Topic: Customer Payments

We need help with posting customer payments. 

From the Sales Menu, we go to Customer Payments.  We click on the customer name and type the name in.  Two sections come up on the screen.  The top section has the customer name, branch, into bank account, reference, date and bank charge.  The bottom section has customer prompt payment discount, amount of discount, amount, and memo.  We then have to go back to the Sales Menu and back into Customer Payments again and a third section in the middle appears for the customer previously entered.  In this section is the transaction type, #, reference, date, due date, amount, other allocation, this allocation, left to allocate, then we can click to pay all or none. We need this third section to post the payment. What is the reason for setting it up this way, or is this a programming error?

We can also get this third section by clicking in the customer name box and entering “*” . Then we can scroll through the entire customer list, select the right customer and post from there. But with thousands of customers this is not feasible.  It is also too time consuming to type the name, get out of the screen and then back into it to be able to post.  Is there a way to correct this?

Re: Customer Payments

You are using the 'Search Customer List' that is enabled in Company Setup, Setup tab.
If you don't have that many customers you can unmark this Search and everything works 'normally'.


Re: Customer Payments

If I unmark the search, I do have the third box that I need to post payments.  However, we have over 65,000 customers and searching for them this way is too time consuming. 

Is these the only options to post payments?

Re: Customer Payments

I'm not sure what is your problem here. Regarding customer selection you can of course entry fragment of customer name instead of '*', and only customers having this fragment in the name will be displayed.

The list of transactions displayed depends on two selectors: customer and currency of account selected for payment. So, if you have selected Junk Beer customer using DKK for payments, and you have 'Petty cash' account selected nominated in $ you will see NO transactions to be allocated to.

Re: Customer Payments

The actual problem is not getting the customer to pull up, the problem is that if we us the "Search Customer", the section used to post the payment doesn't pull up.  It only appears if we leave the post payment page and then return to it.

Re: Customer Payments

Providing your customer has name 'Ghostbusters'. What you see when you press space, enter 'bust' and press enter in the customer selector? Is the selector empty?

Re: Customer Payments

Our main issue is with the posting of payments, from the first paragraph of my original post, not the customer search from my second paragraph.

When we go in to post a payment, data is there from the last payment posted, the last data entered for the customer and shows their balance.  If we select a new customer to post a payment for, the data does not change, the previous customer balance is there instead of the balance of the new customer selected. If we then go back out to the sales menu and then back in to customer payments, the new customer is there with their balance due. The system is not refreshing the balance for the new customer by simply selecting a new customer, without having to go back out and then back in again.

When we turn off the customer search, it functions as expected, but with the search turned on, it functions as described above. As stated previously, with thousands of customers, having the search turned off is not practical.

Is this a bug or was it written this way for a reason?

Re: Customer Payments

Yes, seems there is some bug in screen refresh. What browser are you using?

Re: Customer Payments

I have spent some time testing the problem, and I have found only small issue when Chrome is used with FrontAccounting: after Enter is pressed on empty customer selector, the focus movement is blocked until Esc is pressed. This will be fixed in next minor FA release.

Beside this small issue I do not see anything wrong in Customer Payments interaction. Do you have described problems testing our demo server at ?


Re: Customer Payments

I have spent some time testing the problem, and I have found only small issue when Chrome is used with FrontAccounting: after Enter is pressed on empty customer selector, the focus movement is blocked until Esc is pressed. This will be fixed in next minor FA release.

Beside this small issue I do not see anything wrong in Customer Payments interaction. Do you have described problems testing our demo server at ?


Re: Customer Payments

We are using Firefox 3.6.17 in the Ubuntu 10.04LTS OS.

Not sure what you mean by “after Enter is pressed on empty customer selector, the focus movement is blocked until Esc is pressed.”

We opened the demo server (which has not been updated to the 2.3.4 version), we have
the same problem using the demo as we do on our server.

As an example on the demo site, lookup “Testcustomer” in the Customer Transaction Inquiry page.  This shows that this customer owes $6297.63.  Then go to the Customer Payments page and enter same customer.  There are 2 sections showing, but nowhere to post payment.  The 3rd section (used to post the payment) which should show in between the two sections is not showing.

Re: Customer Payments

The issue with cursor movement is related to Chrome browser, so if you use Firefox you can forget my previous post. Nevermind.

I explained how the Customer Payments works in 4th post in this thread: you have to select bank account nominated in the same currency as used by your customer, otherwise no transaction is displayed to be allocated during payment. The rule used here is fairly simple: if your customer receive  invoices in EUR, the payment have to be done in EUR, not USD nor any other currency.
I have added 'Unicredit' bank account on demo setup, to make it easier for you to test how it works.


Re: Customer Payments

Will the bug in the screen refresh be corrected anytime soon?

Re: Customer Payments

Next FA version will be released probably this week.

15 (edited by cheeks 07/05/2011 10:31:21 am)

Re: Customer Payments

hi joe hope you can help

using fa 2.35

when i try to allocate a payment it does not seem to update as the screen does not refresh saying that the payment has been made.

when i check the client's statement the payment does not reflect

any ideas what i need to do?

thanks again for a great product