(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello Joe,

Thanks for your prompt response to all my questions.

I have a situation right now with backup. When I try to back up, you see the activity bar showing that the backup is being carried out but after some time, the backup is complete but the backup file cannot be found. what do I do.

I was thinking it is the max_execution_time. I increased it and it is still the same thing. there is no error whatsoever. I am using version 2.2.11.

thanks for your response.


Hello Joe,

I have been able to login. there was a problem with the table security_roles.
When I login, I went to Setup and software upgrade. but I could not find an option to click install box to do the upgrade. the two options state had installed on it.
Another thing i discovered is that On the direct invoice, there is no payment option in mine installation as it is on the demo site. The customer menu list does not drop down. i still need to type * there and press enter to reveal the customer.
how do I rectify this.
I still believe that the payment option will help me detect which invoice issued with cash only payment or delayed payment to rectify the automatic payment on invoice issued for a later payment.


Hello Joe,

After doing all you advised me to do regarding autopayment of invoice once it is issued, I decided to upgrade to FA 2.2.11.
After changing my config.php file, i decided to login to the default company as admin but could not. when I try to login to the other company because we have multiple company running on FA, it logged in with the same admin name and password that I use for all of them.

What could probably be my error.



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your immediate reply.

I am not sure I am using cash invoicing. I am using version 2.2.8. Is there another way to know if I am using cash invoicing. Presently, all customers are debtors and the have at lease 30 day to make payments for goods supplied to them.
Please how else do I know if I am using cash invoicing.




(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Joe,

Thanks for your reply.

The question I am asking is this.

when I enter an invoice for a customer, FA automatically credit the customers' payment. The customer is a customer that buys now and pay later. the customer has a time period of 30 day to make payment which was effected when the customer was created. So now why is it that FA automatically credit the customer when He has not paid.
please help as this is a major challenge.

Secondly, If I want to get a detailed report on a customer as par what he has bought and what he has paid so far and the balance he is owing, how do I get this?




(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello Joe,

thanks for your support so far.
I have a series of challenge with FA.

1. It automatically credit an invoice like a POS when the customer entered is a debtor customer i.e. he buys now pays later. what must be my error?

2. How do I make customers that dont transact with us again not to appear in the report printout. e.g. Debtors balances report.

3. what is the function of Customer transaction inquiry? What is the function of the RB column. I am asking because when I try to find out the cash collection over a period, the summation is not sequencial. I am missing something?



hello Joe,

I really appreciate your response. Thanks a lot. May I say that we do not manufacture. We buy and sell. What I mean now is that purchase price have changed for about six times and within those period i have been changing the purchase prices. Now that you have enlighten me on what to do, I want to know the following:

1. What will be the purchase price figure now? is it just any of the price or the very first opening purchase price? since I have manually computed the average price.

2. We do a monthly check on profit so that we can give a percentage of the profit to the sales rep. How do I get the accurate report of the each month's profit. Does FA only calculate the average based on that month in question of do it use the overall average?

thanks for your prompt response


Hello Joe,

thanks for always being there.
I still have a problem. I have updated the the average cost and I got the figure. But the challenge now is that every month, we pay the sales reps a certain amount of commission if they exceed a certain amount  of sales. Presently we have a five months report (May - September). When we decided to use FA to check the profit made for June, it was too high because, as at that time the sales price was high compared to the average. presently, the sales price is about N20 less than what is it was going for as at June.
What do I do seeing that the business calculates the commission based on FIFO. How do I still get the exact commission for the reps so that nobody is cheating the other.

Since the purchase price is changing the sales price is also changing. How do I alter the sales price?

expecting your response,



Hello Joe,

Thanks for the solution. I quite appreciate.

How do I now effect the solution to be effected for already entered invoices? Do I change the standard cost manually, or it there another way to it?

Thanks in advance.


Hello Joe,

thanks for your prompt response.

Let me explain. This is the scenario. I bought a product for N50 each in may. In june my suppliers reduced the price to N43. In July the price further went down to N40. and September the price went to N48 per each product. As these prices were changing, I was changing the purchase price and sales price under inventory, so that the COGS can be calculated as sales are made. At the end of september, I decided to check the Inventory sales report from May to September and I discovered that under cost for this product, it was showing N48 from May till september.
My question is this?
How am I supposed to change the purchase price in FA when there is change in it?
How do I correct this as it is giving me false report?.

Thanks for your support


Hello Joe,

You are doing a great job. I really appreciate your effort.

I have a very serious problem with FA. When we started using it in May 2010, I entered all the product we sell and their purchase and sales prices. After about a month, one of our vendors reduced the prices of their products which inverably means that there will be a reduction in the purchase price we entered previously and also the sales prices of their products. So what I did was to go to Item and Inventory then purchase price and change the affected product and also go to the sales price and change the price of the affected products.

This happened about 2 occasions.
last saturday, we tried to look into the profit that the business has made. when  i printed the report, I discovered that from may till date, all the price it used to calculate the profit of the business is the présent price I entered two weeks ago. what do I do.

