Parts of the dashboard do not show if there is no data for graphics...try entering dummy data
2 05/19/2024 12:29:26 am
Re: Problem with any language other than English not working on the system (7 replies, posted in Translations)
I had this once, I asked my isp for a terminal access and entered required commands; I doubt GoDaddy will give you terminal access, but ask anyway.
3 04/03/2024 09:45:08 pm
Re: How to update translation (3 replies, posted in Translations)
POEDIT is useful, free, win & Linux, also compiles to mo
4 02/26/2024 02:36:19 pm
Re: Error Handler not working for php 8.2 (11 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
A note page in the wiki would be good to know the extent of PHP version compatibility for each release.
A sticky message in its own forum would also work
5 02/26/2024 02:34:52 pm
Re: Error Handler not working for php 8.2 (11 replies, posted in FA Modifications)
Let us freeze the PHP version for this FA version.
People should not keep updating PHP version frequently.
I totally agree, but from personal experience updating is driven by the hosting companies; changing version without notice and often to obscure version numbers; then in some cases, not allowing previous versions to be used. Yes you get what you pay for, but initially most users will factor cost when choosing hosting.
I have no answers, but I would very much like to see a solution to this.
6 02/21/2024 02:44:27 pm
Re: Added Branches to additional Fields Ext (5 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)
@trafficpest I wrote AF for my own needs and did/do not require branches. Delighted you've found a use for it and thank you for sharing/updating.
...I dont see why since FA creates a branch when you create a customer automatically...
This is not entirely true:-
Lines 62 & 63 of config.default.php state:-
/* Creates automatic a default branch with contact. Value 0 do not create auto branch */
$auto_create_branch = 1;
The default configuration is for FA to create a branch, but you can as I do turn it off, so null would cover all options.
7 11/09/2023 10:54:12 pm
Re: Import Transactions not working (28 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)
It didn't show any errors or warnings for me, were any showing for you?
8 11/08/2023 09:05:58 pm
Re: Import Transactions not working (28 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)
My only remaining question is am I supposed to include the column titles in the csv?
All the example templates have headers... \modules\import_transactions\templates
In addition to @rafat's excellent advice you may want to reduce your 5 transactions to one or two.
Also open in a text editor and count commas, header and data should match and no comma at the end.
Archived posts on module is here... there are155 of them, only some useful and/or relevant though.
@rafat in that post apmuthu published an additional test file (Post 118), I couldn't get that to work either , can you check it and if necessary update it and then upload, sure users will find it useful.
@rafat; do you mean Allow entry on non closed Fiscal years which is in access setup? Cannot find anything in Banking & GL
9 11/06/2023 06:00:55 pm
Re: Import Transactions not working (28 replies, posted in Modules/Add-on's)
I'm on the latest version (oct 2023). I'm trying to use the import transactions feature. I have about 5 sales transactions to import.
It really would be quicker and easier to enter 5 transactions manually.
Have at least two installations of FA, use the extra for training yourself and then it doesn't matter if you make a mistake. Copy your backup from your existing actual to your training accounts; then use it before you use a new part of FA for your actual accounts. You'll learn more from your mistakes.
On your actual accounts backup at every opportunity and keep a comment/note of each backup.
Are you using $show_sql = 1; in config.php? it's close to the go_debug line; its very useful for debuging
Do I need to open accounting years back in history?
Yes go to Setup>Fiscal years.
Is this even possible to import historical transactions?
All transactions are historical
FA is worth it but does require effort, patience and resolve in the beginning. Keep going! You'll get there.
10 11/06/2023 05:23:16 pm
Re: Pricing exclusive of taxes in Sales Quote, Trial Balance adjustments (1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
11 07/17/2023 12:29:52 pm
Re: Customer preferred language (2 replies, posted in Translations)
With no modifications just change language in preferences, it just takes a couple of seconds (second language does need to be installed though) Or have a second login with French as preferred language.
An automated solution, based on customer would not be a major change, post in the 'Jobs wanted' forum
12 04/26/2023 01:39:30 pm
Re: Supplier Description is overwritten (14 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
Related topic with some additional info that may be helpful:-
Joe's post #13 is particularly pertinent.
13 04/08/2023 10:08:10 pm
Re: "Sorry! no permission to post a reply" (1 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)
@peacecop kalmer A couple of months ago they archived all posts over a certain age.
& referenced in the following topic
And announced here
I believe you have to start a new topic, reference the old topic with a link and then post your reply.
