Topic: RB

What is the meaning of the RB column in customer transcaction tables ?


Re: RB

That means Running Balances (per customer)

Re: RB

That's what I was thinking but the number I get don't make any sense ... Is it per customer or by account ?
The numbers are different for a same line if I filter on customer or get them all.

Re: RB

I think I understood, It's for everyboy if you don't filter.
The number make sense when I sort invoice by date.

By the way, Is there a way to sort transaction by due date ?

Re: RB

No, but you can order it by Date. To order by Due Date you will have to change the code.


Re: RB

Is there a way to find easily the next paymint due then ? (I'm sorry If I'm getting out of topic)
