
(6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

We have decided to fix it in 2.2  as using internal codes/names often does not make sense for supplier. It was wrong in earlier versions, and now is fixed.
Primary usage of PO report is sending it to supplier, so it should state items by the names and uoms used by supplier, just to eliminate any misunderstanding. This is why we store supplier item names in purchase data table in our database.



(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, there is problem with incorrect amounts in journal inquires, when bank account is used. This will be fixed as Joe stated.

But I can't reproduce problem reported in p 1-2. Moreover p.3 is not acceptable fix - this would lead to inconsistent audit_trail table.



(9 replies, posted in Setup)


I have installed FA in one of my domains under ssl without problem - it worked from the box - but apache ssl support were turned on by defualt on my host. AFAIK turning ssl on need apache and system configuration (at least on linux), but this is not related to FA. I'm not an expert in matter of apache so I cannot help.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You should set 'Search Item List' box in Company preferences. Then after spacebar press you can entry item code fragment to search, and only related items will be displayed in the list.


(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Probably this is missing locale on your hosting server. I have just implemented diagnostics page which can be useful also for you. Please download from main CVS files: applications/setup.php and admin/system_diagnostics.php, place on your FA server and go to System Diagnostics page under Setup tab. This page makes a couple of sanity checks on FA installation and display results. Hope it helps.


And of course not all of your items have Item Type  set to 'Service'?

If you have phpmyadmin installed you can make play with the sql query which returns empty result:
Place temporarily line:


in function get_loc_details just before return db_query();. This function is placed at the bottom of  get_loc_details.inc file.
When sql query s display copy-paste it to phpmyadmin sql query window and try too find what is wrong in your database.



(4 replies, posted in Translations)

Nobody who know nothing about your system can help.

Do you have any location defined? Does your location code contain some special char like: ', ", &, < or > ?

There are different versions for various FA releases. Please download and install those designed for 2.2. It should require no manual intervention.


But what exactly happens? Blank page, or all zero values in status table, or no item in selector?


Do you have some items received in inventory?


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Seems there is some problem here, although I cannot find whether it is upgrade procedure bug, or some not clear upgrade instructions. This is how the upgrade from 2.1 should be done step by step, providing  FA version 2.1.x is used without any partial upgrades from unstable CVS, or 2.2RC version was installed:
0. Make backup copy of database content for all companies,  and eventually copy of working FA sources.
1. Copy all the 2.2 tarball sources to related places where you have 2.1.x files.
2. Make changes in config.php described in update.html. Do not touch security_groups, security_headings for now.
3. Login as admin of first company (superadmin)
4. Perform upgrade form Setup/Software Upgrade page.
5. If there were no errors during upgrade, the process is nearly finished. You can log out, comment out $security_groups and $security_headings arrays in config.php.

Now you should be able to login with old admin user/password. In Access Setup all previous roles defined in config.php should be visible with 'FA 2.1' name prefix. The roles normally need some smaler fixes, as previous security setup was not especially consistent.

This is how all should work. When you expect problems you can enable error logging before FA upgrade by uncommenting $error_logfile in config.php, and making sure tmp directory is world-writable. Then in case of any problems error messages should appear in log file even if not displayed on screen during upgrade. This should help recognize what went wrong.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Sorry, I am still not sure I do understand your problem.

So, I did a complete new install to work around that problem by not populating the demo company, followed by creating a new company.

So after those two steps: installing FA (even without demo data), and creating another one via Create/Update Companies  you have ended with two companies installed. You can check this by looking into config_db.php file. If you have here two sets of connection parameters - you have two options in company selector on login screen and you have two companies.
To have access to those 4 menu options you have to login to the first company, created during install process.



(7 replies, posted in Wish List)

The conversion code is not a problem, as it is implemented in FA for long time. The problem is which institutions are acceptable as source of daily rate for FA users, and it depends somewhat on user's location. Currency rates in Malaysia are not especially valuable for FA users in Europe. Currently only ECB page is supported.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

If you try to use exactly the same database (with the same prefix) for 2.1 and 2.2 it will not work. The database structure of the two versions of FA differs, and after proper upgrade to 2.2, the database will not be available for 2.1 sources.


NB Some fixes has been just introduced to craete_coy.inc and maintanance_db.inc to make adding/removal of companies more safe. You can download the files from CVS main trunk.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

You have to be logged in as administrator to _the_first_ company in config_db.php. If you log in to second on any other  company you will have no access to those options.


(6 replies, posted in Installation)

I cannot reproduce the problem. Please check whether you have installed the file under consideration or not. It should be, but maybe was accidentally removed during installation.


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Those options influence  overall site security, so they should be available only for site admin. In FrontAccounting such special role can be created only for first installed company, admins of which are considered site admins. Login as admin to company which were created during FA installation on your site and you will have those options available.



(6 replies, posted in Installation)

The chmode set during installation have nothing to do with the errors reported. To help find the source of problem, we have to know at least where and when  the messages are displayed.



(38 replies, posted in Wish List)

POS  is simply wildcard term, just like ERP. To implement any new feature we have to at least know what wishers mean. Current functionality named POS (direct invoicing and point of sales definitions, also foreign codes feature) is just what is enough for me. I know it is far too little for most other people over there.

There were a couple of prepositions regarding POS beginning from full implementation inside FA, via integration of third party applications up to loose data synchronization. In fact to begin such a big task we at least have to know what FA community consider satisfactory set of features to name it POS.

Some time ago on growing demand from FA community we have established FrontAccounting wiki. Unfortunately so far the main authors are still Joe and me. Seems that  all the energy of other forum members has been exhausted on discussions how the wiki should be organized. Nevermind.

Anyway if you are really interested in POS functionality, the first step toward implementation is to write down some functional POS specification, and describe which features are necessary, which are optional or just a candy. The wiki system is ideal for such cooperation effort, and you can be the pioneer which decides about future shape of POS.
I have just switched your status to senior member, so you have write access also to Devel group of pages, so you can start to turn your wishes into reality wink.



(40 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Regarding false rate error - it just has been fixed in main CVS. Affected file cart_class.inc.

To ensure instant contact between all coders involved in FrontAccounting development process we have just established new mailing list at address: developers@lists.frontacounting.eu.
To subscribe to developers mailing list please send empty email to address developers-subscribe@lists.frontaccounting.eu. If you need more info about available list commands send empty email to developers-help@lists.frontaccounting.eu

List is open for all FA community members, and its planned primary aim is to serve as a place for development and software design related discussions.

Other mailing lists you can be aware of are:
CVS updates - with automatic posts generated after every CVS update

FA list - mainly used for announcements about new FrontAccounting releases.


(4 replies, posted in Wish List)

Yes, I'm affraid it was not.

But now we have great Wiki system, and wishlist inside it just for prepositions like this. Hope wishes written there will not be forgotten so easy like posts on this forum wink.


Release 2.2.1 is already available on SF.net. All reported bugs are fixed beside the CtrlAlt problem.

Ok, I will try to find the lost code.