Assuming you only post daily sales entries and your cash register is not interfaced to the PC somehow, I would think you would do an end of day on the cash register and balance the till. Then you would post a bank deposit to the various cash register sales departments shown on the end of day report. You would bank your takings and it will all work nicely as the deposit would show on your bank account to be reconciled. If you had other deposits, perhaps you bank these separately.

lordas101 wrote:

is it possible to create to Virtuemart modules?

Don't forget me too smile


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Down in Australia here, I import via UPS from the UK and they charge me for the customs clearance. The charges include assessed GST (eg VAT), a Customs fee and a handling fee (eg like your delivery charge). I have set up a quick entry for this transaction and just post it direct to the bank.

Works for me and your situation is similar. I might add, I don't get the goods unless I pay this fee, so there is no need for another PO to UPS.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

elax wrote:

I was wondering if GST is US equivalent of VAT (in the FA world). I mean there is no field to set the VAT number of a company or a customer in FA, but there is a GST one. Is it the same ?

I need my VAT number and the customer one on the invoice.


If you are based in Australia, there is a General ledger and an Australian Language which will set everything up and use the correct terminology on invoices etc for you.


Jannie wrote:

It seems that a finalized printed report should be a basic feature.  We are interested in having this option.

X2. Nice to be able to show your accountant a reconciliation report at year end.

itronics wrote:

Legal text can be defined in Setup/System and General GL Setup.

joe wrote:

Hello guys.
I just realized that you you can set the Bank Account as default account. This account will then be chosen for the invoices.

I thought  I was going round the twist here! I read Januzs's post and  I looked at Legal text and it was empty (even looked using phpMyadmin)  and I now see from Joe's post that FA has been doing it for me all along! You just just need to fill out all the fields in the bank account setup.


rajeev wrote:

Hi Everybody, 

I'm sure there is a way to configure frontaccounting to use a database hosted on a web server on the Internet. I've searched the forum but am surprised to find no posts about this. I'd imagine many users would want their database hosted on a web site.

I'm trying to accomplish this, and will post my progress (assuming there is!) for the benefit of other users in a similar situation. Meanwhile, if any of you FA and PHP/ MySQL gurus out there have any ideas, they'd be very much appreciated!


Just follow the installation instructions and it will install fine on a remote server but the problem the original poster had was poor performance.

Personally to solve his problem, I would host it on another server. I now use a VPN so I have total control and it works fine now.

I've got this info printing on the bottom of the invoices but I can't for the life of me find where it is entered but I know I don't use a custom piece of code. It was the default with an earlier Australian Chart of Accounts and I thought it was clever. Is there a legal text  field or something?

Please quote Tax Invoice no. when paying. All amounts stated in - AUD
Bank: Westpac, West End, Bank Account: BSB 999-999 Acct 999999

Has a data entry field been removed? Or am I just Blind?


Thanks for the advice. I have it sorted now. This is what I did:
1. Poured myself a scotch
2. Drank about half of it
3. Made the prior year active
4. voided the closing entry
5. Ran a trial balance for prior year - it balanced
6. Tried to close the year again and got a new informative error message in 2.3.4 telling me I had the accounts set up wrong!
7. Lowered the level in my glass a bit more...
8. Made sure Retained Earnings was  in my Equity Class
9. Made sure Profit (loss) was in the new Expense Group I created above
10. Closed the prior year
11. Set the current Year as the active fiscal year
12. Ran a Trial balance and it Balanced! smile
13. Drained my glass and poured another to celebrate smile smile smile

14. Raised a toast to the FA development team!

Hi Guys.

I have a problem here relating to the year end 306/2010 which I still don't understand after reading the Wiki and this thread. I need to fix this as the next year is fast approaching (end of this month).

I have a closed Fiscal year for year ended 30/6/2010
I had a loss of  $6657.33 for the year ended 30/6/2010 and the trial balance for the 2010/11 year is out by this amount CR as an opening balance

I have two accounts in the equity section of my GL
31000 Net profit (loss) - Opening Balance at 1/7/10 $6657.33 CR
32000 Retained earnings -   Opening Balance at 1/7/10 $6657.33 DR
Expense accounts are in a higher numbered class (19) than equity (15)

EDIT: I made a new expense group at the end of the expenses and moved retained earnings account to this group and now the Trial Balance is out by double this amount CR. and the retained earnings account has a NIL  Balance.

So how can I fix this?

tclim wrote:

Hi rodw,

   Thanks you for your valuable information. Since we are using the new technology, we only support the newest smartphone (This is the jquery mobile issue). if you wish to know weather your phone are supported by jquery mobile, you may visit here to verify

  Our recommendation is you should "upgrade" your smartphone (at least Android 2.2) and you are able to use this applications. Sorry about that...

  I have been spending 2 days just to rush for the rest of the functionality. Up to today, i have been completed most of the functionality but need tester to test it using mobile devices. I have also uploaded ALL the completed modules to my server. You can now access all the functions that I have built.

  If you still unable to access using your mobile device, you may switch to Firefox browser to test it. But, I am sorry that this version doesn't not support creation yet. It only read the data from the database and populate into your mobile devices.

Just an update. I think I had a network issue last time. Now tested and working on a HTC Dream running Android 1.6 (which shows as a supported platform on the jquerymobile link above smile Nice interface.


It seems to time out before it loads. Thought it might be a poor 3G connection so switched to WifI but no difference. Mine is ainolder HTC Dream (Android 1.6) I so want to upgrade it to a newer Android phone!

I have used FA on my phone a couple of times. Last time was to check a suppliers price against his last invoice as the price had gone up at his premises and before I paid....

