Topic: Compatibility

I was using Front Accounting (2.2.7) smoothly until recently I changed my Hosting Servers. The old server had MySQL version 4.1.22-standard and was working without any problems.
The new server has MySQL version 5.0.90-community. I moved all the installation and the database to the new server. I am able to login and everything else is working. But only problem is i am not able to open any reports. When i go to reports and analysis, it gives me a list of reports but when i click on them i dont get the third column where the Display [button] along with other criteria selections. It gives the triangle symbol on top and does not show the third column. Is it something to do with MySQL version or any other settings I need to change? Please Help!!!

Re: Compatibility

It should have nothing to do with MySQL version. Try run the same procedure with javascript switched off in your browser. In this (fallback) mode more messages are displayed in case of any errors.

Re: Compatibility

I tried with all the browsers like IE, Firefox, Safari, Crome... but all gave similar results...
is it something to do with folder permissions? Because while installing I set the rights to 777 for folders like \modules  ,  \lang  ,  \companies

4 (edited by Worrab 04/28/2010 01:20:28 pm)

Re: Compatibility

I think Janusz was suggesting you turn off Javascript (temporarily).  In Firefox it's Option|Content|Enable Javascript.  For IE it's the "Active Scripting" option in security settings.

(Oh and it's generally a bad idea to set 777 on a production/public server.  755 will normally suffice as long as you get the directory owner correct for the http (eg apache) user.)


Re: Compatibility


hey thanks,

I think that sorted out the problem. I tried it in Firefox its working fine now.
i will stick to firefox. And by the thanks again for the tips on file permission.


Re: Compatibility

sorry to be back with the same problem....
Now when I disable the JavaScript its working but the date picker (calender) is not working.

Re: Compatibility

It's javascript that does some (most) of the clever visuals in your software.  Good designs (of which FA is one) have a fallback position so that if someone uses a browser without javascript, the software is still usable.

The suggestion was to turn off javascript temporarily, not as a fix, but to see if any errors were displayed.  Once the problems were resolved, javascript would be turned on again.  Also, have you had a look in your errors log (usually in tmp/errors.log)?

Re: Compatibility

i set the $go_debug=1 and am getting the following errors;

fopen(../company/0/js_cache/JsHttpRequest.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in file: /home/compucar/public_html/eas2010-11/fa227/includes/ at line 82
fopen(../company/0/js_cache/behaviour.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in file: /home/compucar/public_html/eas2010-11/fa227/includes/ at line 82
fopen(../company/0/js_cache/utils.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in file: /home/compucar/public_html/eas2010-11/fa227/includes/ at line 82
fopen(../company/0/js_cache/inserts.js) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in file: /home/compucar/public_html/eas2010-11/fa227/includes/ at line 82

can anyone guide me to get over this!!!


Re: Compatibility

the line 82 which is refered in the error is

     $file = fopen($fpath, 'w');

What does that code mean?

Re: Compatibility

if i enable javascript in my browser the reporting part does not work... and if i disable it the date-picker and other quick links dont work.
how can i get rid of this? My earlier hosting dint have this problem at all. Can anyone please help. i am badly stuck with my accounting transactions.


Re: Compatibility

Directory company/0/j_cache have to be writable, but it is not the case on your server. Please check System Diagnostics page under Setup tab. In most cases any installation or server configuration faults are reported here.

Please read also Worrab's posts above. He was kind enough to explain you the problem, and gave advice twice.

Re: Compatibility

The directory company/0/j_cache is writeable.
After running system diagnostic this is what I get;

System Diagnostics   
Test     Test type     Value     Comments
MySQL version >3.23.58     Required     5.0.90-community     Ok
PHP version >4.3.2     Required     5.2.13     Ok
Http server type     Info     Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.15 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ PHP/5.2.13     Ok
Server system     Info     Linux     Ok
Browser type     Info     Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)     Ok
Native gettext     Optional     Yes     Ok
Debugging mode     Info     No     To switch debugging on set $go_debug=1 in config.php file
Error logging     Recomended     /home/compucar/public_html/eas2010-11/fa227/tmp/errors.log     Ok
Current database version     Required     2.2     Ok
Company subdirectories consistency     Required     ../company/*
../company/*/js_cache     Ok
Language configuration consistency     Required     en_GB     Ok
Temporary directory     Required     ../tmp     Ok
Session save path     Info     /tmp     Ok
Database auth file     Recomended     ../config_db.php     Ok
Main config file     Recomended     ../config.php     Ok
Extensions configuration files     Required     ../installed_extensions.php     Ok

Is anything wrong with the configuration or file permissions here?

Re: Compatibility

All the diagnostic tests are ok, but anyway the message 'Permission denied' means the server cannot write to the files (seems the test made on system diagnostics page is not complete ). If you have any files in company/o/js_cache remove them and try again.

Re: Compatibility

there were some .js files in the company/0/js_cache directory.
I deleted them and tried again. But in vain. Its still the same.
I am not able to use the software fully with javascript enabled in my browser.
The moment I disable Javascripts in my browser the reposrting works fine. But other .js functionalities like date picker and allocation scripts dont work at all.
any hopes on the solution? Please guide me.

15 (edited by Worrab 05/03/2010 07:26:06 pm)

Re: Compatibility


Please could you get onto your server and change directory to
company/0/js_cache.  Then enter the command:    ls -alrt

If you could post the output please.

Also, which flavour of Linux are you running?

Re: Compatibility

I am using a shared hosting with one hosting provider. The server is Linux and I dont know which flavour. Also I dont have access to run the command (ls -alrt) on the directory.
Earlier I was using a shared hosting without any problems and it was working simply excellent. That hosting provider had problems with power and the server used to be on and off most often.
Thats the reason why i changed the hosting provider.
But now this one has some unknown strange problems with javascript. Rest all is fine. FA is working in normal way just that the Java Scripts dont function.

Re: Compatibility

I'm just wondering whether your initial install package was completely clean. 

If you haven't modified the code too much, and given the constraints you have it may be quickest to clear everything out and re-download & re-install the software.  I'm afraid it's so long since I used a shared host (I use virtual servers) that I can't remember even the common limitations.