Right permissions are set in tar.gz distribution file. You cannot change company folder write permissions as it is used for caching files. You can make readonly tmp directory if you do not use error logging in this dir. Also lang and modules directories can be closed for writing if you do not plan to add or update languages/modules, but frankly speaking I don't know good reason for doing this.


(1 replies, posted in Installation)

Just one notice: you can uncompress new tarball directly in FA working directory and all should work anyway (config files will not be updated as they does not exist in latest tarball), although good practice is to make backup copy of your FA installation before upgrade.

The bugfix has been included in 2.2 final.  Invalid reconciliations made due to the bug in 2.2RC can be fixed manually after selecting '00/00/0000' bank statement date. Thank you for the bug report.

I have answered to your question about customers list some one and half month ago.
Please read it again, especially the final paragraph:
https://frontaccounting.com/punbb/viewt … 3585#p3585


(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

Which one report was blank?


(1 replies, posted in Banking and General Ledger)

You will find Point of Sales under Setup menu. Here you can define set of parameters used in sales module (sales order, direct invoice etc). Every FA user have assigned some POS, which describe which operations are available for this user (credit sale, cash sale or both etc). That's all.



(4 replies, posted in Manufactoring)

Try to read and understand previous post once again. Nothing more to be added.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

You can set your local currency in company preferences. If your currency is not listed by ECB set auto update off in currency setup and entry any needed daily exchange rate for foreign currencies you are using in your transactions.



(9 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

This is set in session variable (see ui_globals.inc). To have this used permanently you have to store it in users or company table.



(17 replies, posted in Setup)

You are welcome smile. If you would like to continue with implementation of customer login, do not hesitate contact me directly when you encounter any problem hard to solve. I think such extension would be valuable indeed, if coded carefully enough to protect sensitive data from customer access.



(3 replies, posted in Installation)

Yes, despite the help you need to make directories writable you should anyway consult your webhosting tech support about the warning with ftp_put. This is definitely not related to FrontAccounting, but it is some problem in webhost ftp administration panel.


Currently this is done only during fiscal year close, when all transactions belonging to the closed year are also closed. Closing transactions is necessary to prevent change of gl postings sequence in reports, which can appear after transaction edition.


Credit note is issued when you e.g. return goods to supplier. Something like negative supplier invoice.

There was probably misunderstanding in discussion above. Now seems to me that your accountant use journal interface to post bank transactions, and not Bank Deposit (only journal page has both credit and debit side entry fields). Is it the case?
Anyway Joe has found and fixed a problem in Bank Deposit, so I don't know.

BTW. Posting bank transaction via journal interface should be avoided as it can lead to problems in some situations (e.g. when more than one 'bank account' share the same gl account).



(17 replies, posted in Setup)

Oh, yes I overlooked your previous post.
When access scheme was created we have assumed that minimal access rights (if granted at all) to some module transactions (in this case sales) is reading them all.  This of course depends on company requirements, but in most cases it is enough. Therefore we have not divide access levels more, and all sales transactions inquires are under SA_SALESTRANSVIEW access area.
If you want to have more grained access, you have to read access_levels.txt file in doc directory, where the access levels system is explained, and make needed changes in php code (files customer_inquiry.php and access_levels.inc at least).

Regarding the customer list in sales order entry screen - this should be replaced by customer name on display, and customer id (set on user login) should be used when order is saved. Exact implementation is up to you and depends on design decision how user-customer relation is coded.



(17 replies, posted in Setup)

No, currently there is no such relation implemented.
To be understand right: there is no customer access implemented in FA for now. If you want to do it, I believe you should follow the way I have described above and localize all needed changes. One of those changes is adding relation between user login data and customer account (e.g. by adding list selector in user setup to select some customer to deal with, or all).



(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

If you don't know how to do this, ask your administrator to change the access rights to the company/... folder. This have to be writable by www server.

Setup/Create Company option is accessible only for admins of first registered company, so you will have no access to this when logged into another company, but this have nothing to do with your problem with reports.


(17 replies, posted in Setup)

I think you should first try to configure current (2.2RC) version of FA to suit your needs. For this you have to define new role for external customer access in Access Setup, then create new user. Then you should login and make a trip all over the FA menu options/pages and find places accessible for your customer, which shouldn't. When you have such a list completed we can discuss how to fix them one by one.



(11 replies, posted in Reporting)

Please check company/2/pdf_files directory access rights. This should be writable by all.

The 'bank account' term used in FA is somewhat wider and include also petty cash. This is really any currency account regardless it is established in a bank or not, so moving money form petty cash to bank account is also 'bank transfer' .



(17 replies, posted in Setup)

As far as I understand you want to grant access for customers to some part of company database, and give them ability to entry and inquire data related to his customer transactions. If this is your aim,  I have to say some of listed 'activities' cannot be passed to customer without breaking company data veracity:

Place the order - ok
Update the order - ok
Cancel the whole order or partial order -ok, until the order is accepted.
Accept the goods - this should be done on customer side, not in supplier company database. View access to list of orders already sent makes more sense
Send rejected goods back - this should be registered at the moment of real goods receival by company staff.
Make payments - what do you mean? Currently payments are only registered in FA, and this should be done by responsible company officer having access to bank account  data, not the customer for obvious reasons.
Accept payment back for the sent excess, rejected goods - this is done on customer side, not in supplier database

Despite problems described by joe,  the only real activities which could be made accessible for customers for now is sales order entry/edition/query. The rest needs additional implementation.


I think you can delete any of the two bank transaction providing they are not allocated nor reconcilled.
Anyway there should be no duplicate rows, so seems there is a bug somewhere in the code. Do you remember which operations sequence lead to this problem ?


(2 replies, posted in Accounts Receivable)

Standard way of dealing with this situation  is just credit invoice issue. We could consider removing the constraint for item quantities being positive, but this could be done only as an option depending on related company setting. So maybe yes, but not in 2.2 final - it's too late for database changes. 


Try to execute following sql statement in phpmyadmin to check if you really have duplicate records (using right tables prefix,  type and trans_no):

SELECT *, bank_account_name, account_code, bank_curr_code FROM 0_bank_trans, 
0_bank_accounts WHERE 0_bank_accounts.id=0_bank_trans.bank_act AND type='2' AND 
0_bank_trans.trans_no = '5' ORDER BY trans_date, 0_bank_trans.id

If there is more than one record returned you have broken database content or the above original sql is invalid.


This is new functionality implemented by Tom Hallman. Currently it is not much usable, until reporting module will be fixed to enable use of defined tags for account/dimension selection. With tags you can mark selected GL accounts to be included in reports. Tags are in some extent like dimensions, but tags mechanism is more general and flexible enough to be used for any categorization in FA.
For now tags for GL accounts and dimensions are added , to enable synthetic reports for group of projects. It should be available in 2.2 final or in some later minor release of 2.2 branch.