Topic: cannot setup users in user account setup

for unknown reason i can't setup user, each time i save the setting, the FA return an tiny orange triangle sign.
and when try to change the date format from mm/dd/yy to dd/mm/yy, having the same problem too.
it seems like no access to mysql database. BUt checked the MySQL database showed ok.
any solution ?

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

Please read FAQ to know more on debugging FA.

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

did set debug to1, turn off javascript.. still having the same problem..
tried on firefox, IE 7 and chrome
still having the tiny orange triangle and can not save data to database
please help..

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

Well, in non-javascript mode red triangle icon is not used at all, so try again.

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

got it.. thanks a lot..
so, FA only runs in NON Javascript mode ?

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

No, definitely not. Running FA in non-javacript mode can help, when there is a bug but normally no message is displayed. If all works right in non-javascript mode, the reason of your problems is crappy ISP/ hosting account. Just time delays on the connection are too long.

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

I disable javascript the user account setup went through just fine,
display setup also went through just fine.
Then I  enable back the javascript, and same problem recurred.
Would that mean time delays on the connection are too long ?
this is referring to ISP or Hosting Account ?

Re: cannot setup users in user account setup

Exactly - seems this is the reason of your problems. If all works right when you test our demo server, just change your hosting provider.