Our company have been using FA as the inventory and invoice management system. Our current process is our sale team place orders in FA after receiving orders from clients through email or phone call. We are looking for someone who can help build a web based tool for our clients to place orders directly by themselves and the orders will automatically be placed in our FA system.
Requirements are as follows:
1. The interface must be user friendly for our clients so we can encourage them to place orders through there
2. Orders placed through the web ordering tool will be created as sale orders in our usual FA system. The corresponding coverage sale person should get notified and then review the sald order. The sale person should be able to amend the sale order - edit price/quantity, delete or add items. After review, the sale person can confirm the order and issue delivery note and invoice as usual.
3. Each client should have an unique login to the web ordering tool. Under each login, we will need to have an unique price list of various items. We have over a thousand items on shelf. The corresponding sale person should be able to amend the price list at any time
4. The web tool should support multiple languages (at least 2 languages for now)
5. Clients should be able to create their own profile under their own login credentials - including company details, default delivery address, alternative delivery addresses, contact numbers etc. Sale team should be able to add/update these details at the back end too
6. The web tool doesn't need any payment gateway. No payment is required at the point of placing order on this web tool as clients will pay us separately through the usual external channels
These are the primary requirements. We look forward to receiving offers from the experienced FA programmers here