If nothing urgent happen you can expect release 2.2RC this week.


(12 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

Well, I have no idea. 'done,but with error on page'  is not FrontAccounting message.

Yes, this is a bug already fixed in CVS unstable. You can download the new users.php file from CVS if you want to continue testing, or wait for 2.2RC release.


(12 replies, posted in Items and Inventory)

You have to input item quantities by normal Purchase order/purchase receive/purchase invoice chain, or as inventory adjustment.
Customers and Branches entry pages are in Sales module.


(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

As an admin select this POS in your user settings.

You can void them in Setup/ Void a Transaction.


(11 replies, posted in Installation)

setiadi wrote:

why make instalation like this? why not just copy paste then run? if i just could make one right instalation , i could make it in one usb/cd and i'll give everybody who have problem like me.

Do you suppose application using MySQL database can be installed by copy/paste some files?


(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

I think the best method to make documentation project up and running is installation of some wiki system publicly available on our frontaccounting.com site. This have not to be pmwiki used in integrated help system, maybe another wiki system is better for this. One of things which have decided on pmwiki usage was it's simplicity and compact size suitable for integration. This is not so important on site installed wiki. More important is availability of template usage which is not supported by core pmwiki, although some plugins add this feature.

The above four part template seems to be good start point.

I cannot promise the site wiki will be available tomorrow, as our team  is currently busy with last changes to final 2.2 release, but I will do my best to make it available ASAP.



(2 replies, posted in Report Bugs here)

Yes, array_replace() has appeared in php 5.3.0. We will change it to avoid problems
Thanks a lot for the information.

This makes sense, although I'm not sure delivery note has the same purpose as packing slip. Maybe some option for printing delivery note as packing slip would be enough?



(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

Is there any reason that the Help Wiki couldn't be included as a permanent module in  each upgrade rather than an addon as it is now?  That way all the latest submitted Help information would be included - and even some new /changed information as a result of altered processes. There should also be a process for easily updating the Help information on a regular basis - or maybe that is already in place?

There is only one reason: we have no wiki content since the wiki module was created, and so far we have no established method to collect job done by volunteers. When we will have less or more complete wiki content we can include it as integral part of core distribution. But adding wiki without ready content can rather discourage new users, than help them.



(14 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Not having default bank account was long lasting FA issue. Up to version 2.1 first bank account was selected when printing was done via link on invoice entry page or from transactions inquiry table. This issue was fixed in 2.2 in such a way you can mark one bank account for any company value as a default account. This default bank account is printed on invoices in given currency.

View/print transactions is under Setup as this page is universal interface for any kind of transactions, not only sales. Setup module (which maybe should be named administration?) seems to be only sensible place for non specific features.


What is rationale behind this habit?


(2 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Check if javascript cache folder is writable for www server (company/x/js_cache).

molyko wrote:

i am changing the name of the supplier say from OJONG to ARREY, but only the former remains .this therefore imply that the payment was done to OJONG of which it is no more to OJONG but ARREY. please help me solve this cos i already entered their names as my suppliers.thanks

I'm not sure what you mean, so were have you changd the supplier name? If you have done this on Purchasing/Suppliers you still have only one Supplier. If you want to record transactions to another supplier you have to create new record for him in Purchasing/Suppliers. You can create as many suppliers as you wish.

Probably you have Search Supplier List checked in Company Setup. Uncheck the option, save preferences then try again.

Some time ago I was considering this payrol system to be integrated with FA. It has simple and good designed database, but I'm not sure if integration of the code would be simplier than coding it using FA framework from scratch.

Kalido wrote:


What is the : " Access Levels Extensions "
and what is its job and how can we use it.

Every extension for FA (beginning from versions 2.2) can define its own access constraints. 'Access level extensions' is a file in which those additional data for access control is defined. All this will be described in documentation file under doc folder in  final 2.2 release. Until final version is released  you can use any security area defined in access_levels.inc.

