Topic: Jurnal entries and bank entries have 2 step to input data.

In my company Accounting Unit consists of 2 people: 1 person as a staff work to input data transactions (journal entry or bank transactions) and 1 person working as a supervisors who's works  to check whether the data input staff each account grouping code input transaction data is correct or not, and if it is correct his/er post them.  Is the FA could accommodate this procedure in the next version?

(forgive me for my bad english)

Re: Jurnal entries and bank entries have 2 step to input data.

Next major version will support closing transactions up to selected date. After the date is cloed no changes nor new transactions can be entered. Having this feature you can treat all non-closed transactions just as prepared but not accepte.

Re: Jurnal entries and bank entries have 2 step to input data.

could transaction be closed after delivery had done ? and only system administrator can open / edit that transaction again ?


Re: Jurnal entries and bank entries have 2 step to input data.

No. there is a couple of constraint on document edition i.e. the sales price cannot be changed after the order is done, but we consider described workflow as too much restrictive. FA works in 'buffering' mode, so everything entered should be editable (when possible) until finally the period is closed.