docuwiki is simple and good too, with a very basic markup coding structure. IMHO the pages looks a bit friendlier to users than mediawiki. Either way, it's going to be the content that is important, but before the content, it would be good to agree on a STRUCTURE, especially of the pmwiki that is embedded in the system. What do people think? Structure here means a 'template' layout that all wiki items would adhere too.
I'm happy to kick off an write an article for the wiki: first of all though, what are people's thoughts on the most valuable, 'chunkable' FA topic. Preferably one that a) confuses people, b) is important, c) gets used alot and d) has not much or no info available presently? My first port of call might be describing the differences in the methods for handling sales ie. do a Sales Order, then a Delivery, then an Invoice vs. just doing all three in one hit as a direct invoice. This was confusing for me when I started using FA, but makes sense now.
I want to reiterate itronics point above: keep the 'how to's' in the system wiki, and the conceptual stuff in the online web-based wiki.
PS. To use the pmwiki successfully on a PHP version > 5.3 and get rid of all the deprecated error messages that prevent you from seeing the screen, you will probably want to change line 20 in /modules/wiki/pmwiki.php from:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_DEPRECATED);
ie. report ALL errors EXCEPT Notices EXCEPT Deprecated