I'm trying to enter some bills with January 2014 date and I get this error:
"The entered date is not in fiscal year."
I already created 2014 as a fiscal year under setup.
What am I missing?
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FrontAccounting forum → Posts by cristiart
I'm trying to enter some bills with January 2014 date and I get this error:
"The entered date is not in fiscal year."
I already created 2014 as a fiscal year under setup.
What am I missing?
rep108.pdf in line 72 i replaced with this:
$cols = array(4, 90, 150, 210, 250, 320, 385, 450, 515);
my reference numbers are like INV3307508 long so i need more space to fit all that, so this will give more space
the attach file view options it's not complete. If you attach 2 or more files the function will only output the last one from the array, and will only display that you have one file attached to your order/invoice/dispatch.... etc
so here my add
in attachment_db.inc i added this function:
function get_attachment_string($type, $id)
global $path_to_root;
$str_return = "";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."attachments WHERE type_no=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($id)." ORDER BY trans_no";
$return = db_query($sql, "Could not retrieve attachments");
while ($attachment = db_fetch($return))
if (strlen($str_return))
$str_return = $str_return . " \n";
$str_return .= "<br/>";
$str_return = $str_return . " - Attached File: <a href='$path_to_root/admin/attachments.php?vw=".$attachment["id"]." ' target='blanc_'>ID: ". $attachment["id"] . " Description ". $attachment["description"]. " - ". $attachment["filename"]."</a>";
return $str_return;
in ui_controls.inc line 179 just after $id = has_attachment($type_no, $trans_no); add
$attach = get_attachment_string($type_no, $trans_no);
echo $attach;
FA team: the above function needs a bit styling but for now this will do the job.
thank you for this Pete, this is exactly what I need; I was getting frustrated by the 30 search
line 972 in pdf_report.inc I think the appropriate file name should be:
$fname = $dir.'/'.$this->formData['document_number'].'.pdf';
This way it should be easier for customer and you to identify orders and invoices.
Is it possible to create a return authorization number to give customers before they return products?
This require that all returns have to be approve prior to customer ship back.
Thank you
how do i void a sales order? customer change her mind and need to cancel the sales order. I can't seem to be able to void from Setup -> Void a Transaction link
How would I go about creating a PO for consumable materials? I guess a better questions is, how will I clear inventory for consumable items I buy using a PO.
For example: I buy 20 boxes that I use for shipping. How will I go about clearing the inventory once all boxes are shipped out?
you also might want to consider changing line 325 in - ui_view.inc - with this:
echo nl2br($comment["memo_"]) . "<br>";
in view_sales_order.php line:
label_row(_("Comments"), ($_SESSION['View']->Comments), "class='tableheader2'", "colspan=3");
i think it should be replaced with:
label_row(_("Comments"), nl2br($_SESSION['View']->Comments), "class='tableheader2'", "colspan=3");
this way comments about different sales items will make more sense and be easier to read
I'm also looking for a way to link sales orders to work order.
how can I upload the files in here?
i had to make a shortcut menu (mouse over) to easily navigate through all the important links in FA. It's all about time right!!!
here's my screenshot:
oh, not to mention it's also mobile/tablet friendly...
here is the update for this hack:
for "Customer Transaction" screenshot here:
this will allow you to send/resend the invoice/email to you customer just one click away. This also will tell you right in the inquiry page if the email/invoice was already sent to your customers. -> you want to get payed right? don't forget to send that email This also help when you have multiple sales people and your invoices are only send thought email to your customers. (no more postal office mail). Once you click the icon the database will get stamp with today's date and later on you can see the date in "Sales Invoice page" -> see bellow
for Sales Invoice page see here: http://s14.postimg.org/70f05plxt/fa_email2.jpg
Can anyone explain how to do this in FA?
I sold some products, and the customer returned some of the products back. I go to "Customer Transaction -> Credit This" and create the return. Now the customer have let's say $100 credit in the account. Now I want to return the $100 back to my customer credit card (or by a check), and once the transaction it's completed I want to show zero credit to customer.
How can apply the credit/check back to customer? Also how to deal with 25% restocking fee?
Thank you
I think a nice feature will be to color code orders for a better view in "delivery against sales orders".
Here's the idea:
A customer call and say i want this product ship overnight. So when John enter the sales order he can select "urgent" or "red" in the sales order entry page.
For company that also customize and manufacture products on sales order, when you look at "delivery against sales orders" page if there are different colors it's easier to identify which orders are straight inventory sales and they can ship right away and the once that are customize/manufacturing orders.
This way Mike in the warehouse don't need to spend all that time with the inside office to figure out what need to happen with each order.
So, in sales order entry page by default there is no color selection for orders, but if you want to select colors it can be something like: yellow for manufacturing sales, green for straight inventory sales, red for urgent etc...
