(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

I've succeded. It seems it is the problem with my linux. After I use locale-gen ar_EG.utf8, I don't even need the alarabiya font. I didn't change the font and it is set to helvetica and it works.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This is what confused me, why is customer payment automatically done when the invoice is generated?
I thought the workflow is similar to delivery against sales order.
So, we have open invoiced, then there will be payment against invoice. Customer can pay multiple times for that invoice.


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

I see, I thought prepaid is like down payment or deposit. So, client already pay in advance for a certain amount when create order.

So, what I understand, it is like payment term right? An invoice can be paid by customer several times. These prepaid is the amount of the previous payment by the client. Is that right?


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)


I want to ask how to do sales prepaid. It seems in the invoice, there is some calculation regarding sales prepaid. What are those and when is the prepaid entered. Thank you.


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)

Still doesn't work. I think it is loaded but it displays some weird characters. I also have installed the font in my PC but still doesn't work.


(4 replies, posted in Reporting)


I want to ask how to add new font to the report?

I want to display arabic character and I have downloaded necessary file from TCPDF github: aealarabiya.php, aealarabiya.ctg.z, and aealarabiya.z. I put it in the reporting/fonts folder.

I add:


Still the output PDF doesn't output any character. Just broken symbol.


(17 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

Does the latest release have any change in the module installation? The hello world module have this error:

Call to undefined method helloworld_app::application() in /var/www/html/fa243/modules/hello_world/helloworld.php on line 14


It should be changed into : parent::__construct("hello",_($this->help_context = "Hello world"));


I have several modification that I have implemented. It seems it can be used by other people who needs similar thing. So, in case anyone interested, I will list what I have. I will always update this list if I have implemented another new modification.

1. Batch number
Basically adding serial or batch number tracking feature for the inventory. What you can do with this module are:
- add batch number when you do GRN or production via manufacturing (add new stock into you inventory)
- choose which batch number you want to deliver to client
- choose batch number when you do stock transfer to other location
- choose batch number when you do stock adjustment

2. Inspection
This module basically add inspection when you receive delivery from supplier. You can specify what are the criteria of the inspection and assign it to each item. Everytime you receive item with inspection plan assigned to it from supplier, you need to fill the inspection. You can specify how many is rejected and how many is accepted depend on this inspection criteria.

3. CSV uploader
I have implemented CSV uploader for transaction. It is different from transaction import module. This is to help you fill the sales order or purchase order form by uploading the list of item. It will automatically populate the list of item.


If you have any question or you want to have modification, please contact me directly via email: bharata1803@gmail.com
State your modification clearly and your budget for your modification. I have received many request but when I ask them the estimated price, they back off. Before I consider your request, I need to know whether you have reasonable budget or not. I don't want to make some hard modification and request with unreasonable budget.

Please contact me via email: bharata1803@gmail.com


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

I think there are some PHP error. Try to turn on your error reporting from php.ini

I noticed that for sales function: sales quotation, sales order, sales delivery, direct delivery, invoice, direct invoice are in one file. This also happen in PO. PO entry, PO receive item, direct GRN, supplier invoice, direct supplier invoice are all in one file.

I do believe this is really bad practice. This makes the file really complicated with too many if. This also make modifying functionality really troublesome because I always need to add if in my modification depend on transaction.

I hope this can be split into their own functionality. If there are similarity, some function should be created and can be used together rather than using many if then.

I just want to share a really simple way but helpful if you are developing application in FA (or PHP in general). You can log into browser console using this library: https://github.com/ccampbell/chromephp. Put the library file in includes/ folder.

Then, just add below code in session.inc.

include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ChromePhp.php");
function ConsoleDebug($obj){

You can use it for debugging by just call ConsoleDebug($anything). It will appear in the browser console. In firefox, you don't need to install anything but in chrome you need to install extension.

For me, it is useful to debug ajax call which FA use quite a lot in many places.


(2 replies, posted in Jobs wanted/offered, non-free offers)

What do you want actually? Can the mobile handheld access FA web? How does the mobile handheld work? I believe for printing, it just need to format the PDF to suit the handheld formal. Usually the size would be smaller.

