(59 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Once you have finished debugging, do you plan to upload your mod to the community?


(26 replies, posted in Setup)

It should be noted, from personal experience, if sendmail (or sendmail friendly equivalent like postfix) is installed but is not running (or perhaps not running properly) php may not complain that there has been an error. The mail will be successfully sent with the sendmail program but is either queued or lost so you won't ever receive the email.

I have added basic information on how to access the super-admin account at https://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/inde … Main.Usage. Please let me know if any further clarification is required.

Thanks to Joe for setting up the new page.

I'm thinking it would be a good idea to address this issue in the wiki as it has come up more than once. Any suggestions for a good spot? Should a new page get created? I think it should be somewhere somewhat obvious in order to grab peoples' attention.

Once your year-end adjustments are completed (usually as a result of year-end inventory and reconciliation), why would you need to go back into previous fiscal years to make more adjustments? It seems to me that any adjustments you make once your fiscal year has been closed should effect the current year. Perhaps I'm missing something? Can you give an example why you would need to adjust something after you've finished with your year-end reconciliation?


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

The setup procedure for payment terms can be found under Setup->Payment Terms.

See http://php.net/manual/en/security.globals.php if you don't understand the risks.

The register_globals option is deprecated so I imagine that osCommerce will no longer require it soon, if it doesn't already.

Poking around on the osCommerce site, I did find a patch which removes the need for register_globals on older versions.

Perhaps this should be under the wish list but:

Is it possible to add a button which would allow you to allocate payments to invoices straight from the customer payment form after each payment is made? It most cases, a remittance advice is attached to the cheque and it would be much easier to post the payment, then automatically have the option to apply said deposit to the invoices. A button at the bottom of the payment page could link to the allocation form and, when finished, return you to the payment form to enter the next payment.

Judging by some of the questions/issues I've seen in the forums, this feature would help eliminate some of the confusion as to why invoices are still showing as unpaid after a deposit is made because of the separation between payment and invoice allocation.


(2 replies, posted in Announcements)

In order to give back to the FA community, have taken it upon myself to start updating the wiki. Thus far, I have updated the followingl entries:

Working With FA:Setup
Tax Groups
Item Tax Types
System and General GL Setup
Forms Setup
Display Setup
Payment Terms
Shipping Companies

Working With FA:Sales
Sales Quotation Entry
Sales Order Entry
Direct Sales Delivery
Direct Sales Invoice
Delivery Against Sales Orders
Invoice Against Sales Delivery

Working With FA:Dimensions
Dimension Entry

I am not entirely happy with some of the above entries but they will work in the interim as a placeholder until I get time to flesh them out a bit. I will continue to post updates here as I get more work done.

I hope you find this useful!


(3 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Please see the wiki page Group Taxes under Tips and Tricks for an answer to your question.


(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Is it fair to say that if you don't know what it is, you probably don't need it?

Dimensions, generally speaking, are areas of your business you'd like to track in order to separate their cost or profit contributions to the company.

Cost Centers, for example, may be departments like R&D (Research and Development), Marketing or Customer Service. These are areas of your business which do not contribute directly to profit but have a cost to the business. This is in contrast to Investment and Profit Centers, which could also be set up as dimensions, but contribute to a company's profits.

You may, for example, want to have Sales and Service separated. If they share many of the same items and GL accounts, set them up as separate dimensions and you can better reconcile their financial contributions.

A division of the company, or any indirect revenue stream, could be set up as a dimension, too.


(6 replies, posted in Translations)

ata wrote:

Language Code: tr_TR
Language Name: Turkish
Encoding: UTF-8
Right To Left: No   
Default Language: No
Language File (PO): tr_TR.po
Language File (MO): tr_TR.po

Likely unrelated, or a typo, but a potential error is:

Language File (MO): tr_TR.po

should be:

Language File (MO): tr_TR.mo


This is a situation we come up against too on occasion. I, personally, would like the option of choosing between:

a) Create new PO from Backorders (generates new PO#).
b) Partial PO-receipt which generates a backorder with same PO#.

Admittedly, this is a rare occasion but the option would be nice to have when it arises.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes, thank you Janusz!

To help contribute to FA, I have taken the liberty to update the Wiki page for  Setup->Tax Groups. Please let me know if this is acceptable or if it should be updated.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I misunderstood what the tax shipping flag under 'Tax Groups' means. Perhaps a better description for the flag, like 'Tax to be applied to shipping' or  'tax applied to shipping' or even simply reversing the words to 'shipping tax' or 'freight tax' could be used in order to make it more self-explanatory?


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

I don't think I explained my question clearly, let me try to elaborate:


Anything local customers purchase must be charged BOTH taxes, excluding freight which is only charged one of the taxes. So, I need a system where freight only is "PST Exempt" and all line items are charged as "Both Taxes."


Fictional Item 1 - $10.00 (both GST/PST are charged)
Freight - $5.00 (GST only)
Total = ($10.00 + 12%) + (5.00 + 5%) = $11.20 + $5.25 = $16.45

In other words, all freight is PST Exempt even though customers or individual line items are not.

How can I set this up?

Right now, I set up an "item" and set its item type to service and it's tax type to PST Exempt. I then charge freight as a line item and leave the freight charge blank.


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

We have two taxes:

1) Goods & Services Tax (GST) @ 5% (Federal Tax)
2) Provincial Sales Tax (PST) @ 7%

Our Tax Groups are set up as:

1) Both Taxes (GST & PST)
2) PST Exempt (GST only)
3) Tax Exempt (no taxes)

Freight is taxable by GST but not PST.

How can we set up the tax group 'Both Taxes' so that only GST is charged for freight. Right now we are using a band-aid solution by setting up freight as service add-ons and making them PST exempt.

Is there a better/more elegant solution?


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Awesome, thanks Joe. That's exactly what I was looking for!


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

Thanks for your replies!

In my case, it boils down to a misunderstanding on how FA works. Our current system auto-generates what we term as "item codes" in accordance with our database structure. An item code in FA appears to be any alpha-numeric and is used as a means of identifying the item easily for people entering sales orders, purchase orders, etc. and the number (unique key) for the database is created by FA behind the scenes. Our system lets us look up items by its Unique Identifier (for those that know the system that well) in addition to other methods. That said, the method that FA uses suits us just fine.

Thanks for the feedback.


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

How are credits or returns (products returned by customer) properly handled in FA? Another example may be a price dispute where you need to issue money back to the customer?


(3 replies, posted in Wish List)

It would be nice to have a system to allow for the auto-generation of new item codes based on simple criteria:

1.Specify # of digits required. (Setup->Forms Setup?)
2.Specify modifier for each item category (Items & Inventory->Item Catagories?)

This would allow for unique identifiers to be created without having to manually create one. Perhaps a flag/setting for those who desire this behavior would be a good option too.