Topic: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

I am setting up a new company and populating the database from scratch, and the following are grayed out on the setup page:

Create/Update Companies
  Install/Update Languages
  Install/Activate Extensions
  Software Upgrade

Are there things I need to setup before it will allow me to change those?

They all worked in a previous demo I played with.

Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

Those options influence  overall site security, so they should be available only for site admin. In FrontAccounting such special role can be created only for first installed company, admins of which are considered site admins. Login as admin to company which were created during FA installation on your site and you will have those options available.


Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

That is the problem. I am logged in as administrator. In fact, there is no other user other than administrator at this point, and I checked all the possible access levels to make sure. They are all checked and available.


Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

I tried creating another systems administrator account without luck also.

Is there a way to work around this?

Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

You have to be logged in as administrator to _the_first_ company in config_db.php. If you log in to second on any other  company you will have no access to those options.

Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

That presents a problem.

I posted in another thread that there was a sql error generated when I created a second company from inside default demo company and then tried to login. So, I did a complete new install to work around that problem by not populating the demo company, followed by creating a new company. So, the company it is greyed out in is the first and only company.

Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

Sorry, I am still not sure I do understand your problem.

So, I did a complete new install to work around that problem by not populating the demo company, followed by creating a new company.

So after those two steps: installing FA (even without demo data), and creating another one via Create/Update Companies  you have ended with two companies installed. You can check this by looking into config_db.php file. If you have here two sets of connection parameters - you have two options in company selector on login screen and you have two companies.
To have access to those 4 menu options you have to login to the first company, created during install process.


Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

thanks, will have a look and give it a try.

Re: Install/Update Languages, modules, greyed out

I decided to run install from scratch again. This time it magically seems to have worked.

My best theory is that the previous fresh install was not completely fresh, as there was an existing directory in company folder. Just a theory, not confirmation.

Anyway, all seems to be working great. I also would like to complement everyone on their quick responses to my questions. Mark (perhaps the most important mark) of a good and healthy Open Source project.