Hi again,

These are the rules:

If you enter a Payment or Deposit into a foreign currency account, the bank Inquiry is shown in the Bank Account Currency.

The GL Transaction is shown in domestic currency.

When you make a transfer between a domestic and foreign currency in Bank Transfer you do that in the foreign currency. The Bank Inquiries still show the statement in the Bank Account Currency.

If you want to enter a Journal Entry (as admin), with a line of a foreign currency account, you must calculate the exchange rate by yourself.
The GL accounts are always in the domestic currency.

I hope this clear things a bit smile


Hello again,
When you buy from your supplier, you buy to stock, not purchase account. The cost of goods sold is first debited when you make the delivery and the stock is credited. This is the normal way of doing it.
Think of it this way. You increase the stock when purchasing from the supplier. But if you should debit the purchase at this point you should credit the stock, but the stock is still there. First when the stock leaves with a delivery note the stock can be credited and now the COGS is debited.
Maybe still confusing, but...


When you get a supplier invoice, the Stock account is debited in GL with the purchase price as well as VAT is debited. and the AP account is credited.
When the Delivery Note to Customer is despatched the Stock account is credited with the average cost and the C.O.G.S account is debited with the same amount.
When invoicing the sales account is credited as well as VAT accounts and the AR account is debited.


You only have access to bank accounts in journal entry when you are logged in as admin. Admin should have access to enter initial balances as well as other corrections. But, as admin, you should never add lines with non domestic currencies (bank accounts). This makes no sense.
You should use the Payment or Deposit forms for this.


I understand that you do not mean the general ledger setup, but initial balances for your customers.
Well, this was tricky. I was thinking of using a fiscal year one year back and on the last day, create an invoice with service items for the balance.
Of course, this will also create GL entries, but you will get the AR account updated correctly. The sales account will be there too, but maybe you can do a counter booking manually afterwards.
Well, this was only a thought, maybe other have a better solution.



(22 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

changing the language in preference only change the language during the session. But for the language to function permanently you must change it in the user setup as well.

I hope you get it to work.


When reading the forum at Mantis, there was an infected 1.1.1.zip file back in March 2008. I don't know if this could have something to with the blocking. Does anyone know more about this? We are running version 1.1.2.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

It is really not necessary with a payroll account for FA to run. It has been created for future implementation. Anyhow, maybe someone writes a Payroll module, and in that case the default account may be set here.


If you mean a company that is your own, then you set the currency in the Setup tab, Company Setup. If the currency is not here, you must set up the currency in Banking and General Ledger, Maintenance.
If you mean a customer / supplier, you do that in respective tab, Maintenance.


We have established a new bugtracking system, Mantis, at http://mantis.frontaccounting.com. Please use it for reporting bugs to us.

You will have to register first, but we get a much better overview over all the bugs this way.



(1 replies, posted in Setup)

Create a new company and use the en_US-new.sql script for the new company. This is a stripped down sql script that is suitable for a new company.


Good Idea, Yes it will be done asap and included in RC2 that are shipping shortly.
I guess the customer's ref will be available then in all the sales documents.
I understand that you write f.i. PO 4, where 4 is the PO number, in the Customer's Ref. field. And this way it will come on all sales documents.


Hello sushil,
There seems to have been some interruptions when updating your companies.
There are two alter sql files, alter.sql and alter2.sql. The problems with the update_db.php is, when running it again it will bail out on a company where something has been altered before.
Therefore the latest changes are at the top.
Try to do all the sql statements one by one from the alter sql files on your client. Start at the bottom and go upwards. In case it bails out, this statement has already been executed before. No harm is done.

Hopefully you are up and running soon.



(6 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes there is. In the /reporting/includes folder, there is a file called header2.inc. This file is included when the documents are printed out. You can design your own document here, and use the texts in doc_text.inc and doc_tect2.inc (domestic and foreign texts).
Please make a backup of header2.inc before trying. So you can restore if everything go bananas smile

BTW. If there are many texts that need a special translation, you can also create a new en_AU.po file from the empty PO file. There you can change the translating only where you need it.

You caught a bug Alvin. Bug in ui_lists.inc (tax_types_list). CVS unstable updated again. Please grab another one.


Ok Alvin,
You have convinced me and we have changed it in the CVS repository for unstable at Sourceforge.
With these changes:
Customer Branch Sales Account now overrides the Item Sales Accounts if there is a Sales Account set in the Customer Branch. Default is now the choice 'Use Item Sales Accounts'.
I guess this will help you and others to a wider analysing of the reportings.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hello Alvin, regarding the cash sale, we have made a change so that if you have set the Customer Branch AR Account to a Bank Account (Cash is included here too), the Direct Invoice or Credit Note will be allocated immediately when placing.

Set up a Customer and call him f.i. Cash Invoice. Payment Terms: Cash Only. And a branch with a suitable name. Select the Cash Account as the AR Account.
When placing the Invoice/Credit Note you can use the Deliver to and Address field below to name your customer. You can eventurlly use the Comments field to write further info on the invoice. Both these infos will be seen when you see the Invoice on the Screen and on Printing.

Theese changes are in the CVS repository unstable at Sourceforge.


You are right. This is Ajaxified by Janusz. I hope he sees this asap.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, Rasmus, this is Ajaxified by Janusz. I hope he will give his comment on that.


Yes, you can use a cash account instead of the normal AR account. I commented on that in your POS topic. The Customer Allocation Inquiry would not get right unless you make a deposit with allocations (which can be done daily, weekly or so), but the GL is ok. You can probably live with that.
The GL AR account in customer branches doesn't override the GL AR account in Items. There is no such account in Items. You only change the GL AR account from the normal debtor account to the cash account.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Hello Alvin,
Yes I have some Java experience, but unfortunately my resources are sparse.
I have my daily consulting business to get something to eat sad. Maybe Janusz can look at it. Hopefully he is reading this post asap.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Again, you should start with the empty en_US-new.sql file or some of the other charts from the download section. This is because that you must be sure to get the correct connections between tables. Then you can start modifying it. Take away unneeded data. You will always get a warning if you try to remove related stuff. Enter stuff you want to be here, and finally make a backup and download the file. If you export from a company that have other prefix than 0_, f.i. 1_, you should use an editor and make a search for 1_ and replace it with 0_. All new scripts must have this prefix. They will eventually be replaced internally when creating a new company with your new script.
There is no automatic way of doing this, but you will learn by doing.


Hello again,
I've just checked in an Inventory Sales Report to the CVS repository for unstable.
If you don't use cvs, you can browse to https:/sourceforge,net/projects/frontaccounting and select Code and browse CVS. First look in the CHANGELOG.txt (for unstable) and see which files to download from here.

I hope this satisfies your request.


I don't see the need for all these accounts on a Customer Branch. The Tax Account is based on the Tax Id, which is part of a Tax Group. The Inventory, Adjustment accounts are stock related.
But I can see a new report, based on the table stock_moves. It could create a report for you that keeps track of locations (it could also calculate the contribution). It could be for a period, per locations, per item. Detailed or Summaries.



(8 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You can set the AR account in the Customers Branch to a cash account instead of the AR account. But you shouldn't do allocations on it. But this is an ackward solution. You end up with wrong customer balances.
It will work, however, if you use the normal AR Account, and immediately afterwards make a deposit (or daily), and allocate the deposit for the invoice(s).