For me it would be to mainly add customers and then create quotes, orders, delivery dockets, invoices.

joe wrote:

Are there any chance that you will let the REST Webservice API as GPL in some version (LGPL or so).

This would even inspire others to make bridges.

Best regards


A vote for this from me too for GPL as it would add great value to FA.



(14 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)


Thanks so much for contributing this. I had seen the Vtiger contribution but am not quite ready to tackle the CRM side of my small business and did not realise that it included a generic API as REST meant nothing to me. Now I need to get my head around all of what you have done and of course once I stopped and thought I needed Purchase order integration as well. I had a quick look at your Vtiger integration demo and was impressed and will return.

I will continue the conversation on the other thread once I am ready to tackle this.



(14 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

This is really very interesting and I downloaded the source. It looks like the other method required would be: 

You could then process an eCommerce shopping cart, add/edit the debtor to FA and then create an FA sales order or invoice (based on the trans type) depending on whether you track delivery of orders in FA or your eCommerce system ( I make sales orders and track deliveries in FA). For those of you using Virtuemart (like me), I understand there is a user class system so you can hook onto so you can make these calls to SOAP without touching the main Virtuemart source. Not sure if Magento has the same coding structure.

In addition to that, some procedures to Get and Create sales Items might be useful to keep product lists in Sync between eCommerce and FA.

And after a minor issue/improvement I suggested was fixed within the day (today) I am sure you will find the support a vast improvement on your current provider! smile

I was very excited to see a recent enhancement was a SOAP interface for FA so I think your XML import will become quite a trivial task once that interface matures.

Joe thanks very much! It is so refreshing to deal with an open source product where the developers are so responsive. smile smile smile

You guys (still) Rock!

joe wrote:


This has just been fixed so there is a selection on how use this for Aged customer/supplier listings. Default is now to not include allocations.

Maybe we should also include this for statements, right?


Joe, that would be great. It would be even better if the default value ensured totals were displayed Rod's way above (ie. second layout in post) as I think that would be how most people would be accustomed to seeing statements.

I think the issue is more a reporting logic error. I might try and look at the Statement Report, but I think the problem could be resolved by :
1. not adding allocated payments into the aging totals and;
2. ensuring that only outstanding invoice amounts are added in rather than the full value (Ie invoiced amount - allocation)

It would be helpful if somebody could post up the report source file name to look at.

Sounds like a permissions issue for the logged in user. Try logging in as Admin and if not enabled check the rights.

Hi Guys

I am not sure this is a bug according to the development team but it is very confusing to me (and my customers) smile

It has taken me months to actually understand this and only after browsing the backend for errors do I see what is going on.

I have a customer whose statement shows the following balances

Current (May) 920.00
1-30 Days (April)  0.00
31-60 Days (March)   -470.00
Over 60 Days $1410.00
Total Balance 1,860.00

The only transaction in March was a payment of $470  allocated against the Over 60 days invoices. It appears that FA shows payments separately in the Customer balances on the statement.

Whilst FA is mathematically correct, I believe that the correct statement reporting should be like every other accounting system I have used  and report the balances like this:

Current (May) 920.00
1-30 Days (April)  0.00
31-60 Days (March)  0.00
Over 60 Days $940.00
Total Balance 1,860.00

So who is right? Me or FA?

Is it possible to report balances as per normal standards? (eg my way?) What do others think about how this should be reported?

itronics wrote:

Ok, seems there is some wider interest in this feature, so we will have to give it higher priority . Thanks you all for clarifications. 


Thank you Januz, we will look forward to it.

I have seen how there are hooks provided for a custom  module to do its thing but what about hooks in the internal FA code to trigger a custom action when FA does something like create a new invoice?

I am looking at integrating FA with Virtuemart ecommerce which has this sort of hook I describe by enabling user defined class overrides like this:

if (defined('VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES') && defined('VM_THEMEPATH') && VM_ALLOW_EXTENDED_CLASSES && file_exists(VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/shop_browse_queries.php')) {
    // Load the theme-user_class shop_browse_queries.php
    require_once( VM_THEMEPATH.'user_class/shop_browse_queries.php' );
} else {
    require_once( PAGEPATH. "shop_browse_queries.php" );

The VM custom class can then call the parent class. Picture a customisation where VM added a sales order  in FA whenever an order was made through the checkout and when the order was shipped in FA, the VM order status was also updated to show as Shipped.

This would make it very simple to build powerful integration with any system.

Please advise if there is a class override feature in FA.


Janusz, It would be great to see this added to the 2.4 release. There are many businesses who accept deposits and it is not sound practice to have them floating around the system as unallocated customer payments. Here is a short list of businesses I know that routinely accept deposits becasue I have paid deposits when making an order.

Me -  becasue I don't trust all my customers smile
ed10 on special orders above
Commercial Printers
Custom Manufacturers of all kinds who make to order
Cabinet makers
New and Used car sales
Car accessories
Caravan sales
Appliance sales

In many instances, it is considered sound busness practice to ask for a deposit to confirm the order and sales staff are trained to do this. FA needs to be able to support  these business practices.

You can't invoice at the time of order becasue that wil incurr tax liabilities and you also loose the  order tracking abilities of FA which is really fantastic.

I am surprised there was not more support from users over this, maybe those that really need this feature have moved on and chosen another accounting package?



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

I agree with Joe here. in a GST/VAT environment, you have to allocate the freight charges to sales so that when you do your tax returns you can reconcile tax  collections against sales.

Why do I know? My accountant picked this up when he did my tax returns as I was charging it to COGS by a default chart of accounts.