I made a mistake and use bank deposit instead of customer payment. I can normally allocate the payment via the allocate payment features.
However, how do I allocate payment with prompt discount ? I can of course allocate only the discount part to the invoice but what shoud I do for the dsicount bit ?

Many thanks

Is there a way to modify the dimension of something (an invoice for example ) afterward ?



(6 replies, posted in Wish List)

I would like to have a 'reliable' way to see what I'm voiding when I'm voiding a transaction.
Currently you can preview the transaction to void by clicking on its link before selected it to void.
However if for some reasons you select a different one that the one you've just previewed (let say click one row below for example) you have no way to no that.

It would be nice to either be able to select the transaction to void from the preview or have a preview link somewhere of what has been currently selected to be voided



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hi Janusz
The mailing address and the billing are defined and It seems to use the mailing address.



(10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

itronics wrote:

Taxes in FA are calculated depending on item tax group selected for given item. So in your case you have to define two item tax groups: VAT 20% and VAT 0% (exempt), and select them for bar and water  definitions respectively in Items catalogue. Then on every purchase/sales the right VAT records will be inserted in VAT register.

HI Janusz

I'm speaking about normal payment which are not associated to any item.



(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

That might seems to be a stupid question but which address is used as a delivery address ?

For one customer I have 4 different address.

- a general one (for the customer)
- a mailing one (for the branch)
- a billing one (branch)
- a contact adress

I've created this user by only typing one address for the customer and then use the add branch.
They are therefore the same, which one do I need to change ?



(10 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

I was wondering how FA knows which VAT rate use in a VAT.
I mean, if I mix in a payment goods with different VAT rates let's say I bought a bottle of water for £.50 pound (no vat) and
a chocolate bar for £0.60 (20%) i probably enter the following paymint

water 0.50
bar  0.50
vat   0.1

What will the TAX report do , assume that I have paid 10% of VAT on £1 meaning I should enter 2 different payments ?

Many thanks


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks very much
(btw I'm in the UK )

I'm wondering, which prices does FA uses to adjust the stock value (I need to be sure that by adjusting A and B , my stock keep the same value)



(5 replies, posted in Setup)

I was wondering if GST is US equivalent of VAT (in the FA world). I mean there is no field to set the VAT number of a company or a customer in FA, but there is a GST one. Is it the same ?

I need my VAT number and the customer one on the invoice.


I made a mistake and sold the product B for product A in FA.
What I mean is A and B are only variant (same price different color).The customer wanted A. we delivered A but entered B by  mistake in FA. We realize the mistake later, while doing a stock take.

in real we have 0 A left and 10 B. In FA we have 5 A and  5B. How can I fix ?

My guess is to use Inventory adjustment but I have never used it and I'm not sure how it will affect the GL.



(15 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Ok, thanks


(15 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Which modules ?


(15 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

@Joe, do you think updating only the sales_order_details is ok or am I missing something ?
Should I update the audit table too ?



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Is there a way to find easily the next paymint due then ? (I'm sorry If I'm getting out of topic)



(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I think I understood, It's for everyboy if you don't filter.
The number make sense when I sort invoice by date.

By the way, Is there a way to sort transaction by due date ?


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

That's what I was thinking but the number I get don't make any sense ... Is it per customer or by account ?
The numbers are different for a same line if I filter on customer or get them all.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

What is the meaning of the RB column in customer transcaction tables ?



(15 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

As I really need an import feature for miscellaneous reasons, I came across this ugly solution.

I created a (ruby) script which parses a csv file (+ some extra command) and  generate a sql file filling the sales_order_details table.
The sql file lookup at the price and description in the database if need

The csv+ file looks like :

:order, 36             #set the current order id
sku1                    # add item "sku1" to order#36
sku2 | desc         # add item "sku2" and set the description to desc
sku3, 20  , 14.5  # qty = 20 price = 14.5

:order, 37          #order 37 now
:clear             #clear the order 37 (except details with sent qty)

etc ...

That seems to work pretty well. I can now write all of my orders in one file using vim , duplicate bits if needed, copy paste from excel or email etc ...
However I have to create the "empty" order manually first as my script only deal with the sales_order_details.

I also written a sql query wich 'prepopulate' a such file making easier to find  which order id correspond to which order and what is missing in it.

This solution is still a bit tedious as it involve some file manipulations  and the use of phpmyadmin to run the query, but if you have to convert a excel spreadsheet with 200 items to an FA order that really worth it.

If anyboby is interested by this I could provide the script ( It still not fully tested yet though)


I can't see any page number/number of pages on the invoice (nor than in any other document), is it normal ?


My mistake
I didn't read the initial post properly. I can store item now but I got an error about $numPages missing :-(



(15 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Is there a way to import or create or pre-fill an order from a csv file rather than having to enter manually each item of the sale order.
That would be much quicker . Actually I have to wait 1 seconde each time I type a item code for the fa to fetch the corresponding description and then another second to fetch the price. I get also "disconnected" quite often if I go to the next field to quickly.

Any idea ?


I have the same problem, repgen seems to not work. Is every body using it ?
As an alternative, I'm looking for a (free)  php based reporting tool, doesn't any one know one ?


That works , thank you really much.


Hi , I'm trying to pay a supplier in a different currency that my main account.

I set the amout and the exchange rate. Everything seems fine.
The supplier has been paid  the correct amount of foreign currency, the GL transactions are correct ...
but, the bank transaction is wrong (it doesn't match + the GL transaction)

Rather than being

it seems to be

   amount + charge/exchange_rate   
(and I'm not sure it's using the exchange rate provided in the form or the db one)

As anybody noticed that ?

I probably can fix it but in which file should I look

(PS : I'm new too here, and I m not just what is best for bug report, here or the mantis system)