Topic: attachments file view
the attach file view options it's not complete. If you attach 2 or more files the function will only output the last one from the array, and will only display that you have one file attached to your order/invoice/dispatch.... etc
so here my add
in i added this function:
function get_attachment_string($type, $id)
global $path_to_root;
$str_return = "";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."attachments WHERE type_no=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($id)." ORDER BY trans_no";
$return = db_query($sql, "Could not retrieve attachments");
while ($attachment = db_fetch($return))
if (strlen($str_return))
$str_return = $str_return . " \n";
$str_return .= "<br/>";
$str_return = $str_return . " - Attached File: <a href='$path_to_root/admin/attachments.php?vw=".$attachment["id"]." ' target='blanc_'>ID: ". $attachment["id"] . " Description ". $attachment["description"]. " - ". $attachment["filename"]."</a>";
return $str_return;
in line 179 just after $id = has_attachment($type_no, $trans_no); add
$attach = get_attachment_string($type_no, $trans_no);
echo $attach;
FA team: the above function needs a bit styling but for now this will do the job.