Topic: item already key in but can't trace from purchase order entry?

Dear all,

I already key in my item and setup the price. I also can look up thru item maintainance but can't find under purchase order entry, What have i do wrong ?

I also do clone the item but also can't see on purchase order entry? Already double check item are active and not tick on "excelude from sales"

Please help me on the matter.

Thanks .

Re: item already key in but can't trace from purchase order entry?

What Item Categories/Types are they listed under?  Items in the drop-down list occur grouped by category.  Check also that the category it's entered under is active.


Re: item already key in but can't trace from purchase order entry?

Probably you have set 'Manufactured' type on this item. Manufactured items are produced inside company, so they do not appear in item selector in PO.

Re: item already key in but can't trace from purchase order entry?

itronics wrote:

Probably you have set 'Manufactured' type on this item. Manufactured items are produced inside company, so they do not appear in item selector in PO.

Dear Itronics

Thanks for your help. Everything fine now.