(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

A way around this would be to make an update to the supplier's detail and assign the dimension to the supplier before creating that purchase order to the supplier. Of course this involve updating the supplier's info to another dimension should another purchase order is required to be issued to the same supplier but for a different job dimension. Hope a consideration can be made to provide a way to select a dimension at the purchase order creation window just like what is available when a sales invoice to a customer is created. Thanks.


(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

Thank you Joe for the reply.

At the purchases tab, when creating a purchase order to the supplier, there is no option to choose a dimension to relate the purchase order to, unless of course a supplier's invoice is created and a dimension is selected when entering the gl accounts for the cogs. I am wondering if there is a way to choose a job costing dimension when the purchase order to the supplier is created using inventory items. Somehow I feel I am missing something here. Thanks.


(5 replies, posted in Dimensions)

We are using dimensions for job costing where dimension 1 corresponds to individual job numbers. When sales invoice are created, the entry window provide a dropdown to select which dimension (ie job number) the sale belongs to which works really great for us. But there is no option to select any dimension if we were to create a purchase order. This would be useful as each purchase order issued to a supplier should correspond to a dimension (ie job number). Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated. Thanks.

itronics wrote:

If your clients have another accounting program and you want to move the data to FA 2.0 your there is no one universal receipt. Anyway debtors transactions are stored in debtor_trans table, and current ballances of AR is calculated on the fly from documents like invoices and payments stored in this table.


My case is as above.

We are migrating from another accounting program. We have used Tom's import module for the journals successfully. We are now looking into ways to import in invoices as well (more than 500!).

Per your advice above, we should look into adding the transactions into the debtor_trans table. Is there any other table that we need to see? How will the table debtor_trans_details be affected.

We appreciate some guidance n this matter.



(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)


Thanks for the speedy reply. Followed your instructions and is now working as expected.

Best regards,


(27 replies, posted in Dimensions)

We are using dimension for job costing. Job numbers are entered as dimensions. All is working fine except for some inconvenience when entering transactions. The dimensions drop down list is preceded with the dimension id. Our job numbers are preceded with different alphabets corresponding to different branches. Therefore as the drop down list can be quite long we find it not type friendly when selecting the right job number eg the list can be '1 J100', '2 J102', '3 BJ99', .... '40 J153', '41 MJ125', etc etc. So if we need to enter MJ125, we need to scroll down until we see it and select rather than just type 'MJ125' and press enter.

Is there anywhere I could change some configuration so that the dimensions drop down list will not be preceded by the dimension id and sorted accordingly.

Thank you


(12 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


I have used the import multi journal module successfully and find it very useful.

I found this topic and wonder if the module for importing invoices is still being considered. This module should also be quite useful.

Thank you and regards,

Thanks for the clarification Janusz.

Once again, thanks for the module Tom.


Hi Tom,

Thank you for your reply. Once again, good work on the module. It is something which I was waiting for, having known that it is being developed.

The issues that I have raised is following a view on the codes. It seems only the gl_trans db is updated. For sake of completeness, I was wondering whether it is necessary to update the other related db.

Looking at gl/includes/db/gl_db_trans.inc from line 354 to 383, shown here for quick reference below :

function add_journal_entries($items, $date_, $ref, $reverse, $memo_=null)

    $trans_type = systypes::journal_entry();
    $trans_id = get_next_trans_no($trans_type);

    foreach ($items as $journal_item)
        // post to first found bank account using given gl acount code.
        $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($journal_item->code_id);

        add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_id, $date_, $journal_item->code_id,
            $journal_item->dimension_id, $journal_item->dimension2_id,
            $journal_item->reference, $journal_item->amount);
        if ($is_bank_to)
            add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_id, $is_bank_to, $ref,
                $date_, $journal_item->amount,
                0, "", get_company_currency(),
                "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction");
        // store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
            ($journal_item->amount < 0.0 ? 2 : 1), $trans_id, -$journal_item->amount, 1, $date_, $memo_);
    add_comments($trans_type, $trans_id, $date_, $memo_);

    references::save($trans_type, $trans_id, $ref);

Looking through the above, it seems any journal transaction should also require entries to the bank_trans db (if account code is a bank account), as well as the comments and refs db. Perhaps anyone of the developers can clarify if this is required or not.

Thank you and regards,

Thank you for the new import journal and budget entries module. I'm sure many will find them very useful.

I just wish to seek clarification with regards to deposit/payment type of journal entries and it seems the module does not include adding the entries to the bank transaction db. This off course does not have any effect on the GL but the imported deposit/payment journal entries will not be shown when doing a bank reconciliation.

It seems $trans_type, $memo and $ref are also not updated to the db. Appreciate therefore if anyone can also clarify whether this is necessary or not.

Thank you.

OK Janusz.

Thank you for the info.

That is really excellent news Joe!

Any update on when 2.2 will be released?



(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Noted the info with thanks Janusz.

Can't wait for the release of 2.2.



(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Thanks Joe!

I appreciate the quick reply. Yes, found $def_app in header.inc.

I'm configuring the applications to be loaded based on the access level of the users. Of course FA already have a built in access control for different user security setting but I would like the different applications not be shown at all for different users. So far I've managed to have something to that effect using $security_groups and switch statements inside frontaccounting.php. That's why I need to do something about $def_app as the default application varies according to different user access level. This is especially relevant when using the Elegant theme.

Thanks again Joe!


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

First of all I would like to compliment the developers for having developed this web application which I find to be very well done and very useful as a business application.

Although I find FA (2.1.4) readily useable out of the box for our needs, I just need to do some tiny adjustment to match our exact use. I should need more help later on but for the moment, I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me which script is using $def_app defined in config.php.

Thank you and regards.


(12 replies, posted in Installation)

After reading my last post, I realise I have not checked the .htaccess file thats come with FA. After tweaking that, now the installation is OK!

Thanks again and regards!


(12 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks for the reply. Really appreciate that.

I'm using a dedicated server (Ubuntu) located in a data center. With VMWare I configured two virtual machines also running Ubuntu. One with Zimbra installed for our mail services and the 2nd one with ISPConfig for the websites (Apache2). I can therefore access the virtual machines by SSH as root.

All file ownership already chowned to www-data and permission changed to 774. The server error is still there.

The other websites are using Joomla therefore session.auto_start is off, register_globals is off but magic_quotes is on. Magic_quotes being on should just be a security issue for FA and I expect it would not stop me from installing and running FA.

Anyhow, I am wondering why I'm getting the server error the moment after I unzipped the FA zip. Before that I can browse the standard index.html created by ISPConfig. After unzipping, even browsing http://accounts.mydomain.com/index.html also give me server internal error. I must have done something wrong which I am not aware of.

Thanks again.


(12 replies, posted in Installation)


I am trying to install FA in my ubuntu server with sites managed by ISPConfig. I have created a new site accounts.mydomain.com and copy the FA zip file at the root of this site. After unzipping, I am not able to access the install wizard at accounts.mydomain.com/install and getting the 500 Internal Server Error message.

Appreciate if anyone could suggest a solution.

Many thanks.