I'm Using a Linux Box as a Server and Windows XP Box with IE as Client.

Installed FrontAccounting 2 rc2

I tried this but when I choose the "en_USE-new.sql" file from my XP Temp Folder (Copied all the FA2RC2 Tar Files There) to Create a NEW Company and used a Different Password for "New script Admin Password" I get a ERROR "Error creating Database: devbooks, Please create it manually"

Please HELP


If you get this error, you must create the database by yourself. You can do that with the PHPMyAdmin tool (or CPANEL) on the server. After you have created the database, you can create a new company with the same procedure as before.



Thanks for the Quick Responce Joe.

I did what you said and it seemed to Create the New Company Howerver when I try to Login to the Company I get this Error:

DATABASE ERROR : could not get validate user login for devuser
error code : 1146
error message : Table 'devbooks.4_users' doesn't exist
sql that failed was : SELECT * FROM 4_users WHERE user_id = 'devuser' AND password='996b088b82efa59150b41ee4dc41863a

Also when I went back to phpmyadmin to look at the Database I noticed that it did NOT Create any Tables. There is no Structure in the Database

What Now?

Please Help


I see that you use a script, called en_USE-new.sql. Are you sure this is right? The script that is shipped with the install is en_US-new.sql.
You should try once again with the correct script. I have never heard of problems creating a new company (beside the creation of the database).




Yes sorry I did a typo there. I am using the en_US-new.sql Script. Please excuse the Noob Questions. I know it must be my side where the Fault is.

I Ceated a New DB in phpmysql Called "TestCo"
Now do I need to do anything else in phpmyadmin before I Procede with FA2rc2?

If so Please help with baby steps at what it is I need to do? roll

How do I create a User in phpadmin for the Database that I'm Creating

Then in FA2rc2 will the DB User Name be the same as in phpmyadmin? What will the Admin Password be? Is that my Server Admin Password or must I also create an Admin Account and Password for the New DB I created in phpmyadmin?

Thanks again


After you have created the 'TestCo' database, you must make sure you have a user with full previlegies for the database. If you do not have direct access to mysql, you can do this in the CPANEL for your server.
After that you are ready for creating a company in FA. Be sure to enter the exact information in the fields.
If you have several companies, it is easier to only use one database with a table prefix for each. Then you don't need to create databases for each new company.

I hope you are up and running now.



I am running FA 2.2.8 and I have tried to create a new company using the "en_ZA-new.sql" script but I keep getting the "Error creating Database: phides, Please create it manually". I have created the database manually using PHPMyAmin, I even ran the script in PHPMyAdmin to populate the database.
So having created the database I tried to create a new company and get the same error.

What am I doing wrong?



If you have created database, and still installer try to create it (giving error again), probably the credentials you have entered for access to the database were invalid.