1 (edited by chase 12/12/2009 07:40:38 am)

Topic: How deal with Bulk Retail Items

i am working for a retail shop implementation FA2.2
shop has 4000 items.

What i am wondering is if this will be an issue on the invoice page where you have drop down of items. If  that kill or slow the system.

Also is there an alternate way to select items on the invoice.

My problem being that user does not remember codes for the 4000 items, so if he could some how look at the item list and then narrow down by category code or a group code and manually select an item?

is that possible?

or a work around is available?

Re: How deal with Bulk Retail Items

You should set 'Search Item List' box in Company preferences. Then after spacebar press you can entry item code fragment to search, and only related items will be displayed in the list.

Re: How deal with Bulk Retail Items

You can also search for fragment of a Category to only get items with these category(ies)

Very powerful.


Re: How deal with Bulk Retail Items


thanks, but Joe i can t seem to get to search for category fragment.
Did i get your correctly. You are saying that i should put part of category name in Item code box on invoice page?


Re: How deal with Bulk Retail Items

Ah, I was sure it worked here. I tested it in Items and it worked here.
I tried to implement it in /includes/ui/ui_list.inc for Sales Order/delivery/invoice to test if there were side-effects when entering Sales Kit codes or Foreign Item Codes (bar codes or so). It wasn't, so the change is going to release 2.2.2. If you need it now you can download a copy of /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc from the CVS Main repository.


Re: How deal with Bulk Retail Items

I have tested this. It works nicely and very helpful for case mentioned above.

