Topic: Copy of email sent

When using email to send invoices or other documents to clients, no records are kept of such an event. If a client claims that they did not receive the email, one wouldn't be able to say that it was sent to this address at this time.

A solution would be to have all emails sent also sent to a particular email address. This email address could be the email address used in the Company Setup page, but an option for a different email address would be better.


Re: Copy of email sent

You could also use an extra contact info, where the email is the one on the company, right?


Re: Copy of email sent

Yes that's right, but then you would have to do it for every client/supplier.
It's nice to have a default email address where all emails sent out are copied to.


Re: Copy of email sent

Forgive me, but wouldn't the sender emails end up in Sent Items for the sender?


Re: Copy of email sent

Joe, I wish that was the case. As the emails are sent from the server (using mail() in php), the email client on my computer is not in any way involved. Mails are sent as soon as the send email is clicked and the only response one gets is that the email was sent.
If adding my suggestion above is too complex, perhaps a log of sent emails could be built.

As always, thank you for a super application.

Re: Copy of email sent

This will be fixed asap by Janusz.


7 (edited by apmuthu 12/15/2012 01:25:06 am)

Re: Copy of email sent

Hope this issue has not been forgotton - a decision to be taken and it's implementation - atleast for the anticipated Christmas / New Year Release of v2.3.14 smile

Wikiied it.

Re: Copy of email sent

I agree. Email sent timestamp should be stored in some table for future reference.

Re: Copy of email sent

Additional setting for BCC mailbox has been added in company setup. The feature will be available from FA 2.3.14.

Re: Copy of email sent

The alter sql file can now have the following extra line:

INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs`(`name`,`category`,`type`,`length`,`value`) VALUES ('bcc_email', '', 'varchar', 100, '');

Re: Copy of email sent

This will be made in 2.4 release.

Re: Copy of email sent


Re: Copy of email sent

May I know if this issue has been addressed?

I recently came across the situation that after pressing 'Email Delivery Note', it says the email successfully delivered to the designated email but the intended recipient never receives the email. Any suggestions on possible reasons or how I can check what the issues could be? Thank you.

Re: Copy of email sent

if you sent your email from localhost. it wont received by your customer. so you should be online.  and also check with your customer email . whether any spell mistakes,

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