(2 replies, posted in Reporting)

  i have installed Arabic as default language but the report show up in English only !

how possible to show reports in Arabic only please ?



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

sorry guys , everything is fine i had issue with default theme



(1 replies, posted in Reporting)

  im using Arabic version and i have empty system no records at all
i just tried to test the reporting and when i try it get error message : failed to load pdf document

is there anything i can do please ?



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks so much


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

Thanks alot big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

i'm still using "1.16 Build 15" is that a reason ?

cause last line in the report is "Total returned"



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

    i got the Arabic translation file,

How can i decide the Arabic language to be the default one please ?



(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Thanks so much ..

it's just easy and cool


hello ,

so means Arabic translation done ?

(( i will check the downloads))


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

just another question please ...

as i found i can always go to benefits and lose to get the report i'm looking for
(sales, cost, returns)

so as i can see i must calculate manually to subtract the total income from the sales to get the pure benefits.

can't this be a field so i don't need to calculate it outside the program ?

Best regards


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

Yes i just found it

you been such great help
thanks so much

Hello every one ..
   i would really just be glad to support this cute community with my server,
if you interest to get webhosting for your website/this accounting system you may ask for lower price for very powerful stable host service which i own !

you could email me direct or try contact my through my help desk center (www.iraqcyber.com/support)

we are always looking for partners

and i'm here wish to host and support every one who just registered this forum smile

P.s: my website in Arabic for now but as soon as i can will add a button to lead you to the English version ... and you could contact me any time all the 24 hours / 7 days - week/


Thanks every one been cool !


(7 replies, posted in Reporting)

Hello ,
   i wonder please how can i get a report to know my total benefits from date to date, and also i wish to add like specific fields to the items details and finally wish to be able to ask for lose reports (like number of damaged broken items)

how is that please ?

thanks alot

Fantastic ... can't wait to get it all work

and i'm here always to support anything can do for this great community!

but btw what is the user and password to login and check ?


wonderful, if you may show me how to translate if there is any tutorial i would be love to help any chance



(3 replies, posted in Translations)

Hello again ,
  i got examination at school had no chance to continue with translation,
wish you please let me know how i can do translation from A to zero i would run to complete it so you may show me the guidance

thanks so much smile

   i'm still work to translate it , but i just found you here , is there any chance to get a complete translated version please even to include reports as pdf result ?

Thanks so much

infotechaccountant wrote:

Thank you Joe

and the support for Arabic language incourage us to support you by professional opinions from a net of approx. 24600 member of Arab professors and financial controllers and accountants , and we already install version 1.16 in that link


we tried version 1.16 and we found it not support Arabic reports very well , and after we try version 2 demo we found it great for Arabic , so that incourage us to start translating all the terms included in language file from english to arabic

and thanks alot for the person who done previous translation into Arabic , and we start translation from the beginning to make it accurate as it is possible

thank you joe and hope to finish the final version of FrontAccounting



  Yes i wish to add one of the middle east if possible .. but i have no idea

looking forwrd to know how

Thanks every one


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

Hello every one ..
   i just wonder please how can i add new Currency not listen in this program please ?



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

yes just found it sorry loool

Thanks again and so much


(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Sorry i go to setup and find just the below items :
Tax Groups

System and General GL Setup
Fiscal Years

Backup and Restore
Create/Update Companies
Install/Update Languages
Install/Update Modules

i couldn't find Display setup

thanks for your help and i wish to find it any chance



(3 replies, posted in Translations)

Thanks for your interest : ) i'm so glad ,

you can get a lot of Farisi Fonts from :


i will work today to see how can i start the translation can't wait to do a lot in here



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

hello every one,
  How can i please use / install new template ?

Best Regards


(3 replies, posted in Translations)

Hello every one ,
    i would love to support all of this wonderful job by me to translate it to Arabic and support anything about Arabic in forum or the script it self .

if you kindly interest show me the way and i'm yours always



(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Thanks so much ...

i really really appreciate your very fast response

Best Regards