Topic: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

How to get bank account shows on the Invoice?
Where I should fill the information to get bank detail shows on the invoice.

Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

When you print your invoices from the report centre, you can choose your bank account to put on the Invoice. Remember to fill in the information in Banking and General Ledger, Bank Accounts. Both the bank name and the account.
When printing from a print link, the first bank account is automatically chosen.


Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

Hi Joe,

How do you make the bank account that you choose to appear instead of the first bank account that is automatically chosen?

Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

Hello guys,

I will put this as a suggestion for next major release 2.4. We will put the bank account on the customer/supplier.
This will then be put on the sales invoices and other documents. And also default when paying/deposits.


Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

I've got this info printing on the bottom of the invoices but I can't for the life of me find where it is entered but I know I don't use a custom piece of code. It was the default with an earlier Australian Chart of Accounts and I thought it was clever. Is there a legal text  field or something?

Please quote Tax Invoice no. when paying. All amounts stated in - AUD
Bank: Westpac, West End, Bank Account: BSB 999-999 Acct 999999

Has a data entry field been removed? Or am I just Blind?

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

Legal text can be defined in Setup/System and General GL Setup.

Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

Hello guys.
I just realized that you you can set the Bank Account as default account. This account will then be chosen for the invoices.
If you have a bank account in the same currency as the customer currency, it will be chosen on the invoice. If you have more, you can just set the account you want to use on the invoices as default.
For every currency you can set a default account. If you only have one currency account for a currency, you don't need to set it as default. It will automatically be chosen.

With this new info I guess it is no longer needed to put a bank account on the customers / suppliers. But we will try to show the currency account /default account when paying / deposits.


Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

Yes and also think good idea to have bank details at the bottom of sales order / quotes... :-)

Re: How to get bank account shows on the Invoice

itronics wrote:

Legal text can be defined in Setup/System and General GL Setup.

joe wrote:

Hello guys.
I just realized that you you can set the Bank Account as default account. This account will then be chosen for the invoices.

I thought  I was going round the twist here! I read Januzs's post and  I looked at Legal text and it was empty (even looked using phpMyadmin)  and I now see from Joe's post that FA has been doing it for me all along! You just just need to fill out all the fields in the bank account setup.


Brisbane, QLD, Australia