Today's snapshot of FA 2.4 installs correctly but reports will not display correctly unless line 759 of includes/ - function company_path() is changed from:
return ($comp_path[0]=='.' ? $path_to_root.'/'.basename($comp_path) : $comp_path);
return $path_to_root.'/'.(in_array($comp_path[0], Array('.', '/')) ? $comp_path : basename($comp_path));
(devs have been notified)
In FA 2.3, in config.php:
$comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
In FA 2.4, in config.php:
$comp_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/company';
Now relative paths too can be used. If they are outside the webroot, either an apache conf alias or a symlink may be used.
The equivalent of the default for reporting purposes is:
$comp_path = '../company';
and if it is to be reporting/company:
$comp_path = './company';
and if at the webroot:
$comp_path = '/company';
The use of relative addressing was generally fraught with various path value consequences but now that a wrapper function is used, all should be well.
All upgrades will now have a log file at tmp/upgrade.#.log where # is the company number. (Attached screenshot).
Logs can now be viewed from within FA - themes may need to accommodate it if hardcoded.
A new patch class has been made and the upgrade php files now use it.
Default utf-8 collation of the database changed from general to unicode.
Post's attachmentsFA_Upgrade_Log_UI.png 30.2 kb, file has never been downloaded.
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