
(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Please send it to the address found on our Contact Us page.
Thank you in advance.


Seems you are logged in, but the account you ar logged to is not site administrator account. Otherwise the message would not be displayed (application has found you hav no permissions to access Software Upgrade page in first company).

Exactly - seems this is the reason of your problems. If all works right when you test our demo server, just change your hosting provider.

Hi Jori,

Yes, I can confirm I have received, but even without my confirmation you can find them available in our repository since February 26 smile.


No, definitely not. Running FA in non-javacript mode can help, when there is a bug but normally no message is displayed. If all works right in non-javascript mode, the reason of your problems is crappy ISP/ hosting account. Just time delays on the connection are too long.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

I don't know what is the problem with nl_NL translation on your box, but maybe the best way to solve it, would be to put your work in FA repo instead of current crappy version?

If you have  properly installed FA language package and your system supports nl_NL locales with encoding you have used in po file, all should work from the box - without changing system locales.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

Displayed application version is set in config.php, which is not updated during install. Read update.html.

Well, in non-javascript mode red triangle icon is not used at all, so try again.

Please read FAQ to know more on debugging FA.


(21 replies, posted in Setup)

You have probably broken FA installation.  Read FAQ to find more on FA debugging.

1. When you are ready please send translation files to us, then we will make them available via our central repository. Email address you will find on Contact Us page.

2. For reports language defined in contact data for given document is used, or the default language set on Install/Update page.

3. I don't know. When GL item's accounts are improperly configured (i.e. invero account is not of Asset class) the inventory value is not displayed in balance sheet.

4. Idea worth of consideration.

5. I can agree the reports are hard to customize. There is still lack of good report generator for FA, so report creation/changes are timeconsuming. But the reports available in /reporting folder  are only default ones, so if you finally create customized report you can put it in company/x/reporting folder  with the same name as original report, then this report will be used instead of the default one. You can also add also nonstandard reports using custom_report.php file available in rpeorting section of selected module (see nonstandard reports installed form our repository). Finally if you wish to have  the customized report available form any company on FA installation you can put it as part of local module under modules/module_name/reporting/rep_xxx.php. In no case the customized/extra reports will be lost after FA upgrade.


Ok, thanks for explanation. Probably there is some issue in tests done before tax type deletion. I will check it and eventually fix.


(35 replies, posted in Translations)

All the meta information about language pack is included in 'config' file in the followng format:

Package: xx_XX
Version: 2.3.2-1
Description: Swahili translation
Author: Author Name <author@example.com>
Maintenance: Author Name <author@example.com>
Homepage: example.net
Language: xx_XX
Encoding: iso-8859-1
RTLDir: no
Type: language
Name: Swahili
InstallPath: lang/ss_XX

You can send it together with translation files to contributions address found on 'Contact us' page.
Thank you very much in advance.

1. Yes, this is how the default accounts are implemented in FA. Category's accounts are used as default accounts when given category is selected for _new_ item. GL setup default accounts are used for categories. This is just two levels of default settings.

2. This message can be displayed only when some categories exists in database, and selected account is used by this category. Maybe you have some categories inactivated, so they are not visible at first glance?



(29 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Ok, thank you. Current FrontAccounting version requires MySQL>=4.1, but this is not big deal - extension modules can have additional requirements.

Thank you in advance.


(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

No, for local extension _init content is ignored.



(4 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

add_rapp_function() adds menu option on the right side, while add_lapp_function on left of the menu.
_init/config file is just text file in format key:value containing various  informations about module package. Some fields can have mutliline content (e.g. Description) - in this case continuation lines begin from white space in first column.

If you want to share some extension module via our repository adding any config file with basic information (author, www, name, description) leaving rest just empty is enough. We will fix it if necessary. On the other hand if you want to use the module only locally the _init/config file is not needed.



(29 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Wow! Looks promissing smile.
I have tried to install your module, without success so far, due to MySQL compatibility problems. Nevermind. If you would like to make your work available via central FrontAccounitng modules repository, there will be also some other fixes necessary. I will send you a patch with most important fixes.

Anyway thank you very much for your contribution to FA community smile.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

You could do it via phpmyadmin, but it is dangerous and discouraged. In fact you have to delete all transactions which are using those items you want to delete. This is why items should not be deleted but inactivated instead.

I'm not sure I understand you right. My proposed solution is:
. install FA with standard 'admin' and 'password ' credentials
. login and change the password as you wish.
Does it work for you or not?

I'm not sure, I think it partially depends on accounting rules in your country. In fact in Europe we use cheques rarely, so I would register the related purchase as cash invoice, and refund the costs in cash directly to my employee.


Ok, seems there is some wider interest in this feature, so we will have to give it higher priority . Thanks you all for clarifications. 



(8 replies, posted in Installation)

PHP manual for OpenSSLhas been moved here .


(14 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The procedure is described above.

Nothing changed yet in 2.4 regarding sales orders. The account you see on 2.4 demo is used later at invoicing. We will consider prepayments against sales orders again.