Also when I looked at the invoice, it has the exacted prices with which we used to sell at as that time but when I go to Inventory Sales Report to print all the report to date, I get a report where the purchase price used for all the calculation is same as the latest purchase price i inputed.

Please help me.



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello Joe,

Thanks for your reply. I am using version 2.2.8. The file created when i press backup/Restore is named as "backup" and it is an html file with nothing inside.




(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello Joe,

Thanks for making my usage of frontaccounting a success.
I am presently having problems when I try to backup my database. When I click on backup/Restore it takes me to the backup/restore screen. When I click on backup with compression "No". It brings a dialog box with file name backup and file size 499. it is an html file and when you click open on file it brings up a blank page.

what is the problem?



Hello Joe,

Thanks for your quick response.
If I may ask, is it possible to include these parameters in your next release because a lot of firms uses FIFO, LIFO and Average.
It is just a suggestion

Thanks once again


Hello Joe,

Please i will like to ask a somehow unintelligent question. Where do I control my inventory using FIFO and LIFO in frontaccounting. I am having a little challenge because goods prices are always fluctuating. I used a price in June this year and today the price of the product has reduced.
when i try to print the sales of June, it was taking the new prices. I believe I must have done something wrong. Kindly help.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello Joe,

Thanks for your response. i really appreciate it. The version I am using is 2.2.8. I will also check the solution you gave me and see how it goes.




(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello Joe

thanks for your continuous response to all my question.

There is this error that my entry clerk told me ocurred.
By user rights and privilege, she can only enter invoices and cant enter payment.
two days back, she entered and invoice and surprisingly, a payment was created for that same invoice. When you try to click the invoice number to open it, it displays the following errors:
DATABASE ERROR: no debtor trans found for given params sql that failed was: SELECT 1_debtor_trans.*, ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_freight +ov_freight_tax + ov_discount AS Total, 1_debtors_master.name AS DebtorName, 1_debtors_master.address, 1_debtors_master.email AS email2, 1_debtor master *********************. and so on.

Please what is the cause of this error.

thanks in advance joe


Hello Janusz,

thanks once again.

this is what I mean.

I wanted to void a Purchase Order, Purchase Order Delivery and Supplier's Invoice. On going to the voiding section, I could only void Supplier's invoice. I could not void Purchase order nor the Purchase Order Delivery. I posted it on this forum and I was told to do a Stock Adjustment to correct my inventory status which I did.

About 6 - 7 days later, I discovered that the system (FA) automatically did the stock adjustment. this now made it a double adjustment with the manual stock adjustment I already did. I had to now void the manual stock adjustment i did initially.
I also discovered that the date this automatic adjustment was done on the same date as the Delivery date on the Purchase Order.
My observation is that the software does automatic adjustment when a suppliers invoice is voided. My question is that you please confirm this and that why do it have to take so many days although I am enable negative stock entry.



Hello Janusz,

Thanks for your response.Ireally appreaciate it.

There is this issue I have been battling with about Voiding a PO, Invoice, Purchase Order Delivery. When you want to void, you can only void Invoice. I posted on it on the forum and I want to told to do stock adjustment. To my greatest surprise, I discovered that after some days, there was an automatic adjustment by the system concerning the Purchase invoice I voided thereby making it a double negative adjustment since I manually adjusted the stock. have you come across this?

Secondly, I also discovered that it adjusted based on the date the stock arrived my store.

Any comments on this?



NOTE:Please which is FS 2.3?

Hello Janusz,

Thanks for your reply.
How do I change automatically the delivery date on the purchase order to reflect the date the purchase order was raised? cos our vendor make delivery of purchase order the same day purchase order is raised.

How about a situation when my Vendors gives me discount in goods and not in cash. How do I handle it.
This is the scenario: I bought 1000 unit of  goods at 200 naira per unit and my vendor gave a discount of 100 units of goods. this make us sell less than purchase price. How do I handle this discount.

thanks .


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hello Janusz,

Thanks for your reply.
How do I change automatically the delivery date on the purchase order to reflect the date the purchase order was raised? cos our vendor make delivery of purchase order the same day purchase order is raised.

thanks .


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hello Janusz,

Sorry about the version error. I am using version 2.2.8. Please check it out. I will really appreciate that. thanks.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hello Joe,

I discovered something very strange from what you told me regarding voiding Purchase Order.
I did as you told me using stock adjustment. To my greatest surprise, i discovered that the stock in the already voided invoice has reversed itself. making it a double deduction. i am somehow confused please check it out. I am using version 2.0.
Now if it is so why does it have to take so many days to reverse because we take stock weekly although we enabled negative stock.
I will get the sceenshots for you to see what I am talking about.
please kindly check this out.

thanks for your continued support.



(12 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Hello Joe,

Please kindly let me know how i can void a Purchase Order and Purchase Order delivery. I tried to do this by going to setup - void transaction. When I try to call up the PO with it transaction no, it returns an error "cant be found or it has been voided".

how do I do this because I have already voided the invoice to this transaction.




(1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

hello Joe,

Sorry to bother you on this issue. you said in your earlier post to me that I can enter an invoice without unit price and amount. Please I want to know how to do this.


