Topic: email sale order to customer from inquiry page

if you want to be able to send and resend emails to your customers from your inquiry page here's my hack for this:

in sales/inquiry/sales_orders_view.php page add this line under -  function prt_link($row) - around line 122

function send_email($row)
    global $trans_type;
    return print_email_link($row['order_no'], _("Email"), true, $trans_type, ICON_DOC);

in same file line 318 (this will put the link on your page) right under: _("Tmpl") => array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'tmpl_checkbox')

array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'send_email'),

in file - reporting/includedes/ - just add this entire block an the bottom of the page. ( just before ?>  php end)

//email link from sale order page - added by Cristi
function print_email_link($doc_no, $link_text, $link=true, $type_no, 
$icon=false, $class='printlink', $id='', $email=1, $extra=0)
    global $path_to_root, $def_print_orientation;
    include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/");

    $url = $path_to_root.'/reporting/prn_redirect.php?';
    $def_orientation = (isset($def_print_orientation) && $def_print_orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0);

    switch ($type_no)
        case ST_SALESQUOTE :
            $rep = 111;
            // from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => $email, 
                'PARAM_4' => '',
                'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_SALESORDER :
            $rep = 109;
            // from, to, currency, email, quote, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => $email, 
                'PARAM_4' => 0, 
                'PARAM_5' => '',
                'PARAM_6' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_CUSTDELIVERY :
            $rep = 110;
            // from, to, email, packing slip, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => $email,
                'PARAM_3' => $extra,
                'PARAM_4' => '',
                'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_SALESINVOICE : // Sales Invoice
        case ST_CUSTCREDIT : // Customer Credit Note
            $rep = $type_no==ST_CUSTCREDIT ? 113 : 107;
            // from, to, currency, email, paylink, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => $email, 
                'PARAM_4' => '',
                'PARAM_5' => '', 
                'PARAM_6' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_PURCHORDER :
            $rep = 209;
            // from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => $email, 
                'PARAM_4' => '',
                'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_CUSTPAYMENT :
            $rep = 112;
            // from, to, currency, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => '',
                'PARAM_4' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_SUPPAYMENT :
            $rep = 210;
            // from, to, currency, email, comments, orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => '', 
                'PARAM_3' => $email, 
                'PARAM_4' => '',
                'PARAM_5' => $def_orientation);
        case ST_WORKORDER :
            $rep = 409;
            // from, to, email, comments orientation
            $ar = array(
                'PARAM_0' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_1' => $doc_no, 
                'PARAM_2' => $email, 
                'PARAM_3' => '', 
                'PARAM_4' => $def_orientation);
//        default: $ar = array();
    return print_link($link_text, $rep, $ar, "", $icon, $class, $id);

if you want to be able to send emails from other pages like customer_inquiry.php, or delivery page, all you have to do it's add the first part of the script from above in that page...