Topic: Enable Ajax

Reading on the release note, I understand the FA 2.0 is already equipped with ajax functions. (i.e. auot complete on some inputs). However, it seems to me that there is no way to enable the autocomplet function.

Does anyone know how to enable the autocomplete function on FA 2.0?

Re: Enable Ajax

Yes and no.
I guess you mean autosuggestion (autocomplete is internally build in all modern browsers and works also for FA).
FA in current development version (2.0) uses ajax to avoid whole page reload after every form change, but in fact we have decided to not use auto suggestion technology as seen on eg Google. The reason is that in every place where we want to select option from bigger database table we can use our filtered selectors (combo boxes) which are fast, comfortable and last but not least smoothly degrade on browsers without javascript .


Re: Enable Ajax

Thanks for your prompt reply! The reason I asked this question is I found that you guys have already put the ajax codings onto FA. It seems to me that the autosuggestion function is already there but yet enabled. I am interested to try what the FA's preformance will be with the ajax. Afterall, the autosuggestion feature is a very attrative and useful feature.