Setup->Company Setup->Max day range in documents.
Increase this figure from the default of 180 days.
51 03/03/2023 01:45:44 am
Re: "Reports and Analysis" -> "Print Invoices" -> "From" and "To" empty (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
52 02/14/2023 09:59:11 am
Re: Opening Year - 2017 (10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
I think @joe was very clear with this and I quote him:
Hello Sir,
I guess you are referring to an external COA. In the FA core there are 2 COAs, en_US_demo.sql and en_US_new.sql. These 2 COAs only contains two fiscal years, Currently these are 2020 and 2021.
In the next minor release these will be updated to 2021 and 2022.
All the COAs in the Extension repository are maintained by various users and some are probably not updated.
53 02/08/2023 10:21:07 am
Re: Members allowed to upload attachments. (1 replies, posted in Announcements)
Good decision Joe.
54 02/05/2023 10:33:52 am
Re: The entered date is out of fiscal year (oh, no sir, it's not!) (8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
Did you investigate this with debug on?
55 02/05/2023 10:30:39 am
Re: Opening Year - 2017 (10 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
what did you find and how you solved it?
56 02/04/2023 02:52:46 pm
Re: PunBB (6 replies, posted in Wish List)
I agree with @poncho1234. Lets make it easier for members to use the forum.
57 02/04/2023 08:33:56 am
Re: No discount option on Supplier or Direct Supplier Invoices (6 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)
Have you considered adding a GL Item to the Supplier Invoice. The Discounts Received account is 5060 in the demo COA (US COA). With this you can add Total Discount to invoices but not to direct ones. Give it a try. I like it.
58 02/01/2023 07:42:40 am
Re: The entered date is out of fiscal year (oh, no sir, it's not!) (8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
setup->Company Setup->choose 2021 fiscal year. Bottom of screen press Update.
Now you will be able to enter data in that year.
59 01/22/2023 12:04:28 pm
Re: Apple devices cannot display statement emails (4 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
@doug86 can you please list your environment . php mysql apache OS FA on the server side?
60 12/26/2022 03:43:27 am
Re: Invoice not printing in 2.4.14 (7 replies, posted in Installation)
For me its a difficult problem to crack as I dont have enough programming background.
It might help.
61 12/21/2022 08:54:35 am
Re: Invoice not printing in 2.4.14 (7 replies, posted in Installation)
Try with debug on. See if anything in the logs.
62 12/20/2022 08:28:44 am
Re: Invoice not printing in 2.4.14 (7 replies, posted in Installation)
In database
trans_type 30 is a Sales Order
order_no is the Sales order number.
You will find the above in database tables xx_sales_order.
so look for trans_type =30 and order_no=20131 combination.
From within FA
Sales->Sales Order Enquiry -> #=20131 and see what you can do.
63 12/19/2022 02:02:50 pm
Re: Bank Payments and Deposits Entry - Double memo fields (16 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Maybe this is what you are looking for:?
As in this thread.
Strange that you are not able to attach screen shots. One thing to remember is that screen shots should be saved as files (.png..etc) and then attached as files.
64 12/15/2022 08:06:41 am
Re: Tax no adding (4 replies, posted in Reporting)
By default the Legal Text is only available on invoices and statements. The field is around 150 characters. You need to manipulate some files to get to where you want to go. Google "frontaccounting legal text" and you will find some help there. If you want to see Legal text on all documents then in /reporting/includes/ comment as below (line 282 as of FA 2.4.14)
// if (($this->formData['doctype'] == ST_SALESINVOICE || $this->formData['doctype'] == ST_STATEMENT) && $this->company['legal_text'] != "")
65 12/14/2022 08:59:17 am
Re: Tax no adding (4 replies, posted in Reporting)
The tax is calculated and it is included the final figure(26.09 is included in the 200). Sales->Sales Types define if the tax is included or not.
66 12/02/2022 01:21:39 pm
Re: Bank Payments and Deposits Entry - Double memo fields (16 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
I am running 2.4.14 and not able to recreate your problem.
You can always upload screen shots (files) by choosing Post a reply.
67 11/17/2022 06:16:17 pm
Re: Include, when attachment is uploaded, the attachment with the invoice (3 replies, posted in Wish List)
When one places an invoice he/she is also prompted to add an attachment. What would like to do is to be able to automatically combine the invoice and the attachment in one pdf file. Today what he is doing is downloading the invoice and the attachment and merging them manually in one pdf.
68 11/03/2022 07:22:47 am
Re: Cannot print any invoice (5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
As @kvvaradha suggested please press the update button and try again. Clearly the message states currency not set.
69 10/31/2022 12:03:43 pm
Re: Updated Version on godaddy (10 replies, posted in Installation)
I presume that certain site providers consider the repo unsafe for reasons they are not willing to divulge or its against some rules that they dont know what they are.
70 10/30/2022 08:02:46 am
Re: Updated Version on godaddy (10 replies, posted in Installation)
You still need to do as in
71 10/28/2022 03:34:55 am
Re: Release 2.4.14 (5 replies, posted in Announcements)
The first string will not show if translated because its coming in the login screen and before the language is set.
72 10/23/2022 06:52:06 am
Re: Delivery Against Sales Orders (1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Check errors.log for any errors. Enable debug in config file and check for errors again. List your environment.. fa, os, ...etc
73 10/22/2022 10:26:53 am
Re: Arabic language interface (1 replies, posted in Announcements)
please mention your environments os, php, mysql, apache and the content of /lang/
74 10/15/2022 07:13:47 am
Re: Changing a Branch on an Invoice (1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
@seahawk.. I use an extension by @boxygen as below. It works nice for me. Review and see if it fits you. It works with Direct Invoices only. Aslo you need to manually void customer payments if any was allocated against the invoice.
75 10/14/2022 11:38:58 am
Re: Help Please: Simplified Line Items on Quotes & Invoices (1 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
Take a look at Manufacturing and Bill of Material you might find a way to suit your need.