wrote:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xx' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line 342

This means you have tried to connect to mysql server from not allowed host. This is not FA fault. If the www and mysql server  is placed on the same machine using 'localhost' as mysql server should help.

Regarding unneeded caching values you can also look into save.php/install.php code. There is no other cache used for values but standard php session mechanism (probably with session id passed by cookies).


This have to be some problem related to your exact content of database, I think.
I will contact you directly by email and try help.



(6 replies, posted in Setup)

The security system upgrade should be done automatically during update, preserving all old roles after conversion. If you had problem here, you probably faced some mysql/php version related bug in upgrade routines.
I'm not sure what have gone wrong here, as you had no error/warning messages during upgrade. Anyway thanks for the valuable advice for any other users which could encounter this problem.


I'm affraid I cannot reproduce the problem. Both demo sites and my local FA works just right. No idea were the problem can have a source. The message is displayed after push Place Order button?

PS Thanks for nice words.

If you have all green results of checks certainly you have proper php version, as '> 4.1.0' in installation wizard is description of minimal required php version, not the actual version you have.
The wizard uses php session to store entered values, no special cache is used. Clearing browser cache/cookies should be enough.
You are right, InnoDB is not the source of the problem here. Probably your hosting account is configured in such a way that accessing remote mysql server is forbdden, maybe only local mysql server is allowed?


krbe wrote:

When signing up for Mantis, I get "APPLICATION ERROR #1904: Confirmation hash does not match.

Seems you have entered wrong captcha value. Try again to have instant access to bug fixes published on mantis.


(2 replies, posted in Reporting)


Yes, you are right there is no real manual for FrontAcccountig for now. The last our effort toward real documentation is establishing Wiki on our site. The structure of the wiki makes it easy to integrate with your local working copy of FA application, and writing the manual pages on the fly. All pages in wiki group 'Help' after configuration in config.php file are available via 'Help' links.

I'm affraid FrontAccounting project does not differ a lot from other OS projects, so development team have not too much time for documenting the application, but we always try to be helpful for other people in documentation approachs. You are welcome smile.



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

waverider wrote:

Is 2.2 ready for production use yet?

FA 2.1 branch will have no more updates. Current stable release is 2.2 released a week ago.  Decision when (if at all)  to upgrade is up to you.

attachments, audit_trail, bank_trans, budget_trans, comments, cust_allocations,
debtor_trans, debtor_trans_details, grn_batch, supp_trans, sales_orders, sales_order_details, gl_trans ... and some other.

Alternative simplier  way if you want to start really from scratch would be :
. make backup,
. extract chart_class and  chart_mater to separate file, also eventually some basic tables like items, item_codes, if you want reuse them
. restore database from e.g. en_Us-new.sql,
. restore file with the extracted tables



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Bug fix in CVS. You will find changed file also attached to bug report.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks. Please send the code to email address for contributions found in announcements forum. Now after 2.2 development is closed it is a good time to think about features to be implemented in 2.3 release. Your idea  seems to be good candidate.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

You have found  a bug. Please report it on mantis to be fixed asap.

As you see on demo site all works right, and nobody  beside you claims something is wrong here, so seems this is some problem related to your exact installation. Sorry molyko I can't help more.