Topic: Tax group not enabled

1. How do I enable the tax group-menu. I have 2.2.7 and this has not tax group creating facility?

2. I have a situation where I have 3 types of taxes for different products. How can i do this?


Re: Tax group not enabled

Please see the wiki page Group Taxes under Tips and Tricks for an answer to your question.

Re: Tax group not enabled

The tax-group option is greyed-out by default - even for the super-user.  Go into setup|access and go down the list carefully.  You're likely to find that the "Tax Groups" option is unchecked - set it for the roles you'd like.  Log out and then log back and Tax Groups should be available.

If you're still stuck setting up tax groups after reading the Tips&Tricks then come back with details of what you're trying to achieve.


Re: Tax group not enabled

Thanks for sharing..