Message: Invalid argument.
Line: 68
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost/FA220Beta2-AR/company/0/js_cache/utils.js


When I checked with : " Google Chrome ver "

I did not notice any error when openig the page.

I have no exercise regarding IE bugs neverending story, so I cannot help here.



(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

We are talking about two different applications of wiki. The Pmwiki integrated with FA is good for context help informations for FA users, but not for development/general information exchange, I think. Anybody can write context help in pmwiki and send to  developers team for placing it on FA download page - nothing more than wiki module for FA (and a lot of free time for write the content) is needed.

I will ask our site administrator about the wiki option.


When some account is used in stored gl/bank transactions you cannot delete it. But if the account is no longer in use you can change its state to inactive. Then the account is not hidden in account list selectors.


(5 replies, posted in Wish List)

maasj wrote:

Thanks for letting me know about the size concern!  Out of curiousity, what exactly is it about the size that is a problem?  Disk space used?  Performance concerns?  Amount of unknown code?  In most computing situations 0.5MB isn't considered a big deal these days.  It's not like we're aiming to get FrontAccounting embedded in every wristwatch, right?  smile

Right, although we are not in the M$ situation, so we cannot simply say: don't be tedious, if our application is too slow after upgrade for you, spend another thousand bucks for new server. Big part of FA users community is from third world countries, where imho average server has much worse performance than your desktop pc smile.

I'd like to have more flexibility for making nicer reports than the included ones, and tracking with a more recent TCPDF seemed like a good idea to me for several reasons:

- to have the last year's worth of bug fixes (it can be frustrating to encounter unexpected behavior and then wonder if it's a bug that's been fixed in a newer version, or if you just misunderstood how something is supposed to work)

- to have the last year's worth of features

- so the information on the TCPDF website would be more relevant to me and anyone else wanting to write more advanced reports

- to more easily communicate with the TCPDF developers and other users if the need should arise (you probably wouldn't be thrilled to be getting support requests from new FA users who were starting off with 1+ year old versions, right?  <grin>)

New release means not only bugfixes but usually also new bugs. In FrontAccounting TCPDF is used as working horse for pdf generation. Reports are written mostly using wrapper functions, not direct TCPDF calls, so information exchange with TCPDF development team can be problematic regardless of version used. Last, but not least most of functionality of TCPDF bells and wristles are sparse for simple accounting reports, even in those older version currently incorporated in FA. But utf-8 support is indispensable smile.

I'm almost done testing the integration of a newer version of TCPDF into FA.  What would be the best way to submit the code for your consideration?

You can send it directly to me or Joe.
To be understand right: I really appreciate your efforts, and I am very curious about the improvements in reporting you announced. If you would like to make them available for FA community we will be happy including them into FA. But on other hand I see no reason to upgrade TCPDF to newer, bigger, and probable even less used version, only for being happy we have new toy wink.

Can we agree that the best time for TCPDF upgrade is just when improvements requiring it are available?



(2 replies, posted in Translations)

gettext used for translations  need also some configuration on server side At least locales you want to use have to be supported on server side. This is also good to perform www server restart after uploading new po/mo file on the server.



(6 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

You can register customer payment at any stage you want by Customer Payment, and later allocate it after invoice is created. But currently there is no printed report for customer payment, so if you want this you have to write such a report yourself, or you have to acknowledge the payment receive manually.


(11 replies, posted in Setup)

And what is the result?


(6 replies, posted in Setup)

Hello molyko,

I think you do not have response for your message as nobody can help you until you  describe your problem. Try explain it better.



(15 replies, posted in Wish List)

We have wiki module in download section, which is only wiki skeleton without any usable FA info. I guess that nobody in community had enough free resources to write some documentation in this form. But this wiki was designed rather as context help than general HOWTO guide.

I personally have small experience in configuring wikis, but maybe you can advice us which one would be good for FA? Also if you have some ideas and free time to entry initial info on FA wiki, I think we could experimentally establish it to check how it works for the community.
