Topic: Invoice number with multiple series

My company have 5 Series of Invoice (A, B, C, D, and E)

I saw in FrontAccount tha just have one Invoice consecutive number.

How can I do for use the secuencial number for this 5 series.

For example:

seriea A:
A00001 to A99999
Serie B
B00001 to B99999

I want to generate Invoice number with serie A, B, C, D and E.

How can I do?


Rodrigo Cuadra

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

You can use alpha-numeric reference numbers instead of invoice numbers to present on outgoing invoices.


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

How can I do for present in the print Invoice the reference instead the number?
I need to modificate the files?
The are any way to assing in automatic mode secuencial number?

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

This is controlled via $print_invoice_no variable (see config.php).  But currently only single sequence by document tye is supported, so if you want to use multiply sequences you have take care of uniqueness.

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Seria fabuloso poder emitir facturas con diferentes series. Pero por el momento no lo hace, y para conseguirlo se requieren hacer varios cambios.... como muestra se tendría que:

Crear una sección donde se puedan dar de alta las series de facturas y se puedan inicializar los correspondientes folios

En la sección sales pos se tendría que agregar un pulldown para seleccionar la serie de facturación

Modificar la DB y la programación de FA para poder generar consecutivos por serie y que estos se muestren en las correspondientes facturas.

Si te decides a desarrollar esta parte por favor comparte big_smile  se te agradecera big_smile

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Voy a proceder a crear, yo te aviso cuando la tenga para que lo probes en linea

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Si tenes alguna idea de la siguiente informacion me seria de mucha utilidad:

1.- Cual es la funcion que aumente en un digito la factura, en que archivo esta y como se invoca.
2.- En la tabla syst_types se encuentra el consecutivo de la factura, type_id: 10, type_no: 19 y next_reference: A3213 (Por ejemplo), podria agregar en esa misma tabla las referencias de las otras series de las facturas cambiando el type_id y dejando igual el type_no, o tengo que cambiar los dos. Que significa el 19 en type_no?
Lo que se me ocurre es agregar aqui unas 4 series mas y por el momento limitarlo a 5 series que se despieguen en elformulario de   Forms Setup.

Saludes y gracias por tus comentarios

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Hello friends,

Nice to see a Spanish conversation, but if you guys think this can be of interest for the rest of the community, please try to do this in English smile


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

I also I have doubts about what it means in sys_types type_no

Can you guide Joe or Janusz?

Attempt to put data into a temporary table, waiting for permission to go to the table after stock_moves. This table must have its own autoincrement.


to rcuadra:
ABC functions for the references are in:    (las funciones para el ABC con las referencias estan en: )

other files involved are:  (otros archivos involucrados son:)

as I said above, not clear to me that means type_no and where you put that as a reference
(como dije arriba, no me queda claro que significa type_no y donde se pone ese valor como referencia)

sorry for my English

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

detail, note that the reference is one and the number of transaction is another

(un detalle, ten en cuenta que la referencia es una y el numero de transaccion es otra)

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

The type_no is a link to the underlying GL entries. A Journal Entry consist of 2 or more rows that belongs to the same voucher (Journal Entry). These rows belongs to the same type_no.


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

I installed a fresh copy of 2.3.2 and everything is working fine, except for the forms setup. When i click on forms setup its not showing the forms next reference numbers. The page is blank with just the UPDATE button and does not show any fields to enter.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

You have probably broken FA installation.  Read FAQ to find more on FA debugging.

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

joe wrote:

The type_no is a link to the underlying GL entries. A Journal Entry consist of 2 or more rows that belongs to the same voucher (Journal Entry). These rows belongs to the same type_no.

Can you explain how does the sys_types table work in general?
What is field type_id used for?


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Type_id is a special kind of type, like Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit, PO, GRN, Supp Invoice, etc. etc.
There is a type_id for every kind of operation.
Trans_no is a unique identifier inside the type_id for assembling the rows to goto the GL.

For more info please look at the


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

joe wrote:

Type_id is a special kind of type, like Sales Order, Sales Invoice, Sales Credit, PO, GRN, Supp Invoice, etc. etc.
There is a type_id for every kind of operation.

For example: type_id 17 is for inventory adjustments?
I'm interested to know about this further. Is there a complete list of type_ids?

I went to, TechInfo Resources to be exact, but cannot find such info. The ER diagram only shows which tables relate to sys_types.


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

You can look into the file /includes/


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

Thanks Joe.


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

I'am looking for something like this.
I need the same thing, invoice with letters and emitting centers. like this Ej: A-0001-00005632 or B-0001-00000365, where the letter it´s related to the fiscal condition of the client.
Yes, I know we have a complicated fiscal system, but, what can I say?, I live in Argentina, je
So, If someone have any ideas to share, i'm just a beginner in PHP but I will try to modified the system so It can fit into the fiscal rules of my country.
I think this is a great system and with some minor adjustments i´ll work just fine.

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

FA can only handle 1 automatic serie, like A-0001-00005632. If you want more series, you will have to keep track of each individual serie, because FA will only update the last used serie.


Re: Invoice number with multiple series

I was doing some tests ....
Is there no way to relate different series for different users without changing much of the application code?
Because I could relate each user with a different series and it would solve my problem.

Re: Invoice number with multiple series

I started working in the multiple series and emitting centers. If someone is willing to help is welcome.
Already identified from where are assigned reference numbers of the bills and I'm starting to change the functions corresponding to take the reference number according to the emission center I'll add in points of sale.
Someone can send me an outline or something to guide me in the places I should be modifying as I go on the bill?
I am using eclipse but because I am new at this, it´s really hard. I'm making progress, but I think with some help I can do it faster.