Topic: help

i am a user of frontaccounting and wish to know on how to use this software cos i find it difficult to input the transactions of my firm.that is chronologically input data. to be sincere having this done for me will greatly move my job forward in this firm.while awaiting your quick and applicable respond, i remain yours

Re: help

to be sincere with you guys am really crying at the moment, so the earlier my little questions are answered, the better for my job.

Re: help

Hello molyko,

I think you do not have response for your message as nobody can help you until you  describe your problem. Try explain it better.


Re: help

please how can i view all my clients in my account and  all the payments i have receive from them.what is the meaning of DIMENSION in Direct Sales Delivery.i also find it difficult to print a transaction whenever i take PRINT TRANSACTION.Thanks

Re: help

is it possible for to edit the chart of accounts to suit my taste? this is because am not use to these numbers and am just applying them as they appear.Thanks

Re: help

molyko wrote:

is it possible for to edit the chart of accounts to suit my taste? this is because am not use to these numbers and am just applying them as they appear.Thanks

The answer is yes. I'm afraid you're not going to get spoonfed an answer everytime you ask though. Your questions are difficult to answer because they are vague and look like you haven't tried to understand anything yourself.

I have a suggestion: Please just try to use the system for a week or so, learning how it works as you go. Then formulate a list of questions once you've at least tried to use the Frontaccounting.

Once you've put in some effort, and framed a question properly, people will be sure to answer it quickly.

Re: help

please how can i view all my clients in my account and  all the payments i have receive from them.i have been doing the registration or inputing of clients, names but will like to view those already enter so that i cannot input twice.what is the meaning of DIMENSION in Direct Sales Delivery.Thanks