Topic: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

How would I embed you tube videos into relevant tab pages eg Bank Account Payment Entry OR Direct Sales Invoice OR Supplier Invoice OR etc etc etc

Re: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

If you wish to replace the regular help URL with your site which has the relevant urls, you might be able to use the help hotkey popup functionality of FA.

Re: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

Where do I find this help hotkey popup in frontaccounting?

Re: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

There is no hotkey defined for help, but you can easily add it changing 'Help' link title in sources to '&Help', then you will have wiki available under Alt-H.

Re: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

Where do I find this "sources" to make the required change?

Regards, John

Re: Embed Videos in Relevant tab pages?

Well, I mean php application source code. You will need change renderer.php files in all used themes, but this will require somewhat different change than described above. For example in default theme you will need change line 81 to:

echo "$himg<a target = '_blank' onclick=" .'"'."javascript:openWindow(this.href,; return false;".'" '. "href='". help_url()."' accesskey='H'>" . _("Help") . "</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";

Then you will have Alt-H hotkey active on Help link.
