(20 replies, posted in Translations)

I believe web translating services are handy (personaly I have never used them), but *.po files are textual and have obvious format, so you can make translation with any text editor.  If you do not want to download and install any translation tools, MS Note will suffice. Sending translated file by email is also not rocket science.



(40 replies, posted in Translations)

Please send the asset register module translation file to contributions mailbox, then we can include it in next module package version to be available for all the  FA community.


Using <=  would just raise the error when amount is equal to limit.

Seems this is rounding error, try change the line to:

if ($limit != null && floatcmp($limit,$amnt_tr)<0)


Well, I mean php application source code. You will need change renderer.php files in all used themes, but this will require somewhat different change than described above. For example in default theme you will need change line 81 to:

echo "$himg<a target = '_blank' onclick=" .'"'."javascript:openWindow(this.href,this.target); return false;".'" '. "href='". help_url()."' accesskey='H'>" . _("Help") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

Then you will have Alt-H hotkey active on Help link.



(66 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

There is open source project fa-payroll-module on Google Code aimed at HR module creation under GPL3. Unfortunately it is stalled since some time due to lack of time resources, but I think it is the best start point for eveybody seriously interested in this functionality. If you are really determined to develop HR module for FA please consider joining  the project.


There is no hotkey defined for help, but you can easily add it changing 'Help' link title in sources to '&Help', then you will have wiki available under Alt-H.

Your question is too general to get any answer. Read the application sources, imagine internals and finally ask about details instead.

You can also mark the laptop description as editable in Items, and just add serials on invoice issue, however there is not much space for item description in invoice form, so it will work for small quantities.


(9 replies, posted in Wish List)

For me following features are generic enough to be included in core FA:

elax wrote:

- Sales order list :
* allow order to be sorted by customer (and other) in order list.
- Order Delivery
* add clear quantity button, so the default quantity to dispatch to 0. (usefull when you need to dispatch only a bit from a big order).
* set the initial quantity to dispatch to what is availabe. What is available depend on what other people have order (priority according to order date). I will extract this to a module to allow priority per item.
* Add 'ALL location' in stock movement to see all moves between location. (UI needs tidying up).

- Stock
* filter items  in stock check sheet report using regexp or like expression. Needs SQL injection protection.

-* filter invoice report per customer (usefull when a customer want you to send all the invoice). However, the UI is at the moment a bit clamby (because I can't filter the 'from' and 'to' invoice by customer).

Other things:

* sort item by stock_id when displaying cart

This cannot be done in transaction viewers (the view should display cart 'as is'), and probably would be rarely used during cart ediiton. But if implemented carefully (some small icon ui control with tabindex=-1 to not encumber keyboard entry) it could be accepted.

* Add "weights" to locations. Those weights are used to weigh quantity on hand and on demand. This allow for example to have a lost location (item 'lost' won't count as in stock) or order in 'to cancel' location, doesn't count as on demand.
This used mainly by the 'available' feature on order delivery, but could be extended to FA report.

I'm not sure I understand the idea right, but if you mean some flag (checkbox) in location catalogue, which would exclude this location as available for sales, this is good idea.

- Trial Balance
"Clear" the initial balance difference  due previous year.
For example if initial balance (of the year)  for the stock is 120000 | 100000
display 20000 | 0 instead.

Not acceptable I think. For some types of accounts this is important whether the balance is one or two sided.

* Use readable name for some reports. This is need when you need to send an order, a statement or invoice to a customer.
The normal workflow is export the report (save it) , and attach it in the email. However, whith mangled name, it's easy to send the wrong invoice to the wrong customer.

This should be rather solved by better support for sending invoices by email to customer (when you use direct invoice mailing you have no need to save the report file on the server). We should have at least email templates implemented, as currently hardcoded template is not reday for serious usage.



(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

The easiest and safe way is to create translation for your locales (I think this is en_AU).

Nevermind, this was bug introduced recently, which (not fixed) would result in installation failure.  Fortunatelly it is already fixed.


(3 replies, posted in Setup)

Nothing I know about.


(4 replies, posted in Announcements)

We want to inform all interested developers working under git DVCS that FrontAccounting stable code git mirror is finally available. You can use any browser to have a look into latest code at http://devel.frontaccounting.com/git.

To make local copy of stable branch:

git clone git://devel.frontaccounting.com/fa-stable frontaccounting

There is also textcart extension module code managed by elax available at the same location, and we plan to publish code for other FA extension  modules in near future too.  All the open code repos are accessible anonymously in read only mode.

Open source FrontAccounting extensions developers interested in creating public git repository for their code on our server are welcome to contact me via forum PM or email.



(5 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You will find detailed instructions in README file attached to the textcart package. Just read /modules/textcart/README.html


(3 replies, posted in Installation)


Yes it is. You have entry Purchase Order first, then GRN, and finally Purchase Invoice, all in separate step, and you have full control over PO, GRN and Invoice references.

If you are skipping any of those steps (e.g. using Direct Invoice) it is assumed you are not interested in documents generated in background (i.e PO and GRN in this case, which are autogenerated),


(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Then just look into the sales_orders_view.php code. You have sortable 'Required by' column here.

Yes, I plan to make public git repo available these days. When it is ready I will send announcement on the forum.


(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Ok, I understand. Thanks for explanation.


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

As long as you want to upgrade from one minor FA version to another, (in short words) the upgrade is as easy as copying the files over old ones. I'm not sure how it could be simplified.

The fixed dashboard module is available directly in FA extensions repo. No need to download and install the attached zip, unless you have no access to internet (but how you will download the zip in this case smile).

No, unfortunately not as of today.


(5 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

More details needed to fix the problem. Please try recognise were the the difference appears.


(1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

The changes was contributed some time ago. Nevermind, fixed.


(12 replies, posted in Translations)

Welcome in real world smile.
You can use msgmerge program from gettext suit to merge old translations with  latest template found in lang/new_language_template.