Unless anyone else has a better idea?
14 02/07/2023 09:02:41 pm
Re: How to clean up old dandruff and past errors from closed years (4 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Two ideas, both not for the faint hearted:-
1. Edit the DB directly, need to backup first.
2. Take a backup and edit this, rename, reload. This would be my preferred option as using your favorite text editor beats direct editing and is easier to manage the backup's
I'm interested in what other's have to say though? So I'd wait awhile.
15 02/02/2023 02:19:05 pm
Topic: PunBB (6 replies, posted in Wish List)
@joe, @apmuthu,
tldr: Decrease the limit number of posts to allow users to create attachments. And another suggestion
I cannot find permissions for PunBB member levels on here or PunBB forum/documentation, so some of the following is assumptions.
You cannot post attachments unless you have made 50 posts - a 'senior member'.
So as I understand it; the persons requiring the most help are new users, as they may not yet know the correct terminology of the problem the have, English is not their first language, etc. So screenshots would help them 'a picture is a 1000 words.'. Also by the time they reach 50 posts, they probably have sufficient knowledge not to have to post accompanying screenshots, the screenshots they now post are to help someone else. Yes they can link to external sites, but that's too many steps and complicates the process. It also doesn't encourage good behaviour either - a user can easily write more posts to increase their membership level by writing valid but wasteful posts - e.g. 'Yes I agree' or 'Thank you, this helped me too' etc.
By the time a member posts say 5 posts you can tell if they are a spammer, troll etc, so can a new level of membership be created, say 'Trusted Member'. You can still ban them anyway.
If no more levels can be created, change the 'senior member' level and rename it? It doesn't mean much anyway?
Also whilst researching this I noticed an unofficial extension on the PunBB site that notifies users if they have received a PM which has also been asked for on this site.
Thank you for your time.
16 02/02/2023 01:39:37 pm
Re: Bank Payments and Deposits Entry - Double memo fields (16 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
No joy.
13 or maybe 14 posts to go then...
17 01/30/2023 11:42:39 am
Re: Bank Payments and Deposits Entry - Double memo fields (16 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Ref. screenshots: Once you have written your post go back and edit it, there should now be an option to upload an image. Not an image an attachment, but this is the end result.
18 09/10/2022 07:48:24 pm
Re: How to round total selling price from $1,499.94 to $1,500 (7 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
I have an item for sale, the unit price is 83.33.
If I sell 18 pcs it will be 1,499,94 but I want to round it to 1,500.Please I need help on how to round the total price to 1,500
Thank you in advance
You may be better off using a 'kit' for this scenario, read about kits in the wiki - … AliasCodes
19 07/05/2022 01:27:03 pm
Re: Fonts download from our Website (4 replies, posted in Reporting)
I'm still getting a 404 in Joe's post #1 above. The link is:- … se-2.3.php
Which gives a 404
I believe the correct link should be:- … 3fonts.php
The url's must have been changed when the website was updated last year.
20 06/18/2022 10:36:40 pm
Re: Show the gross amount per item on sales invoice and credit note (2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)
This may not be everything you want, but you could sell your items including tax (Select from price list in invoice creation - set up in "Sales Types")
Try it in your training program first.
21 06/14/2022 01:51:29 pm
Re: Fonts download from our Website (4 replies, posted in Reporting)
@Khan, the website has been changed, try this:- … se-2.4.php
@apmuthu, can you please check/edit Joe's link in post #1
22 05/21/2022 02:12:21 pm
Re: Editing and Modifying Reports in FA (4 replies, posted in Reporting)
Simple fix for 4 is in the wiki
23 05/05/2022 12:37:03 pm
Re: I did a stupid thing. (Direct Supplier invoice cancelled) (1 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)
Did you void the payment as well?
Or as the Wiki notes the delivery?
24 03/31/2022 12:25:09 pm
Re: How to Delete Invoice and Items (1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)
Search for 'Void a Transaction' in the wiki.
Items you cannot delete if you have used the item in a transaction, but you can make a used item inactive.
Suggest you use the current site as a 'Training site', and make a new installation for your actual accounts, and try everything new first on the training site before you enter it into you accounts
25 08/19/2021 05:54:52 pm
Re: recurring purchase transaction (4 replies, posted in Wish List)
I will need to manually select my quick entries to make it happen?
Yes, but it's the quickest way using FA vanilla