(18 replies, posted in Setup)


My preference would be to have a current year and the option to have the previous year open.  If you attempt to post anything to the previous year, then access should perhaps be role-based, but in any case it should generate a warning.


Shouldn't be too difficult - do you have a list of old and new?  Are you intending to change the part numbers on existing invoices and other movements or is this a "going-forward" event for invoices/movements from now-on?



(1 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

grep -r reorder_qty FrontAccounting returns nothing at version 2.2.8, and the field doesn't appear in my database.


You need to locate the file php.ini (on Debian it's typically at /etc/php5/apache2), edit the file and find the reference to register_globals.  Set the value to On and restart your web server. 

(Don't think it needs to be ON for FA though)

As you edit the file, you'll notice that setting register_globals carries a security risk.



(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Hi Ashok, 

Please could you provide a little more detail of what you're trying to do.



(5 replies, posted in Installation)

In the absence of more informed contributors, have you had a look at https://frontaccounting.com/wbt/pages/download/update-guide.php ?

In your position, I'd create a fresh installation of 2.2.9 on a local (spare) server and work with that.  Once happy, push the necessary changes back to your main machine.

Whilst ignorant of the older versions of FA, my experience of making step changes in large database-backed systems is that the problems generally arise when a new, not NULL field having no default value is introduced and the restoration of data falls in a heap - fortunately easily remedied.

If you've made any changes to the reports, remember to transfer those onto the new system as well.

Hope it goes OK.


We perhaps ought to have a section on this forum for accounting queries.

Can you give us a little more background.  In what sense are you limited to two long-term loans (or eight short-term loans)?


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

The first thing is probably to turn on debugging and have a look in the log files.  PHP has an unpleasant habit of showing a blank page when it's unhappy.


What Item Categories/Types are they listed under?  Items in the drop-down list occur grouped by category.  Check also that the category it's entered under is active.


Can you use MySQL Query Browser to get the schema creation script (to verify that the table has its unique index set) and also query for the data itself (to verify the data).

For the first one, in MySQL query browser, right click on n_sales_orders and select "Copy CREATE statement to clipboard".  Paste and post the result.

For the second, use SELECT * FROM n_sales_orders s WHERE ord_date BETWEEN "2010-04-25" AND "2010-04-29" ;

(in each case, replace n with your company number.  In the latter case, use the dates between which your duplication occurred)



(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

The tax-group option is greyed-out by default - even for the super-user.  Go into setup|access and go down the list carefully.  You're likely to find that the "Tax Groups" option is unchecked - set it for the roles you'd like.  Log out and then log back and Tax Groups should be available.

If you're still stuck setting up tax groups after reading the Tips&Tricks then come back with details of what you're trying to achieve.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Just out of interest, is this the database on which you did that fairly innovative deletion of financial data?  If it is, could you do a backup and then re-install the FrontAccounts system and see if it then works correctly.



(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Which new database script are you running?  What's the path for your temp directory?


(8 replies, posted in Setup)

Looks like a permissions problem.  It would appear that your web server only allows files to be saved and opened above the server document root - perhaps because PHP is running in safe mode?  Use company 0 to check your configuration (on the setup menu).



(7 replies, posted in Setup)

Presumably it would be possible to write a module/function to backup financial transactions to file and delete them from the database - perhaps deleting only those within a range of dates?  Could be useful to expunge records older than a few years and would have the side-effect of allowing users to configure FrontAccounts to their detailed requirements before entering any live data.

I suppose it would entail:
Start a transaction
If a complete reset is required
  log and set opening document numbers

For records between start date and end date
  backup and delete debtor transactions, details and tax
  backup and delete supplier transactions, invoice items and invoice tax
  backup and delete POs, details and purchase data
  backup and delete WOs and associated data
  backup and delete Goods Received
  backup and delete stock levels
  backup and delete stock movements
  backup and delete supplier allocations
  backup and delete bank, GL and budget transactions

commit the transaction

Non-trivial - particularly the design and testing phases to make sure that no aspect of the system was compromised.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You can't set up a product with its own discount structure.  You can however set up a range of sales types to cover the basics of many situations.  You can also edit the discount applied at the point of creating the invoice.

I suspect you really need some more definition to move forward on this.  P&L and Balance Sheet are fairly standard across small-medium sized businesses, (particularly because the owners are far more interested in management accounts than the end-of-year reporting) but the statements on cash flows and retained earnings are rather more fluid.  As an an example of cash flow,

company 1 may have:

Operations: $1000
Investing:  $(2000)
Financing:   $2500
Net Flow:    $1500

Company 2 may have:

Operations:      $1000
Shares Inv:      $1000
Currency Inv: $(3000)
Financing:         $2500
Net Flow:          $1500

Same story, different words - but each is as viable as the other.

Not sure what you mean by "Financial Statement".  Could you explain a little more please?


You can only do those things when you're logged in to your number zero company - for most people this will be the test company.



(7 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi - If you go down the list of privileges - even for your full admin user - you'll almost certainly find that the check-box for tax-groups is un-checked.  It can be quite hard to spot.



(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Looks like you installed into a directory called fa2.  The lang directory will be immediately below this: ..../fa2/lang.

You can locate the lang directory on linux with: find / -name lang  .  On windows, change to the root directory and do: dir lang /s  .


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

I'm just wondering whether your initial install package was completely clean. 

If you haven't modified the code too much, and given the constraints you have it may be quickest to clear everything out and re-download & re-install the software.  I'm afraid it's so long since I used a shared host (I use virtual servers) that I can't remember even the common limitations. 



(16 replies, posted in Installation)


Please could you get onto your server and change directory to
company/0/js_cache.  Then enter the command:    ls -alrt

If you could post the output please.

Also, which flavour of Linux are you running?


(16 replies, posted in Installation)

It's javascript that does some (most) of the clever visuals in your software.  Good designs (of which FA is one) have a fallback position so that if someone uses a browser without javascript, the software is still usable.

The suggestion was to turn off javascript temporarily, not as a fix, but to see if any errors were displayed.  Once the problems were resolved, javascript would be turned on again.  Also, have you had a look in your errors log (usually in tmp/errors.log)?

Thanks Joe,

My blunder.  I tested it on our test system which is the one I've been hitting quite hard with freeform SQL inserts.  I think the error referred to a duplicate key that I unwittingly created.  I ran the same sequence on our live system and it was just fine. 

I like the warning for duplicate item numbers - neat.