This can also apply for companies that have 2 or more shipping departments/locations. Color coding for department/location will tell which one have to handle the order...
at line 106 in sales_order_view.php ( function check_overdue) i think the appropriate line should be:
&& date1_greater_date2(Today(),sql2date($row['delivery_date']))
since this will only mark orders that did not got shipped before that date (requested date). This is specifically useful for company that manufacture or don't ship products same or next day.
that can be a workable solution around, however, what about if you have multiple locations for your business, or even a few employees? what about if you want to work from home a few days a week? what about if you are a CEO in your company and want to make sure your employee are sending out the invoices so that you can get payed? what about John from accounting, how dose he know that Emily already sent the invoice to the customer.
the above solution mean that your email inbox you have to have dedicated to be setup to store email in the cloud so that all employees can access it.
further more, you'll have to set that email up on all your devises (iPhone,iPad,laptop) and all office computers in order to access that information.
to me having a time stamp it's the easier and TIME saving solution. time being of the essence.
this hack its in 2 parts, first part it's completed, second part I'm working on it.
concept: add email link in orders and invoices inquiry page next to edit and print icons. every time you press the icon, email is sent/resent to your customer and the database get stamped with the current date.
usage: first it's time saving when you have to send/resend the invoice to your customer. you'll also know IF or when the email was sent to your customers, by viewing the "email sent date" in your view_invoice.php page. this is very useful when you have overdue invoices and you are getting ready to call your customer. also, you will know if your employees are doing there job properly buy sending the invoice to your customers.
part one hack concept: create 2 database columns for order and invoice sections. create functions to stamp database then email it's send ( date stamp, 1 for email send). retrieve data from database in view pages.
part two hack concept: if ( $email_sent == 1) in database, change default jpeg images with a new distinctive image. this will show in view page that email is already sent. also, if invoice it's overdue, change email function to send a different text email message to customer, text to reflect invoice overdue and request for payment immediately.
check out my hack for this here: viewtopic.php?id=4186
The simple solution is this
_("Order Date") => array('name'=>'ord_date', 'type'=>'date', 'ord'=>'desc'),
if you want to be able to send and resend emails to your customers from your inquiry page here's my hack for this:
in sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php page add this line under - function prt_link($row) - around line 122
function send_email($row)
global $trans_type;
return print_email_link($row['order_no'], _("Email"), true, $trans_type, ICON_DOC);
in same file line 318 (this will put the link on your page) right under: _("Tmpl") => array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'tmpl_checkbox')
array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'send_email'),
in file - reporting/includedes/reporting.inc - just add this entire block an the bottom of the page. ( just before ?> php end)
//email link from sale order page - added by Cristi
function print_email_link($doc_no, $link_text, $link=true, $type_no,
$icon=false, $class='printlink', $id='', $email=1, $extra=0)
global $path_to_root, $def_print_orientation;
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/types.inc");
$url = $path_to_root.'/reporting/prn_redirect.php?';
$def_orientation = (isset($def_print_orientation) && $def_print_orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0);
switch ($type_no)
$rep = 111;
// from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => $email,
'PARAM_4' => '',
'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 109;
// from, to, currency, email, quote, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => $email,
'PARAM_4' => 0,
'PARAM_5' => '',
'PARAM_6' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 110;
// from, to, email, packing slip, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => $email,
'PARAM_3' => $extra,
'PARAM_4' => '',
'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
case ST_SALESINVOICE : // Sales Invoice
case ST_CUSTCREDIT : // Customer Credit Note
$rep = $type_no==ST_CUSTCREDIT ? 113 : 107;
// from, to, currency, email, paylink, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => $email,
'PARAM_4' => '',
'PARAM_5' => '',
'PARAM_6' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 209;
// from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => $email,
'PARAM_4' => '',
'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 112;
// from, to, currency, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => '',
'PARAM_4' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 210;
// from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => '',
'PARAM_3' => $email,
'PARAM_4' => '',
'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
$rep = 409;
// from, to, email, comments orientation
$ar = array(
'PARAM_0' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_1' => $doc_no,
'PARAM_2' => $email,
'PARAM_3' => '',
'PARAM_4' => $def_orientation);
// default: $ar = array();
return print_link($link_text, $rep, $ar, "", $icon, $class, $id);
if you want to be able to send emails from other pages like customer_inquiry.php, or delivery page, all you have to do it's add the first part of the script from above in that page...
I'm looking to start using FA as my invoice system and I was wandering what's the new about version 2.4. When will this me release?
Will i be able to upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 easily, will the database structure be the same?
I have hundreds of items in stock and hundreds of customers so i don't want to do this twice...
What should we expect from the new release?
thank you
this is something I'm also interested in, let me know how it go with the development. i was looking for something like that...
That way we can build the URL with the variables needed and put it in the invoice page.
Can you please help me with building the URL for the email function; basically I want to be able to email/re-email the invoice to the customer from the invoice query page, similar with the image in previous post...
thank you
FrontAccounting forum → Posts by cristiart
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