Topic: Numerous install attemps end in similar error messages - help!

On a shared server, I have created a database, and then extracted the zip file into a directory of its own

The install failed numerous times, and to try and ensure that I am doing a clean install, I have deleted the database, and deleted ALL files in the directory, with the exception of the zip file.

My PHP.ini file is set as instructed, and all requirements in the install screen are green.

Here is were things fall apart.

First of all, my server reports Server reports PHP 5.2.9 yet the install screen reports PHP  4.1.0. I don't believe 4.1.0 supports INNODB, and of course, then the program could not run properly.

Secondly, even though I have tried to do a complete clean install every time, somehow most fields in the install screen are pre-populated, so there must be a cache somewhere. I have tried clearing the browser cache, and even tried using a different browser, with the same results.

So, my question on this issue is, where does the install write it's information, as it appears it does not get erased when I delete all files.

Thirdly, I get the following error messages (I believe the second is as a consequence of the first):

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line 342

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/myacccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php:342) in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line56

Thanks in advance.. this is driving me crazy. I have installed numerous PHP programs in the past, although this is the first with INNODB, but I am not sure that should make a difference.

Re: Numerous install attemps end in similar error messages - help!

If you have all green results of checks certainly you have proper php version, as '> 4.1.0' in installation wizard is description of minimal required php version, not the actual version you have.
The wizard uses php session to store entered values, no special cache is used. Clearing browser cache/cookies should be enough.
You are right, InnoDB is not the source of the problem here. Probably your hosting account is configured in such a way that accessing remote mysql server is forbdden, maybe only local mysql server is allowed?


Re: Numerous install attemps end in similar error messages - help!

Often when problems sounds weird, it helps emptying the browsers internet cache. Empty everything and start up again.
And do not have 2 instances of FA running on the same computer.


Re: Numerous install attemps end in similar error messages - help!

Itronics... as stated, I have cleared the cache and even used another browser. I don't understand how many of the install wizards fields are pre-populated with information I entered in past install events. As a result of that, I wonder if there is something else that is being cached, or appear to be cached?

My web host DOES allow writing to mysql, in fact, I had him move my account to a different server in anticipation of installing Front Accounting, and had advised him of the parameters required.

So... what else should I check?

thanks in advance again.

Re: Numerous install attemps end in similar error messages - help!

avb3 wrote:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server in /home/myaccountname/public_html/accounts/install/save.php on line 342

This means you have tried to connect to mysql server from not allowed host. This is not FA fault. If the www and mysql server  is placed on the same machine using 'localhost' as mysql server should help.

Regarding unneeded caching values you can also look into save.php/install.php code. There is no other cache used for values but standard php session mechanism (probably with session id passed by cookies).
