Well, I'm not sure what is the goal you want to achieve.
If your clients have already in use FA 1.xx and want to upgrade to FA 2.0 there is update script to do this without need for making  db changes manually. Don't forget to make db backup before upgrade.

If your clients have another accounting program and you want to move the data to FA 2.0 your there is no one universal receipt. Anyway debtors transactions are stored in debtor_trans table, and current ballances of AR is calculated on the fly from documents like invoices and payments stored in this table.


(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Simply create new company under Create/Update Companies, logout and login again selecting the new company setup on login page, then create all needed users for that company via Setup/User Accounts Setup.
That's all folks wink!


(2 replies, posted in Setup)

Yes and no.
I guess you mean autosuggestion (autocomplete is internally build in all modern browsers and works also for FA).
FA in current development version (2.0) uses ajax to avoid whole page reload after every form change, but in fact we have decided to not use auto suggestion technology as seen on eg Google. The reason is that in every place where we want to select option from bigger database table we can use our filtered selectors (combo boxes) which are fast, comfortable and last but not least smoothly degrade on browsers without javascript .



(15 replies, posted in Setup)


Currently FA have no mechanism to set user local time, although it is not very big issue as it is only displayed in page footer and on reports as a time of printing. If you want to use FA only from HongKong location you can simply put into config.php (eg after $power_url dfinition) the line:




(4 replies, posted in Setup)

All currently unused GL default accounts just have been removed from gl_setup.php. New files are already available from CVS.


(1 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

As for now the only way to cancel purchase order delivery is voiding GRN in Setup/Void a Transaction page. Here you should enter Purchase Order Delivery (ie GRN) transaction number found from PO view on Purchase Orders Inquiry or Outstanding P.O. Maintenance page.

I know this is too complicated and in fact it should be done as in Sales module, but it would imply rewriting of whole Purchasing  module code, so let us leave this for post 2.0 releases wink.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

Hi t2webby,

AFAIK this type of account is used to post changes in foreign currency bank accounts value between periods. Currently Sales Exchange Variances Account is not used in FA at all.



(22 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

To use Spanish interface you should have installed spain messages package downloaded from frontaccounting.com. Also to use gettext some  changes could be necessary to web server configuration or system setup. For example when using gettext with apache under Linux one must have spanish locales installed.

To track some problems with FA setting $go_debug=1 in config.php can be useful. This variable switches warnings/errors display on.


(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hi t2webby

Currently we have no custom field implemented (with one small exception of company record), so it should by coded by hand. This is not so hard (basically items.php and items_db.inc), but to be usable it should be used/displayed also somewhere on sales and/or purchase module pages and used in item searchable list functions (ui_lists.inc).



(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hi Alvin,

I don't know java enough to help integrate an openbravo with FA. I personally have bad experience with java ERP applications which seems to be slow, stiff and very time consuming at development stage. Often also simply buggy.
But I wll look into openBravo in mean time, maybe this is not the case wink.



(13 replies, posted in Wish List)

Hi t2webby,

What is the reader interface? What do you need on program side to have barcode scanner working?



(9 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No, mantis 1.1.1 was NOT infected. The warning reported on the mantis forum was false alarm generated by standard pv.exe file under Win apache installation, and have nothing to do with mantis itself.

I personally do not use NIS as well as Win, so cannot help you at this point, although I guess such programs should give some explanation why given site is suspicious.



It seems that you have something wrong with lang/installed_languages.inc file. You should have here obligatory entry for default en_GB language.



(3 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

This was experimental demo side issue. Fixed in RC1.

Yes, this page have not been corrected yet. Keep in mind that in RC1 only sales_order_entry page has added ajax functionality. This is subject to change before final release of course.
Thanks for your contribution.


(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

First issue is evident and fix for this is waiting for commit into CVS.
Enter key in item code box has currently the same semantics as tab i.e. search request. This is right as demanded price and especially quantity is often not the default one.


The focus issue is fixed now in RC1. The most frequently used items in start select is good idea, but TBD after final 2.0 release.



AFAIK ECB cannot be used as source of exchange rates for Guatemalan currency, so you should use Exchange Rates page to enter it manually. Next necessary step is to set base price list in Company Setup page. When 'No base price list' option is set automatic price calculations are off.
Details of how automatic price calculations works in FA 2.0 you'll find in one of May posts on fa_list mailing list.


Hello Alvin,

I guess you are running latest CVS with just implemented automatic price calculations.
To use this feature you should select base price list in company preferences. When this is not selected automatic price calculations are off.



(17 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

All changes just have been commited into CVS.



(17 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Hello lursammie

Sorry for the delay, but we are busy with price system changes so the bugfix had to wait a little. Now when all is ready to check in the SF cvs server is dead. All the latest changes  will be comited in some hours I think.
Anyway the bug in sales order price entry is easy to fix, so you can do it yourself in mean time. To make sales order entry working properly please uncomment lines 258 (if ($change_prices != 0) {) and 265 in sales/includes/ui/sales_order_ui.inc and all should work OK.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

No bug is no problem wink.

BTW. To avoid troubles you should have exactly one tax type definition with Tax Shipping option set to on.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)


Hmm, the sql result is ok, the procedure creating selector from the query is straight forward and I can see nothing what can cause skipping of some options.

Are you sure that when editing PP3 in Items&Inventory/Items you have set item type for PP3 to Purchased or Manufactured and not Service ?



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Well, I cannot reply the issue on my own data set, so only way to track it is to make some test with your kind support.

If you have some time and really want to found the bug we can go this way:

The item droplist is created in function stock_costable_items_list() in file /include/ui/ui_lists.php. When you put into line 996 the following call:

  echo $sql;

you will notice something like:

SELECT stock_id, 0_stock_master.description, 0_stock_category.description
 FROM 0_stock_master,0_stock_category 
WHERE 0_stock_master.category_id=0_stock_category.category_id 
AND mb_flag !='D'

on the screen.

This is exactly the sql phrase which is used to create the item list. Now you can copy-paste this from FA  page into PhpMyAdmin SQL box and execute.
If sql query result would differ from the the selector content we would have to dig deeper to find source of troubles.



(8 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Hi Rikard,

rini wrote:

When setting a new cost, all items updates to the new cost.

This is not a bug, this is a feature. On the cost update page you have ability to adjust current stock items value, normally calculated as weighted average for qoh and received quantity on every purchase.

rini wrote:

Also, not all items show in the drop-list.
Seems to list with 1 in offset.

Yes, dummy items as services are not physical items and therefore are not included in selector list. You cannot adjust inventory value for dummy items because they have no inventory quantities.
