Topic: Customer Payments
We need help with posting customer payments.
From the Sales Menu, we go to Customer Payments. We click on the customer name and type the name in. Two sections come up on the screen. The top section has the customer name, branch, into bank account, reference, date and bank charge. The bottom section has customer prompt payment discount, amount of discount, amount, and memo. We then have to go back to the Sales Menu and back into Customer Payments again and a third section in the middle appears for the customer previously entered. In this section is the transaction type, #, reference, date, due date, amount, other allocation, this allocation, left to allocate, then we can click to pay all or none. We need this third section to post the payment. What is the reason for setting it up this way, or is this a programming error?
We can also get this third section by clicking in the customer name box and entering “*” . Then we can scroll through the entire customer list, select the right customer and post from there. But with thousands of customers this is not feasible. It is also too time consuming to type the name, get out of the screen and then back into it to be able to post. Is there a way to correct this?