I believe the problem with developing for a specific device is the testing. The developer need to have the device to test the code.

After I check the SDK, probably what you want is an android developer because it seems the SDK is for android. The logic probably create an API for FA to feed the data to the android app. Then the Android app will create the invoice template and then print it.


(12 replies, posted in Wish List)

Nice point, I might write some module to implement this and sell it wink I think what you need is just an interface so that you don't need to do it manually.

Do you know how to fix this in the chrome browser?

apmuthu wrote:

More likely the Chrome setting for cache / cookie availability in the popup.


(11 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

The problem here is I think if you want to auto increment both sales kit and item separately. Because of the database, sales kit and item can not have the same number. So, you can not have item with item code 1 and sales kit with item code 1. If you want to auto increment, you can not separate item and sales kit numbering. Use one counter for both item code and sales kit, then there will be no problem.

gj6n68 wrote:

I have to admit I didn't know the complexity of sales kit and he circular referencing.

Does this mean that we cannot at all apply auto increment just on item codes ? Or would it still be possible to create something like transaction references for item code field only, and let sales kit module work as it is ?

I mean instead of inputting the item code manually can't we automate it, how would that conflict with stock id convention.

apmuthu wrote:

The SalesKit circular issue is a bit more complex even if the self choosability of level 1 is implemented..
SalesKit SK1 is created to have some items.
SalesKit SK2 has some items.
SalesKit SK3 has some items and SalesKit1 as part of it.
SalesKit SK3 is now added to be part of SK2.
SalesKit SK1 will now be able to choose SK2 which in turn has SK3 with in turn comprises of SK1 itself!.

A complete self join based tree lookup with multiple 'inheritances' would need to be implemented.

So let us keep it simple even if slightly stupid!


(23 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

You can use tools like WinMerge.


(11 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

For sales kit within sales kit problem, I think in the item code, there should be an additional column to indicate whether it is a normal item or a sales kit or just add additional table of sales kit that record the sales kit code. That way, the dropdown menu can be generated without including sales kit, if we assume sales kit can not contain another sales kit. On the other case, maybe just add some validation so that the user can not select sales kit that has same code as the sales kit that are being edited in the screen. It would prevent the user to create sales kit inception.

As for the auto increment, I will need to implement auto increment number for my project so in the future, maybe I will have some question or suggestion. In my mind now, I will create a table that hold the sequence number for normal item and sales kit. In the normal item form, I will query this table and when the item is inserted, I will increase the number in the database. The only problem is primary key duplication. That way you can define some rule, maybe give some prefix.


Please check my first public FA extension that I made in this link : Github link

It is a database migration module for FA developer who needs to modify FA core database structure or add new table. With this module, it will make easier to deploy to new system rather than dump the newly added database from phpmyadmin. Any error and bug report is welcome.
Thank you.


I am developing an extension now. I have succeed to install it in the starting company but when I create new company with prefix 1_, I can not activate it. How can I activate it? The user access menu in new company doesn't allow me to select system setup access level. In my extension, I need to call activate_extension function that depend on the company, for example creating folder with the company prefix. My version of fA is 2.3.26


I noticed that everytime I open Chrome console to see log message, the FA session is out and need to be logged in again. This become a problem if I try to modified functionality in popup windows because I can not login via popup windows. Usually I just use Firefox to work on FA. I know this is not bug because in firefox this is not happening but I think it will be a good thing if this can be helped.


(17 replies, posted in Modules Add-on's)

wow, really nice. now making new module is easier and we don't need to rewrite same thing again with this template.


(8 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Hello, I want to ask about work order isssue. What is the concept of work order issue? What is this for? Is it for additional material that is not defined in BOM? Why is the stock moves calculated even before the manufactured item finished?


(23 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I am not really understand with what you mean. If you want to ask detail, please send PM to me.


(4 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

I noticed there are some minor error occur if I install in PHP7. Any plan to modify any unsupported or deprecated class/function in FA?