Ok, I have found the problem. There are currently two different  Arabic charts of accounts available from our repository - GAAP complaint and general. General COA had invalid access setup table. I have repaired the COA and FA packages repository is updated.

After looking into both COA schemes, seems that GAAP version is better prepared and the other one is probably obsolete. Anyway it should work now without problems. Could you check the two COA's and report its usefulness?


(13 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

loans123 wrote:

This is the hardest thing to do but you are supposed to do it.

What is the hardest thing, and what I am supposed to do?

I don;t know. Current version does not have NewStockID references in lines 269/271 of items.php.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

The problem does not look like related to sessions. I think the best way would be to call for advice at Fatcow, as the message explains nothing. You can also check the apache log if you have access to it from your hosting panel.

Ok, guys. Now, please make  dump (export) file  from the databases created during installation, add your comments and send it to me. You can use phpmyadmin or similar tool to do this.
Send the info to our contributions mailbox found on ContactUs page.

I have just added new company on my existing FA installation using Arabic COA with standard login 'password'. To be sure nothing was overlooked, I have also installed Arabic language pack and set this as default. All works without problems, I can login, logout and work without problems, so I'm at least sure there is no bug suffering my example configuration i.e. MySQL 5.1.49-3, php 5.3.3-7 on Debian Squeeze.
Please try to do the installation as follows:
. Install FA from scratch in standard en_US configuration
. Install Arabic COA and lang pack
. Create new company using arabic COA and password 'password' and prefix suggested ('1_')
. Logout and try the new created company.

If you still have no access to new company with  'admin'/'password' credentials, dump database using some sql tool e.g. phpyadmin and send the file with comments to me, than I will check the content and try find the reason.


Long time no see, Excellence.
I still cannot reproduce the issue, so please first describe how you've solved the problem 4 months ago?


Long time no see, Excellence.
I still cannot reproduce the issue, so please first describe how you've solved the problem 4 months ago?


tclim, thank you for sharing the code. Yes, seems I have not seen it before indeed. The other one SOAP implementation for FA was provided by Gareth Obrien.

Ok, thank you for investigating the problem. I will check the code again and will try to fix this in next minor release.

There is no way  to complete multilevel select lists in pure HTML, so we have to live with it.

Frankly, I don't know why there is a bitwise OR here - certainly it should be '||', anyway it roughly works the same. The timeout value is stated in miliseconds here, so 6s is default for fast ajax updates. If the timeout on default value is reached frequently, something wrong is in between browser and server, most probably this is just the time for hosting change.

Keep in mind, that for time consuming operation (e.g. backup restore) timeout value of 60000ms is set in insert.js (about line 246), and progress bar is displayed in this case (instead of turning arrows). We can evenually enlarge this value abowe 60s, but AFAIR the javascript library used in FA accepts only 2-byte integer values for timeout, so maximum seems to be 64s.


Hi, I see you have found the problem. Thanks for the info, the fix will be included in next minor FA release.

Regarding timeout problem I'm not sure where it can be sourced. Maybe you have to change max_execution_time in php.ini file to some bigger value? In fact timeout triangle displayed means that communication has been broken during ajax call, so the exact reason can vary from just big net latency to server constraints on php script execution time.

Your new theme 'Anterp' was published some time ago, and is now available in any FrontAccounting instance via our central repository, so there is no need to push it to Download section.
Regarding SOAP API it was very limited,  suitable rather as API example than normal  extension module, so it was not qualified to be made available in FA repo. I was not sure whether you plan further development or not, but if you wish we can just put as it is on Download  page.



(5 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

You have to go back to Install/Activate extensions, select your company in the selector at top of page, and turn the extension on for the company. If your extension provides any new permittion areas, the Access Setup fixes are  also necessary as you stated of course.


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The issue with cursor movement is related to Chrome browser, so if you use Firefox you can forget my previous post. Nevermind.

I explained how the Customer Payments works in 4th post in this thread: you have to select bank account nominated in the same currency as used by your customer, otherwise no transaction is displayed to be allocated during payment. The rule used here is fairly simple: if your customer receive  invoices in EUR, the payment have to be done in EUR, not USD nor any other currency.
I have added 'Unicredit' bank account on demo setup, to make it easier for you to test how it works.



(5 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

This is not set automatically on module installation, as often installed module is no needed in some companies. This should be changed when you activate module on per company basis after installation.


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have spent some time testing the problem, and I have found only small issue when Chrome is used with FrontAccounting: after Enter is pressed on empty customer selector, the focus movement is blocked until Esc is pressed. This will be fixed in next minor FA release.

Beside this small issue I do not see anything wrong in Customer Payments interaction. Do you have described problems testing our demo server at http://demo.frontaccounting.eu ?



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I have spent some time testing the problem, and I have found only small issue when Chrome is used with FrontAccounting: after Enter is pressed on empty customer selector, the focus movement is blocked until Esc is pressed. This will be fixed in next minor FA release.

Beside this small issue I do not see anything wrong in Customer Payments interaction. Do you have described problems testing our demo server at http://demo.frontaccounting.eu ?



(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

Regarding pdf files, the tcpdf class used for pdf generation does make use of zlib library if it is available in your installation. You can make simple test if you are not sure: just download the pdf file and run gzip on it. When after compression the result file has much lower size you can try change php settings to enable compression (see http://pl2.php.net/manual/en/zlib.configuration.php)


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Yes, seems there is some bug in screen refresh. What browser are you using?

No. there is a couple of constraint on document edition i.e. the sales price cannot be changed after the order is done, but we consider described workflow as too much restrictive. FA works in 'buffering' mode, so everything entered should be editable (when possible) until finally the period is closed.

Oh, yes. You have deleted all ledgers accounts. Well, I think it is not good idea. FA has a l lot of internal dependences, so I would rather advice to load any available chart of accounts and customize it to our requirements using menu options provided by the application.
Do not use backdoor tools like phpmyadmin for this unless you are sure you know what you are doing. This is just waste of time.


(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Providing your customer has name 'Ghostbusters'. What you see when you press space, enter 'bust' and press enter in the customer selector? Is the selector empty?


(5 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

If you want use the module only locally, there is no need for _init directory at all. If extension is of type theme, chart, language, or it contains only additional reports there is even no need for hooks.php file. For any more complex extension module you have to create hooks.php file containing class definition 'hooks_name_of_the_package' derived from hooks class found in includes/hooks.php. Methods of this class (if defined) are used for module integration with various FrontAccounting parts. Most important hooks are:
* install_tabs() - adds new tabs in FA menu;
* install_options() - adds option to various FA menus;
* install_access() - allow additional permission levels to be defined for module's pages;
* install_extension() - called on extension installation;
* activate_extension() - called when extension is activated for selected company.

All the available hook methods are described in includes/hooks.inc file, and the hook files bundled with extensions in FA central repo can be used as examples.

If you create extension which you want to be placed in central FrontAccounting repository, you should create only single additional _init/config file containing following information used during install/preview:

Package: single_word_package_name
Version: 2.3.4
Name: One line description  of the package
Description: Longer description of the package content. Can be 
 continued on following lines providing the first char in line is space.
Author: name and <email of the author>
Maintenance: name and email of current maintainer (or the author)
Homepage: address of related www page
Type: extension or chart or language or theme
InstallPath: modules/folder_name

That's all. Before the package is placed in repository we make some rough code audit and create all the other needed auxiliary files, so you can don't care about them.
