This should be considered as small bug. The reference should be moved back if the last PO is cancelled, I will fix it in table branch repo in  a while. Thanks for pointing it out.


Please use the author/maintainer email found in the package info to address such issues in publishes packages in the future, there is no warranty the extension author read this forum.

BTW While it may seem a little redundant to your eyes, both forms are proper and one could judge the current one is even more canonical. This ise disputable, but anyway outside interest of most forum users. Therefore I think this is another good reason to address such notices directly to the author.



(4 replies, posted in Installation)

Will be fixed in version 2.4. Thanks for pointing this.

No, this is not supported in current FA version, but you can try implement it yourself, or hire any software developer. This should not be hard to achieve.


(5 replies, posted in Setup)

Could you explain me what is case use of the proposed feature?
You can (and should) always name the uploaded file properly, so why we should complicate the application interface with this additional option here? Using  'mv' command or 'Rename' option in your windowed OS is quite easy.



(7 replies, posted in Translations)

This is latin2 encoding related fix which is used  not only for polish language. Probably the same problem could arise for other encodings not supported by htmlspecialchars(). For now nobody was interested in contributing any translation which use encoding other than  latin1, latin2 or utf8 (see list of avilable languages), so frankly I don't care about that. The patch fixes the problem for all currently supported languages, and this is safe minimum.



(7 replies, posted in Translations)

This problem is related to uncompatibilities in htmlspecialchars() fucntion behaviour in newer php versions. This  just have been fixed in FA source repository, and will be released with next minor FA version.  If you want to fix it manually on your installation, just apply this patch  on FA sources.


(5 replies, posted in Installation)

This fix is related to your specific situation, when you have changed  database server to other one with different encodings, so cannot be included in FA. Nevertheless planned FA 2.4 version will change default  database  encoding to utf-8, and will migrate database properly.


(8 replies, posted in Translations)

For now this translation is far incomplete (226/2770), we can't make it available via our extension repo yet.
All native translators are welcome smile



(6 replies, posted in Installation)

Check if your language is visible o Install/Update Languages screen with the checkbox checked. If not, your system does not support your langauge.


(2 replies, posted in Installation)

What problem you have with poedit?

To add new language we need only *.po translation file. This is plain text file, so you can create it with any editor, using /lang/new_language_template/LC_MESSAGES/empty.po as start point. Wehn you are ready, just send the translated file to contributions[at], and you will see Albanian language as an option quickly.



(4 replies, posted in Setup)

1. Exchange rate is get from selected web source when first transaction on the day made in given currency is entered. So, if you do not make transactions on every day, you will not have complete exchange rate tables.
2. Every FA user have some POS setup selected. The setup defines which sales options are allowed for the user. POS options seems to be selfexplanatory.

Problem is your company sys_prefs table content, or random changes in source code. The message appears when database version found in version.php file is different than 'version_id' record content in sys_prefs table.

No, such setup is not available in FA, and would be hart to implement as module. You will need customize core source code.

You cannot void bank transaction, when it would result in negative account history (for cash type accounts), or overdraft (on other account).


(5 replies, posted in Accounts Payable)

Just entry it on Items page as a Service if don't want to register it as regular inventory item. Then you can issue invoice as usally.

No, definitely no. While I can agree there is somein consistency here and there in punctuation, in many places places the same words in english have different meaning, so they cannot be standardized. Also, e.g.  'Sales Invoice:'  is used before document number, but there is no sense to have it in transaction type selector on 'Void a Trancaction' page. This problem (if any)  should be considered case by case and ther is no chance to solve it with any magic onliner.

Finally, gettext tools  automatically reuse translation on new strings, marking such places with '#fuzzy' marker, so the translator can easyily check them and aprove or reject. No need for more automata here.


If you are looking for help here you need to describe the issue a little more precisely than just as  'strange behaviour'.
AFAIK there is no clairvoyant here on the forum.


What has astricted you switching off javascript ?
Shouldn't you just switch off customers/suppliers/items search filter on Company Setup page?

No, this is just  formatted string marker added by original gettext suit command msgfmt. As this is just a comment it should not hurt anyway.

Don't  be too crude to yourself. Errare humanum est smile


(12 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Please look closer on the check_bank_account_history() algorithm. This function scans all the bank history to find whether atomic change in balance made on some date is safe or not.

If you try implement transfer edition as void/entry sequence in general you have take into consideration two dates:
1. original date for which old transaction is voided (check against -ve balance in target account);
2. new date for which new transaction is entered (check against -ve balance in source account).

In addition you should consider special situation, when only amount changes (but from/to account and date don't): in this case only change in amount on the old transaction date should be tested, otherwise you can have 'false positive' results in case of small change made on big transfer amount.


Yes, seems this good candidate for change in 2.4.


(12 replies, posted in FA Modifications)

Consider following simple scenario:
1. Create new Bank Account of cash type;
2. Transfer $100 to this account from any other account;
3. Entry $60 payment to supplier from the cash account;
4. Edit transfer created in step 2 changing amount from $100 to $50

and you will end with -$10 balance on the cash account without any warning nor error.
The same negative balance issue you can trigger by simply changing target account to any other one during edition.

Regarding the zero entries displayed in bank account inquire they just should be omitted in Bank Inquiry listing. This can be achieved by sql modification in get_bank_trans_for_bank_account() function.



(12 replies, posted in FA Modifications)


Nice feature, however it needs some cleanups to be integrated in FA sources.

1. Edition can easily lead to negative balance on account which is not acceptable especially accounts of  on cash type. At least check_valid_entries() has to be  modified to forbid such situations testing change in transfer value against future account history.  But generally I guess it will be hard to achieve when edition is done as void/insert sequence instead of transaction modification, and without any limits (keep in mind situation, when one changes not only amount but also to/from accounts during edition).
2. Voided entries are still visible as zero amount transfers in bank account history.
3. There are a couple of small problems with variables declarations, which are not visible until debugging mode is on. Please set  $go_debug=1 in your config.php file during development to see it.
4. For better UI consistency I would also add edition links to bank transfers in 'Bank Account Inquiry' page.
